Adventure & Activity Marketing Pros - The Podcast

New Year....New Tour Operator....With Special Guest Jared Broach | Episode 30

AAMP Agency Episode 30

So new year and our first guest to ring in 2022, is one of our favorites, Jared Broach with Eat Drink Scare.  He runs one of the largest ghost tour pub crawls in 17+ cities around the US along with some very cool Cable Car Wine Tours in California and Texas.  This guy is tourism!! In this episode we talked about all sorts of stuff including the upcoming Arival event, things happening in Tourism around the globe and just BS'd about business, and whats all happening around us.  This was a really fun podcast to record and we hope you feel the same.  If you havn't yet registered for Arival, you can do so by clicking here.  We will be at the event all week and we look forward to meeting up with our old friends and making a bunch of new ones.

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Jaden Cymbaluk:

321 What's going on everybody welcome back to the podcast adventure and activity marketing pros at Jaden symbol UK in studio here at an agency we got Steve Edwards. No so got our guest, Jared. Eat Drink scare. How're you doing today? Good good. You got you guys got so many businesses with with what that is that you just you had to keep that name everything tell us what you do tell us tell everybody on our listeners now you got nightly spirits. You got the cablecar Wine Tours.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, we dabble in a little bit of everything. But yeah, I mean, this was my seventh episode with you guys. So if you don't know me already, it's

Stephen Edwards:

symbolism back.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I was like, no,

Stephen Edwards:

maybe three or four but it's all good.

Jared Broach:

Yeah. Now we do you know, ghost tours, pub crawls, food tours, wine tours on historic cable cars. Got some rental properties?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, yeah. Venturing into everything. Yeah. What uh, yeah, you're you came in. You're in Vegas. You're here. We said, Hey, stop on down. Come jump on an episode with us. Let's shoot the shit your

Stephen Edwards:

first while you're not our first we had the TIC tock, bro. No, we didn't. Greg. We've had a few people in the office already. Yeah, the new office so yeah, I guess it's good thing. We built it.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, I mean, this is like the most epic radio station I've seen. Yeah, this

Stephen Edwards:

lottery. This is the best podcast studio for our you know, 45 listeners. 50 listeners. Yeah, I

Jared Broach:

mean, I'm really happy and how nice this place is

Stephen Edwards:

your YouTube it's that's No shit. Your mom My mom tears. She's like, wow, look at all those money that goes out the

Jared Broach:

window. Yeah, I think our families make up half the listen.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

They do. They do. So this episode is brought to you by car Campbell Soup.

Stephen Edwards:

Your mom

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Huh? Good. Actually had I later on? I actually had some questions for you guys. Later on. I'm gonna bring you guys in a little. Versus like, who knows more like, is it Steve or Jaron? Will trivia? Oh guys ready for that? Or what?

Jared Broach:

Can we do that like tick tock where he gets the net worth of the individuals and hey, the know actually what they are like true or false?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Is he? Yeah, yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

We've put out there that's not good for either one of us. You know,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

is he cash or is he trash?

Stephen Edwards:

What is it those cash or trash?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What do you think would be an example of that? Like? Like, actually, that's a good good topic to bring out. So like Dave Portnoy, Dave Portnoy says cash

Jared Broach:

cash. Yeah, cash, but yeah, not as much as you think because I think I want to say barstools only like 450 million. That's what I got acquired for. That's what

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the got acquired.

Jared Broach:

So you know, he's

Stephen Edwards:

still worth$100 million.

Jared Broach:

I mean, his pizza review business has got to be worth, you know, a fair amount.

Stephen Edwards:

He's just yeah, he's cash all the way I can. I can if you've got over 10 million and you're in I mean, he's cash. Yeah, I'll give him cash.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, I think he's cash What about I mean, now that I'm kind of you guys follow? I like him in the travel and like, hospitality but king of Miami Dave Groopman. You ever seen him for his restaurants?

Stephen Edwards:

I didn't see it. I don't know the guy well enough. But um, you know, king of Miami.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Hold on, hold on, hold on real quick. Not familiar with him. So Dave, Dave Groopman is he owns live live Miami. He owns multiple restaurants. He also owns hotel.

Stephen Edwards:

And he's got a great hospitality.

Jared Broach:

So you guys are into the moda into the nightclub ownership.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

This is like last new it's bringing out something to it. Let's see living in

Jared Broach:

Denver. We don't get nightclubs. I mean, they just literally shut down the only two for like liquor violations.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's Poppy steak. Poppy steak. He owns that. So we also probably stick with the salt, salt Bay. like kind of

Jared Broach:

like that. But I thought it was like Nutter fucker or something like that was the

Jaden Cymbaluk:

poppy steak is one that kind of got popular from that. I listened to something

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, how do you know this guy died? Yeah, because all your Miami travels.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I thought well, I like this is nightlife hospitality entertainment. I follow stuff like this for food. He spoke at one of the things as well for like that Full Sail University. Because he's part of Florida.

Stephen Edwards:

David Beckham. Yeah, I

Jared Broach:

mean, who isn't? He's

Stephen Edwards:


Jaden Cymbaluk:

hospitality entrepreneur. Yeah, he's

Jared Broach:

a great guy that looks photoshopped. He's

Stephen Edwards:

proud on I don't think it's search search. Good

Jaden Cymbaluk:

time Hotel.

Jared Broach:

Oh, God, this is gonna take you to the next rate website. Steve.

Stephen Edwards:

Good. Hotel.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I hope this is what it's called a champ. So I like this hotel is owned with Pharrell forever. So I mean, he's kind of a somebody.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm gonna say that he's cash. I don't know the guy from Dick.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Okay, he's cash I guess. Okay, Mark Zuckerberg cash all the way.

Stephen Edwards:

You're not even asking.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, who would be trashed then?

Jared Broach:

on those Island boys,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

cuz I'm in ways that's fun. Yeah, it's cool. Have you been to South Beach? Miami?

Jared Broach:

I have there's actually one of my favorite Italian restaurants I can't remember the name it's right off of South Beach. Okay, so

Jaden Cymbaluk:

do you know how South Beach the restaurant row works it's there's Washington and then there's Ocean Avenue it's it's something like that but there's a rash there it's actually kind of cool how all it's how South beaches it's like one of the streets is called Washington. I think it's all retail on it or it's all restaurants and so usually if people named streets they kind of know

Jared Broach:

Yeah, it'll be a type one it could be search Parmesan cheese wheel with that Italian restaurant South Beach Parmesan cheese because what they do is they do this like pasta marinara and they bring it out in cheese on cheese wheel and they mix it up and then they put it on your plate it's frickin amazing

Stephen Edwards:

oh man there's me yeah the 10 minutes

Jared Broach:

oh Penny vino that's it yeah, up one up one there that's it

Jaden Cymbaluk:

oh pan in vino There you go. Yeah.

Jared Broach:

Like Washington

Stephen Edwards:

look at their reviews. Yeah, literally five star reviews. That's pretty impressive

Jared Broach:

with 4700 Reviews.

Stephen Edwards:

Right number number five restaurant Miami. Yeah, places epic.

Jared Broach:

If you're ever done in Miami, we'll see

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and that's all you have to do Steve like that street like Washington. That's what I was talking about Washington is all restaurants and then the one behind it is all like retail.

Jared Broach:

The other cool thing with this place is if you like tiramisu comes out in this like espresso thing and they just port oh my god it's so but don't want to go back search it on Instagram. There it's a tiny little place like it's hard to get it and

Jaden Cymbaluk:

they got I met pan and vino Instagram

Stephen Edwards:

gram I mean, I want to go What's the I still want to go to Delilah can't get a reservation? Yeah, I was I'm not that cool. I don't think that's it I'm sure this is awesome. Like yeah, go Yeah, never mind. Maybe we should do our Christmas party there next year.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No, I would. I've ever been like do you like in Vegas? Speaking of like restaurants in Italian like Carbone? If you ate a carbone

Stephen Edwards:

I have not ate at Carbone by here. It's amazing.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I've ordered the pasta sauce. Now. Yeah, it is good. It's good

Stephen Edwards:

in the mail. What do you mean? You just didn't go there? Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like you're like Trump sauce and stuff. Like you can order it.

Stephen Edwards:

Was it worth it? Because I'm sure it was way overpriced I'm sure is like $23 For

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it was like a deal that's gonna cost us by two jars.

Stephen Edwards:

Get why two jars. You got the third one free

Jaden Cymbaluk:

for $9.40 $5 for shipping. Yeah, it was a great product overall great deal

Jared Broach:

shipped off to cater. It's just like the people that older from gold belly and I'm like Jesus Christ. I thought okay. From there,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think that is crazy. But I've seen it North Dakota people have

Stephen Edwards:

they always ordered from that. What's that New York deli, okay at the

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Santa cats deli, and they also cheese steaks. A lot of people do cheese steaks from Golden paths. And, yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

I'm going there. I'm gonna be in

Jared Broach:

Philly next week. No, you're have to let me know if you're Pat's or Geno's go.

Stephen Edwards:

I heard I'm not supposed to go to either because they're just tourists bullshit trout. Oh, my keep my kids even already. Like we can't go to Pat's and Geno's my kid like lives. I don't know our out of Philly. So I fly into Philly. And then we're gonna go get cheese sticks. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

yeah, I've know where it is. There's like one. John Han. He's from Philly. And so he talks about but I just heard a podcast to those on the other day, and they said the third best place but everybody says yeah, Patrick. It is. It's good.

Jared Broach:

It's like arguing with people from Chicago for pizza. Like oh my god, like,

Stephen Edwards:

I'm excited to go. I mean, I've never been to Philly. I I'm definitely gonna go fuckin Philly cheese steak. Feels like a mistake to go and not have on.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, it's funny to me. It's kind of like you're going to fill it the wrong time of year. Oh,

Stephen Edwards:

I am not to be honest with you. I'm actually not that interested in going to Philly. I'm going to see my kid for a couple days. It's, you know, parental duties. I feel like I gotta go. Check him.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So Philadelphia. Okay, this is a question. Name three landmarks. As between Jared and Steve, who knows more. I'll fail those three landmarks in Philadelphia.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, where rocky ran up the

Jared Broach:

stairs of the Rocky Balboa steps and that's a good one.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, and then I would honestly the only other one I would know is the Pat's and Geno's is like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean, usually, historically, when we're talking about America is you know,

Jared Broach:

is it a monument at the stadium? Really? Throw? You know, snowballs at Santa Claus? Is that not?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

There's a couple parts? Is it was Ben Franklin from there? I don't know. I yeah, I

Stephen Edwards:

know. Absolutely nothing.

Jared Broach:

I lived on the East Coast. You know, for almost 10 years. I can tell you. I've been to Philly, the least of any city on the entire east coast. Like it's just it never like it. You know, maybe it's underrated. Maybe you know, it's also good. effin cold during the winter there. So I

Stephen Edwards:

know they have the anger sports yams for sure. Yes, I would be angry too if I lived in an absolute shit Ville and I was freezing.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I did a what I did a wedding in Philadelphia and then went to New York and then so we were in Philadelphia, or we took a cab from because Atlantic City is close. That's where everybody goes.

Stephen Edwards:

Like when you sit close, how close like 45 minutes

Jaden Cymbaluk:

45 minutes, and that's where people go gamble on the East Coast. That's why Atlantic City always had that destination. It was supposed to be the Vegas of Yeah,

Jared Broach:

I mean, I know a lot of people go I've never been to a city either. But an hour.

Stephen Edwards:

This is an Atlantic City just like going off on.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No, it's It's better. But what what kind of sucked or what really took it out was just like how Vegas in 2009 and stuff like when the recession happened. They like Atlantic City got kind of shitted on well,

Jared Broach:

and they legalized gambling and way more cities on the East Coast, like so like Baltimore's but you know, Atlantic City is bigger

Jaden Cymbaluk:

than it's bigger than like Laughlin. The hotels are way bigger than like Laughlin. Oh, but like it's shitty. You know what I mean? Like, like, it's just shit. Like, you. You look at it. It's like, it's kind of like trash. You know what I mean? Like in the waterways and stuff. Like it's just just east coast vibes, I think. I don't

Stephen Edwards:

know. It's like, high. You're in Newark, New

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Jersey. But also this is the fucking crazy thing. So yeah, then. Okay, so we stayed in Atlantic City first and then like, my wedding was in Philadelphia, but then I took a private car to New York. I mean, it sounds crazy, but it's really Yeah,

Jared Broach:

no, that I mean, you know, I live in when I lived in DC. The whole east coast is accessible like New York to DC is like four hours. We you know, for 20 bucks. You could take a bus from Chinatown straight to New York. And yes, it was epic. But that's why I think I didn't go to Philly is because everything bypasses Philly. You're like, you're either going to New York, or you're going to DC and you don't stop in Philly at all.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think we flew into No, I guess we flew because then we flew out. We flew into Philly. I think that's what it is. flew into Philly. Went to Atlantic City stayed there. Then wedding was back then. And I flew out of New York LaGuardia. Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

I threw it out there to my kids saying we could go into New York City. He didn't seem all that excited about it. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you're really not that far. And it's, I feel like I need to just being there. But so the coolest thing I did in New York was just because it was kind of was that stupid pedal bike thing. But it was in April. So the weather was nicer. But they showed you like, Hey, this is old New York rich New York where people live like the towers. This is Central Park, you know, I mean, you kind of get

Stephen Edwards:

the feel like I'm going at 100% the wrong time.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, you're you're absolutely I would never go to New York. I mean, you already missed all, mister. Yeah. So it's like, that's why you go to New York.

Stephen Edwards:

Currently, that's what I said in Christmas in New York or going to excuse me, or going to see like to one time? I know now everybody's

Jared Broach:

Yeah, I mean, well, so I, I haven't been to New York since the pandemic times. But I gotta imagine, I mean, time scores usually happening, but it's probably not. It's probably like pretty

Stephen Edwards:

we talk. I would just go to eat. I want to go What's the I want to go to Peter Luger? Yeah. Have you been there? Yeah. So is it good, bad, indifferent? Alright, it's

Jared Broach:

fine. stakeout? Everything. I feel like everything is overrated in New York. Okay. And it's, you know, I mean, there's some holes in the walls, I think that are better nowadays. You know, my sister in law, and they still live in like, Brooklyn. So I still get back there on occasion. Yeah. And yeah, so Peter Luger is right down the street from them. We went,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, my only connect and ever been Luger. But I mean, Jimmy Fallon when I thought that was always cool when you watch the news. And you know, like the big news and like they're showing like, you can literally see almost the building that you're staying in, like when the news people are like, Oh, let's see around New York for the day. And you're like, Well, that's exactly where I am. And we went to a restaurant or we had reservations, the Russian I think it was called like, no matter something like that. The next week, Jimmy Fallon's like, went to this restaurant. It was called nomad. And I was like, Damn, that was one we're gonna go to.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, there's like some really, like, you know, New York has everything. So it's, it's kind of cool. You don't have to dine at the ones that everybody knows that you can find better stuff. Like there's this. You know, there's a lot of underground stuff. But it's also like, there's just weird. Like, I think it's called like smorgasbord or like Brook. It's something in Brooklyn where they have all these food trucks. Oh, and he's just like, during the summer and spring and honestly, it's called like smorgasbord. If you probably Google it, you probably probably say like Williamsburg, Lex morgase. Whatever.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm not that excited about it. I'm excited to go see my kid and we'll hang out. We'll go do the damn thing. But yeah, I have no idea. Maybe we don't go to New York City. Maybe we wait. Yeah. Take it or leave it.

Jared Broach:

I don't think I mean this much.

Stephen Edwards:

I think it's crazy. So I that's definitely not my vibe anyway. So why?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So tell me tell me this. And then since we got Jared here, and he likes to sometimes talk about, we could talk about it too, because how Omicron and delta and everything has been affecting places and Yeah, but how come? New York is like not a topic where every day that they were doing I reported the report of the city I reported this you know what I mean? Am I Am I just missing it?

Stephen Edwards:

I think this is missing. I think it's I think they're tighter. No. Yeah. What I'm saying though.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, I mean, I yeah, I think you are less like out in Vegas, you're less likely to get the New York like City News.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Governor, the governor, what's his name every day was on Fox News. Yeah.

Jared Broach:

They've been laying low. But I think you're also Yeah, that fire there this weekend. So they're not talking about like that's made the big news up and tell me about this fire killed like 17 or 19 people or something like

Stephen Edwards:

that. In New Yorker. I know that there's you want to call her I know, there was in

Jared Broach:

New York City. So now it's been fires. And that's good. Yeah. So New York City, like had this like a space heater burned out or burn part of this building? Like, I think there's 17 People have died. I did

Stephen Edwards:

see this about all these students up in New York City that were super pissed because now they've done all the restrictions on their college stuff, where they're like, supposed to lock down for for college. And they're like, we're paying, you know, yeah. 35 $40,000 a year. Yeah, like, fuck off.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, you're not I don't think you're hearing as much about New York because right now what

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's not it's just not shut down. And like it was where it was.

Jared Broach:

Actually, just I think you can hear it everywhere. But I think he did go to like, five years and older like vaccination requirement or they just wanting

Jaden Cymbaluk:

people to vaccinated and

Stephen Edwards:

not a vaccine dog and everything.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, no, I mean, I think that because they made news the other day because they like wouldn't let some news from like MSNBC go in because his four year old wasn't vaccinated. He's like, I can't vaccinate her.

Stephen Edwards:

I heard a crazy Yes. Yeah, she was just down in Florida. She definitely got shit on in Florida.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Today. Oh, so you got Yeah, got sick or whatever.

Stephen Edwards:

She ran her mouth from Florida.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What experts say us nearing almond crowns? I didn't hear about that, that middle of January. So it's like, we got a couple more weeks. That's supposed to be the

Jared Broach:

Yeah, as long as don't cancel the world between now and then like, get, get to the peak and get down. Come on. I will say from you know, like my perspective of, you know, owning tours. You know, this is definitely the slowest time of year for us. But it's also the most cancellations I've ever seen since trout marches.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So what 2020 What we're hearing about that too, and even like older people are, because my grandparents, they booked a flight and they, you know, oh, let's just book it, and then we can cancel it. You know what I mean? So I think I'm in the tour business. Now. People are good at using that COVID reason?

Jared Broach:

Yeah, I mean, they do that a lot. And you know, we can we kind of I mean, we still have a pretty strict, you know, we'll give everybody a voucher to reschedule Sure. But you know, like, when you've booked up half our tickets, like, we're never gonna let you like just cancel and like, hold the tickets last minute, right?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, that's probably some early COVID stuff. Like, yeah, we're days and we're way past,

Jared Broach:

like, so now. It's like, Hey, you can reschedule your flights. risco ever we took pretty much the airline policy, right, and applied it across the board.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

But But I think a lot of people didn't even didn't even have that mindset. So I see like, that's why you're getting a lot of like, oh, book it and then cancel it. Companies,

Jared Broach:

I get more I'd say I get more people to understand. They don't really care. They know they're gonna reschedule it as soon as again, I get more of these assholes that are like, Oh, you want me just come in effect everybody. I'm like, Yeah, sure. Yeah. Hey, how about you just send me your your test results? Because I guarantee you're probably not you're just definitely to cancel and the only the people that are faking it. You don't make such a big deal. Everybody else is like totally cool.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No, for sure. Yeah. I did see a meme though. Where people and I didn't even think about this so funny with all those at home test now. Now that you see him way more, that people are just drawing like lines. And then show like, you're like, take a picture of it. You know,

Jared Broach:

I've been waiting for people to like send me like a pregnancy test because they look it looks

Stephen Edwards:

the same thing. Yeah. Why wouldn't you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

do that? Like you get them saying like if if I was like, Hey, Steve, I'm sick. I'm sick this week. Yeah. 10 days. I'm off.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I mean, you're not even allowed to do that anymore. Five days yeah.

Jared Broach:

So at Walmart to cut their pay or cut their in half you if you're out sick five days or a week and so two weeks.

Stephen Edwards:

Wow. Yeah, there's no reason. Oh, we got

Jaden Cymbaluk:

we got a cool new perk here. And we're good.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, we just let it come to work sick. Yes. We don't want to

Stephen Edwards:

you know, I'm not okay with that. Jared. Okay, I'm not okay with that. No, we just instilled unlimited PTO.

Jared Broach:

See, okay, this is a great topic, because, you know, I've seen people do this all the time, and it never made any goddamn sense. It didn't because I'm like, if I take too much, they're gonna fire me. And if I take too little, I'm losing.

Stephen Edwards:

It's more it's figured out more for those Tuesday's you know, Tuesdays when you got to take a kid to the dentist. Yeah, I've got shit going on. You know we got Pete You know, people are sick and we are far more project based where everybody knows what the responsibilities are.

Jared Broach:

So but what if you have an employee that's like literally taken off every Friday?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's allowed. I mean, it's

Stephen Edwards:

actually not allowed if you read it you're not allowed to just take a Friday off of a week.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, of a week. Sometimes legally.

Stephen Edwards:

Do it someone just can't

Jaden Cymbaluk:

five days get auto approved.

Jared Broach:

Just can't be announced. Is this like that Powerball jackpot with yesterday. It's like 600 million, but it's really like 200 minutes,

Stephen Edwards:

like 24 bucks.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

But I also I like one thing that I see about it and just from even the agency world or even like, hourly, you know, sometimes you have people I don't think people are, I think they're still gonna work their hours. But you know, like, when it's like you're coming into work just to come into work, like, you know, you're going to leave the day before or leaving the day before your Thanksgiving, right?

Jared Broach:

Yeah. You know, I just I struggle with like, unstructured allows so the people liked it too from or I you know, it just so for me, it's, I mean, they're gonna lose that, or I'm gonna win that and then I'm gonna get fired, like those would you know, like, I don't feel like, like, I'd always be in this is coming from I worked in a lot of big corporations, right. So it's like, my boss would have been like, Huh. Gerrard's taken four weeks of vacation this year. It's unlimited. But you know, it wouldn't matter that he was getting a job.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I'll let you know. On the podcast for next year. I'll be there. We'll see. Everything be like where's Jaden. And well, I think he's it Yeah, but it took a little too much. PGL is

Stephen Edwards:

gonna be the abuser James like, I don't know. Seven weeks in. Alright.

Jared Broach:

I mean, I think in your guys's industry that makes more sense than like, like, you guys can work at night or whatever to get your job done. Now, my people like what are the Yeah, for guide? Oh, hey, man. Oh, wow. Tonight, midnight, like

Stephen Edwards:

this isn't company. You know, I can do this on the rental side. This Yeah. Doesn't work that way. Yep. This is agency wide. And I mean, it makes us a more appealing place to work. We're growing. We're trying to recruit talent. I mean,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I put my, um, my salespeople, they have to work a certain amount. And I

Jared Broach:

just mentioned, guess what it costs $0 to implement this. Yeah, zero versus like, rolling out matching 401k or healthcare. It's like, hey, this doesn't have any cost. We already have that. But it's like you don't say when I when I used to look at jobs back back in the day. And it was like, oh, snack machine vending machine. You know, it's like all these like cool little perks. Like, you suckers.

Stephen Edwards:

If you walked by that foosball table, but I'm not a foosball guy like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

hey, you know, that's been my honestly, that's been my thing. But if

Jared Broach:

you have one of those like, you remember the carnival game where you roll the bowling ball up and got to get you know where the bowling balls got to get like stopped in the second section? Yeah, one of those I play all day. Just like we gamble on that. Will

Stephen Edwards:

that make you work here though?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, my I wish I wish my by the last year was that that basketball machine? I wish I kept it for here because I would have been.

Stephen Edwards:

That would have been fun.

Jared Broach:

Now. That's what about one of those game works is going bankrupt? Are they close? So you guys could buy some of the games

Stephen Edwards:

out arcade machines. There's so much money. They're just dumb. I kicked myself because back in the day, I had a NBA Jam and I Terminator two sold them and a Street Fighter and I sold them and now now there's so much money.

Jared Broach:

I'm gonna go steal the buck on about that

Jaden Cymbaluk:

hoop was a hoop fever. That was nice. But not the one that move that one was always that's a good one though.

Stephen Edwards:

I would love a late model. Golf. What's the Yeah, the PGA one? Yeah.


rollerball one that Oh, golden tee

Stephen Edwards:

golf. I'd love that. But yeah, I'm not going 6000 bucks on I got them gold. They're

Jaden Cymbaluk:

expensive now because people want him in their house. Yeah, that's, like more of a collector's on a search that actually that's a good topic, because I did want to talk about, like attraction places and stuff. But yeah, game works closes permanently. Yeah,

Jared Broach:

I you know, I wanted our New Orleans location to have one of those voltar machines, you know, like, oh, yeah, that's fun. Dude. They're like $12,000

Stephen Edwards:

pinball machines. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And you guys been? I drove the strip this morning, the pinball Hall of Fame.

Stephen Edwards:

Cuz you smile. Most places have not made it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I do have a so my dad in North Dakota has a ACDC pinball machine like it came out or a new it's new, newer. You know what I mean with the last 10 But I'm like, see, that's cool. Like, I'm gonna like I'm gonna keep that. Like, we should never get rid of it, you know? Sure. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, I'm I'm sure that just made news. News. Yeah. But did you hear anybody like Did you ever hear GameWorks advertise? Well, I feel like they ever competed against Dave and Busters.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, that's kind of what I was gonna go with. Because like, I mean, town square one. I mean, we always talked about that next to the movie theater. But like, where would you? Where would you? I look at GameWorks and even like a Dave and Busters kind of like a movie theater. Like, movie theaters were kind of nostalgic. People really thought like, oh, kids games, arcades, you know, is it now a thing of the past like family fun centers?

Stephen Edwards:

Like not even busters opening in New York Galleria.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What's your opinion on

Jared Broach:

that? I went to Dave and Busters maybe three four months ago. The food was so damn bad. That's like Applebee's. It's worth like it used to be when I was a kid. I felt like I remember being good now. It's like gone downhill. So I was like, I was like, I'm never eating here again now. But I still have like a million points on my card. So you know from growing up, but you know, as a kid I went to game works and Dave and Busters in bakwin. Game works was a lot of fun. I don't I can't tell you last time I went to a game works, but they've all been closed.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So my thoughts behind this is and then remember that the text I sent you about the puck stroke? Yeah. Okay. So I'm thinking that video games like this type of like nostalgia is just not a thing to the generation now. You know what I mean? They don't like Dance Dance Revolution. They don't like skee ball law. Okay, there's

Jared Broach:

a funny that's exactly. DDR.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Like, I mean, yeah, I mean, there's certain games their parents do, right? Like it's kind of like going back to like bowling alleys coming back. You know what I mean? A roller skating rinks like right like us, that age group is gonna do it, but it's not gonna be all kids.

Jared Broach:

I think they're, you know, like didn't busters when I was there had quite the virtual reality kind of area now. And I think they're moving to like, where it's like, we're gonna put in stuff that you can't necessarily do

Jaden Cymbaluk:

at home. But it's also to a pandemic, kind of, I mean, I've heard like the movie theater. Yeah. Oh, for

Stephen Edwards:

sure. Well, the pot this year is going to be fire. We're okay. But

Jaden Cymbaluk:

this is the one I sent us it was an Atlanta based one. That's a different than this. Yeah, this is Tiger Woods though. But that's why it's got that that's why it's got the appeal. I think the other one is actually it's a cool it's a cool concept.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know this. This goes after that top golf

Jared Broach:

opening pop stroke opening in Vegas, where they're all

Stephen Edwards:

over Florida now. It'll come to Vegas. That'll be in Vegas.

Jared Broach:

I don't know. I like Top Golf. I hate really not stand I think it's the like, I love it. Yeah, you know ever a lot of people do. It's like I'm just over like have gone like It's like every contractor in my life. Like when I you know, do elevators it's literally what they were they all want to go so it's like you go for every event

Stephen Edwards:

and that's a fun place to go on like a house drinks.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, it's just I'm I'm over.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I agree. I feel the same vibe about it too. It's also hard to play. It's hard to play like a real game or kind of fuck off. It's like I think you either have to go with it with people that enjoy being competitive in a sense where you're actually playing the game not is like a casual fuck off. everyone you know? Yeah, it just gets kind of boring. Does doesn't to my right. It's

Jared Broach:

like the same every time you go it's the same thing right? It's the same food same I mean, the drinks change a little bit the food is I mean, especially because it's always catered food whenever I go cuz

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I didn't check Atlanta

Jared Broach:

this is this is I could have gone to this was just

Stephen Edwards:

just in the ATL but three

Jaden Cymbaluk:

point I know this is go but this is also it's kind of it's kind of got a little widget that say in an

Jared Broach:

upscale neighborhood.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, they are new it's all part of the Gen furcation but I can see this going into like a town square and replacing like a game works.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, it's already a lot of places

Jared Broach:

and a lot of deadlocks.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh it's all coming soon it's not workplaces click Denver. It's brand new.

Jared Broach:

It's not opening I know but doesn't have an address doesn't know where to go. No,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think it's a I think it's a build it and they will come and tell No, I

Stephen Edwards:

can put it on your website.

Jared Broach:

This is popping right. I mean, like did you guys have those? Punchbowl socials, I just thought they

Stephen Edwards:

didn't know that. Well. There's one in Denver.

Jared Broach:

They have Yeah, they were they're all close now. Are they?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, but you know, kind of what was the concept behind it? And

Jared Broach:

it's essentially bowling games. But mixed with good food and good drink. Well, why don't they work?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yes. Like, why

Stephen Edwards:

didn't why are they not working? Well, they

Jared Broach:

got crushed, I think. Yeah, they're dead. Like Cracker Barrel put 100 million bucks into them right before they went bankrupt.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's what I think that's why I think part of these. I think this is something COVID killed. Yeah. Family amusement park. stuff. Yeah. And even like,

Jared Broach:

but yeah, they're reopening a few of them, but they're mostly still closed.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, I it doesn't, it's so lame that like, we don't get adulting right. But I end up feeling like it's one of those things where in theory, it's like the pricing is adult you have to be an adult to go. Yeah, because there's not It's not like you can go drop. What was that place in Colorado Springs where the video game place where kids just got dropped off the boardwalk? Was it

Jaden Cymbaluk:

we got dropped? Are you talking about like the Wolf Lodge?

Stephen Edwards:

No, not that one our kid place in Colorado Springs.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Maybe Oh, in Manitou and the old school No, no, no, no, that

Stephen Edwards:

was just it was like gonna fucking came in. And when I was young, it felt huge. It felt like the biggest place ever. And it had all the video games and you just got a video game card and you played forever. And it was kind of grimy and disgusting. I want to say it was the boardwalk

Jaden Cymbaluk:

or just like Laser Quest to but then I know what you're talking about. Remember how popular laser tag was? And that's what I'm saying. Is it is it a thing of of the years. It's not a long term business like right, you almost got to like, did these putt shacks turn into like does the Punchbowl make themselves where they build out one year like hey, check out our sweet new, they stay as a Punchbowl but maybe they build the mini golf

Stephen Edwards:

I knew it was called this Yeah, this is a closed boardwalk USA. nickels and dimes are kid closed but I mean I think any businesses this is like from 20 years old. This is old all went bankrupt, I

Jared Broach:

guess. I mean, if you think about it

Jaden Cymbaluk:

on the hill, like the hill like I That little I can't even tell you. More doc USA 93 I didn't live there until all

Stephen Edwards:

Galleon circle. Oh, yeah, you were there. Yeah. Austin 95

Jared Broach:

You're showing your age right now.

Stephen Edwards:

I am. I'm old man.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, Steve. I wasn't here. Oh, I think that is Steve. Ah,

Jared Broach:

no, I mean, so the problem with these guys is that these are really restaurants and most restaurant Oh, black jacket. Blackjack pizza. Oh, God, Blackjack. So bad. Most restaurants think about them. Don't make them 10 years. They have to rebrand all the time. Yeah. And so you can't you can't get these businesses to sustain because they're essentially at the heart of it. It's still a restaurant.

Stephen Edwards:

Sure you it's a restaurant with an additional revenue generator.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Okay, then let me give you an example. Chuckie Cheese. How many times have been bankrupt?

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, yeah, that's all round very good cash while they're still

Jared Broach:

around, but it's it's because retorts, keep investing in bad business.

Stephen Edwards:

That's probably true. It's not good. It's not good food. Exactly. But it's

Jared Broach:

been bankrupt two or three times.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

But isn't that what isn't that part of the game? Kind of in some of the sense? Well, I mean, we're talking about corporate. Okay. The only thing is I did go to Chucky Cheese, because I did because I picked up excited to pick up the kids. And my one kid goes half day. So I was like, Well, I ain't going home. I'll just we'll go over to Chucky Cheese. Oh, and so I brought in banks and and Atwood. We were the only three people in there. They don't do they do cards. Now we just buy minutes. So the kid can play machine 1000 times 1000 times with nobody there. And I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. And the pizza wasn't that bad?

Jared Broach:

Yeah. I mean, that's always the problem. It's like the most, you know, I say this all the time. It's like, I've, until recently, I haven't invested in like breweries or anything like that. Because the ones that I like, where are they beer and food? Yeah, we end up in situations where they do the beer really well. Or they do the food really well. And they can't seem to do both. And beer is hard to eat. Yeah, I mean, so we finally invested in one and it's like, but they do really great pizza and have really great beer and it's like an enigma. But it's it's impossible find it same with these. It's like they either do the games really well or they do the food okay.

Stephen Edwards:

It is kind of depressing when you think on like the entertainment space because as an adult it is. The idea of going out to top golf in theory is awesome. Yeah, I'm the implementation of it. I can see where it is let down because you're having maybe a skosh better than Applebee's style food. But it's not anything to rave about. The food isn't like oh my god, they have the best burger in all the fucking lamb. They have an Applebee's? No, like top towel.

Jared Broach:

I agree. It's like they do everything just okay. And it's like, well, the golf is cool, but it's like,

Stephen Edwards:

how many times can you go golf? Right?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, a good example. I mean, we have gotten to the Colorado location compared to the Vegas location. The Vegas one is a little bit more on steroids, which makes it a little bit of cooler destination. Um,

Stephen Edwards:

what's the big bowling concept one that was super? Well isn't lucky strike. Strike?

Jared Broach:

Aren't they all gone? No. I have no idea. I know the one by me is closed. Or at least one of the tellers like bougie by Right, right. It's expensive bowling with crappy

Jaden Cymbaluk:

food. Like when I think though, bowling are those games in a sense. What was that place in Vegas, but bowling and rollerskating I think are nostalgic enough where it's going to come back in a certain thing to do, but they're not going to be as big like you're not gonna have a place with 30 lanes. You don't need 30 lanes, but like you can go bowling with four lanes. Roller

Jared Broach:

Skating is my game. I do like roller skates. So I have my first job weirdly like Lucky strikes Dade city. I inspect elevators and urine

Stephen Edwards:

in mine up. Oh,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

wow. Oh, skating. See, I like I like roller skating too. But you almost that's one of those businesses that you almost have to be in it. Yeah, make it make you know what I mean? It's like, because that's where I feel like some of them fail. Right? Like you fail if you're not don't have a hockey league to go with it or something. You know, like that extra stuff?

Jared Broach:

Yeah. I mean, you know, it's like anything. And I say this all the time. Crystal Palace is the Floyd Mayweather, so many people's like how, you know, like, you have this facility, right? It's like, well, it's only popular at these hours, right? It's like, think about like coffee shop. Right? So now these coffee shops all have wine because it's like, they die at noon, right? Nobody wants there's only a few people want coffee. And it's like, you got this huge building doing skating rink. And how do you like, nobody's gonna be there until what? 3pm 4pm like right after school that's about you know, the we field trips,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

schools go do that anymore. I don't think they do skates.

Stephen Edwards:

I just love skates. This is where I grew up. Don't

Jared Broach:

even get the teachers show up for work and that kids wearing a mask.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's interesting. Max made of the web on the website. The mouse stop field trips, STEM education, like the fundraisers they do all that shit.

Jared Broach:

I mean, my kids the only field trip they've done all year was to the Children's Museum. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

guess where my kid? Five? Yeah, yes. From guess where my fucking kids are. Guess my kid's going to fuck One kid and I thought that this was crazy if they're going to SeaWorld, what,

Stephen Edwards:

what how? Why,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that's what I said. I

Stephen Edwards:

like San Diego.

Jared Broach:

I don't even go to SeaWorld anymore. I thought they canceled SeaWorld.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, of all the things to get canceled. How is SeaWorld not canceled?

Jared Broach:

Did you remember?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

When isn't that great? Like, like, I'm like he's six.

Stephen Edwards:

That's a big field trip. That's what I said. Trying to think of it was the thing. I never went anywhere that cool the

Jared Broach:

Vegas arrival, or was it Orlando where the guy from SeaWorld he gave presentation on like, Oh, yeah. Black, whatever. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, and it was like Orca. I mean, it was like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

awesome to listen. Yeah, cuz I was like, crazy. That was that was in Vegas. That was the Vegas one. Yeah, cuz me and Steve, were in there. And I and when we did go to Orlando member, I was kind of like, I was kind of like, Hey, I kind of want to go to the main showroom to hear some of those stories again, from like, the last year because slasher, they're good. And then in Orlando, they kind of sucked. Yeah. Like it was like, yeah, like the stories. There was another one they predict because it was when the because it was before COVID I guess. And so they were predicting like all the things that was kind of when Airbnb was really hot. That and so it was like that was like the new thing. They talked about what it

Jared Broach:

was big on like Airbnb experiences. Yeah. And where the fuck did it go? It's still around. But it's like they talked

Jaden Cymbaluk:

about like, that was gonna be the disrupter. Yeah, well, Airbnb

Jared Broach:

is just totally done themselves. Like, they don't integrate into a single booking system. How like, so all you can have is Jason's meatball adventure run by Jaden at his mom's house? And it's like, Oh, you don't mind dog hair in your food? Right? It's fine. You know. So that's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

See, that's it. That's a cool point. Because we when we heard about that, I thought that that was an interesting thing, because I always use the example they use the perfect examples in that speech. Remember, like, make pasta with grandma in Italy? And you're like, Wow, that's a great business model. Like, you know what I mean? Like, how do you actually make this but then when it's exactly what you said, Do you want dark haired? And you're,

Jared Broach:

like, would be one thing if it was like, Hey, come to this restaurant and have this chef created meals?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, like gambling lessons. Yeah. Like, that's interesting. That's an okay. Look,

Jared Broach:

look, they don't like how many 32? Review?

Stephen Edwards:

There's no so club crawl, because the 835 but so this is a real, real operators.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

This club, the club girl. But yeah, even in what they even do, too, is a lot of these are sometimes even those hosts, because you can do this in Vegas. Yeah. You know what I mean?

Jared Broach:

And these are also don't forget experiences where they either add Yes, 10 people last second and not care.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And right, either. And Peter also works for Hockessin group full time.

Jared Broach:

Does he? Like an example? Exactly. Yeah. I mean, so this, this is what I'm talking about. So the only experience is the make it on there. And really, you're there technically, by the rules of Airbnb, you're not allowed to offer like, oh, it's gonna be a unique experience to Airbnb. So, you know, we wouldn't find that. It's like, oh, we could change one variable that really isn't a change and mark it on there. But they ask us all the time, and I'm like, No, I'm like, nope. They asked you. Yeah, they want us on there all the time. And I'm always constantly like, until you integrate, like, we we don't have the capabilities of taking bookings without going through our system.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, and this guy here offering like these kayak tours of like, the Colorado River, yeah, yes, to be permitted. Well, like he's not able to just run a takeout six, eight people, because he has a whim. I mean, this is a professional operator, you know,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

yeah, but that's this, but that is right. But Steve, what you just brought up is exactly what they talked about at that arrival thing. And they and people were saying that about, hey, well, I run a bus tour. You know, I mean, what makes Jim be able to just take a thing, and that was the example they were giving, like, I'm Peter, and I'm going to give you a tour of the Eiffel Tower. Yeah. And people are like, fuck, bullshit. No exact. I

Jared Broach:

mean, look, look at some of these. It's like 3.85 in there, or something with 3.85 stars listed like that's what

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the reason is, is because there's usually some bullshit crazy story because the customers that book this, yeah, are those random

Stephen Edwards:

people that book and I'm choosing glassblowing This is

Jared Broach:

where like, and I don't know if they'd allow it, but like marijuana tours, like, this is where you could probably do marijuana.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, we said, well, we even joked like, even if you are kind of that nightclub, like if I would be like, hey, go see five different DJs in Vegas with a DJ in you know, two seconds or something. You know what I mean?

Stephen Edwards:

So I was wanting to know how that actually works, because this idea that they're just gonna let you into five clubs. How the fuck are they doing that?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You can you gotta be there by 10 so they're just running

Stephen Edwards:

everybody through all these before 10 o'clock 10 to three

Jared Broach:

So explain to us an hour on each one. Because it's popular. There's a guy down in New Orleans does in Nashville. He's kind of I think it's like club girl. What? I just don't

Stephen Edwards:

I don't really understand how it would make sense either. If I'm, if I'm the wit and if I'm access Why am I letting these guys just come in?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Because this is because on certain nights, because a lot of them don't take place on Well, some of them do. But certain nights have certain promoters like you know Omnia jewel too. You know, I mean on the Tuesdays or something slower

Jared Broach:

nights or more nights one of those club crawls, see where what dasion book or go to their website,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

actually, their office used to actually be at our old one one of them

Jared Broach:

or something like it But I mean, listen, there's experiences forever that you know, like I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like I'd like the girls night out Vegas to a little bit.

Stephen Edwards:

Yes Vegas club crawl party bus tour.

Jared Broach:

Oh, they're taking you on a bus. Yes, you can do it. You can for me that seems like three to four venues one, they must be doing something else because you're not paying for vehicles to run free drinks free.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, there give me free

Jared Broach:

everything's free. Right. It's just buy your ticket. Everything's free.

Stephen Edwards:

Okay, so where can we go? Doesn't tell you? No,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

no, because because each night it's gonna map

Jared Broach:

book it on a Saturday night.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. Go Wednesday, Thursday.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Only song on Eventbrite. 60 bucks. Whoa. Oh,

Jared Broach:

it's more for men. Oh, this

Jaden Cymbaluk:

is? Well, yeah. Yeah. It's just like even strip club.

Stephen Edwards:

Let's go for the oh, I can get a year long pass. Oh, that sounds why would I want to? I mean, I guess

Jared Broach:

I get platinum crawl male $100

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, once I'm in the club, do I need to crawl anymore? Can I just use this forever? All the time. You just I have this like your long passes. That's just like my past. Again, any club anytime.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You know, it's funny. I just said it's our connection to this. Susan like I got a wallet for Christmas. So you know, when you pull out your old stuff that you have like in your wallet? Why?

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, hold on. Okay, finish restart. I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

go. And she was like, actually like, Why do you have these and I was like, I don't know. I've had that wallet for six, seven years but it was like one of those hustler club VIP sure things but I when I when we moved here I was like, well, because they said they if you're a local get this because then you never have to pay cover charge. And I thought you know, why not? Just your Vegas idea? Yeah. Oh, no, you pay they give you a VIP. It's hustlers VIP. Oh, but they take your ID one time. Show that your look. You know what I mean? Okay, the cover charge.

Stephen Edwards:

is getting a wallet as a Christmas gift. That's isn't that exciting?

Jared Broach:

Nobody's excited? Me? Well,

Stephen Edwards:

I don't want to know I need to buy me a fucking wallet. Agreed.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I agree. I

Stephen Edwards:

am picky as fuck about what I want to carry as a wallet.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yes, I got a new I mean, I love $1. Don't

Jared Broach:

you love all the new wallets though? She went with the air tags. And now your girlfriend's tracking your ass.

Stephen Edwards:

She puts the air tag on it. She's like, Yeah, I know where you're at.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No, I agree with you on that status. That's but I've gone to like Marshalls and Ross like 1000 times and I was looking at like cheap wallets sometimes. And I'm like, No, I need what kind of wallet Do you have? Let me

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, mine's on my desk.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. Yeah, I've

Stephen Edwards:

got mine. I like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but but yeah, and you're gonna have that for a while. Right? Yeah. So but

Jared Broach:

it stores like it's like, okay,

Stephen Edwards:

my wife went out and bought you one. Would you be annoyed?

Jared Broach:

She would know better than not like, but

Jaden Cymbaluk:

no, no. Or what if she bought you a new one that's similar to the one that you have.

Jared Broach:

I would take a new one of this version. This has everything I need. That's my example. I'm

Jaden Cymbaluk:

giving she was the same. She wasn't. I was not Yeah, she knows she didn't go out on the ladder and get a trifold

Stephen Edwards:

What the fuck is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

up? Does anybody use a trifold ever in your money opens up in the in the three? The three tiers?

Stephen Edwards:

Seven different ones.

Jared Broach:

Did you move your Chick fil A black card over?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No, that's kind of funny. Did he ever hear that?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. Well, I think you told it to him last time. You know, I

Jared Broach:

just thought on tick tock the other day that they have black cards that give

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh no, there's a funny I'll tell you. I'll tell you asked me to talk to

Stephen Edwards:

how do we get a Chick fil A black card? Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Jared Broach:

Influencers like I guess unless that was a fake tick tock because it did. I did find myself microwaving an Oreo the other night do

Jaden Cymbaluk:

we didn't diva make Tom we bought your McDonald's black card. Yeah, back

Stephen Edwards:

in the day for like Christmas. I got a McDonald's black card.

Jared Broach:

Man. I used to like I still have the Starbucks gold garden used to be like, legit, nobody had those. And now it's like everybody's got the gold card.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What is this Chick fil A black card?

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, do you actually like I just reload my card? I

Jared Broach:

like to but it's like on the gold card back in the day. They used to send you a gold card. Right? Yeah. And it was like nobody had it. I think it was like 25 visits and you know, whatever period of time. Now it's like so

Stephen Edwards:

if you travel way more than I do. I'm surprised you don't just have an Amex card. Just to get into the AMEX lounge.

Jared Broach:

It's because I already have like, United American like, I

Stephen Edwards:

like the Centurion lounges.

Jared Broach:

No, I know but it's like I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

when I did in Denver sucks. How much of it is annoying thing is that now, Denver's airports the worst in the country? Isn't it horrible now like how much I flew an airport now do you know because one of the clubs is closed? And it's fun and I

Jared Broach:

say this all the time? I'm like you got united whose hub like main hub is Denver? Yes. And we have the literally the world's worst lounge. I go to LA and anywhere else getting remodeled. Oh yeah, I've seen the plans. It looks so crappy. They finally

Jaden Cymbaluk:

opened up that temporary one way on like the

Stephen Edwards:

board so that's why I'm saying like it's almost like I feel like I should just get have the AMEX platinum. Just to get into the lounge because the lounge is great.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, I just want I just I have a bone to pick with American Express. I just don't like them. Yeah, you always got to have

Stephen Edwards:

that one day so that they just built a new one in the new Amex launcher in Vegas. Looks pretty dope. Yeah, I

Jared Broach:

vote with my wallet and American Express is not getting any of my money.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, I see. Like I agree with like some of those cuz I thought the same With actually switching my United card to the to the club one instead of like the blue one, because it's like you pay for that too, just as much as an annual membership anyways, you're there and I'm like, oh, that's kind of makes sense.

Jared Broach:

If if you know how much my kids eat in the United lounge, I'm more than pay off my membership.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Do you know what? Yeah. Okay, we'll do that's why I actually started doing it because I says, you as one person, if you get a beer or drink or something like that. It's like you're spending $50 Anyways, so I was like, why don't I just go get a one time pass even if I needed to, because you can get everything drinks.

Jared Broach:

The only time like, I don't even ever go because when I travel by myself for business, I show the airport 10 minutes before my flight. So I never get in there. But when I travel kids, it's like you got to get there and check all the bags and it's like, yeah, and you're gonna um, connect Yes, I'm

Jaden Cymbaluk:

never Yeah, that's so but it's like I spent two hours in the club waiting for my flight Denver was the worst to share because I got that one layover that or the one overnight canceled. Yeah, that's security like that had like, I can't believe that didn't get more talked about on like national news. Like had the lines outside and all that. Yeah.

Jared Broach:

Like that was crazy. It was it's funny because I was there and it was crazy busy. And then like today I flew. Nobody, like not a soul at the airport. Like I got I got electric charging on my car, which I never get, because it's always full. But it's like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Isn't that funny to like, the things that they put in a long time ago, like stupid things that are just like, oh, this is gonna make more people get cars and then

Jared Broach:

yeah, but I will say spent three days stuck at the Detroit airport during a blizzard last year and I'm telling you what I would sure wish I flew out of there more like that airport is actually pretty nice. Which airport Detroit really? The Delta section is like no, you don't want the other sections but delta is real sorry.

Stephen Edwards:

I just got I'm blown away like why is this guy doing this bookings on Eventbrite?

Jared Broach:

Cuz he's not because bookings just gotta be

Jaden Cymbaluk:

doing some now they are cuz they get a lot of reviews. And then this one had like 12

Stephen Edwards:

on on here or maybe?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, this is on Airbnb. Go to Google.

Jared Broach:

Google. It wasn't even there. Matt back didn't even show up. It was a

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I got a search throw with.

Jared Broach:

That's good old marketing agency. Oh.

Stephen Edwards:

different keywords. Yeah, use

Jared Broach:

the long tail ship.

Stephen Edwards:

It'll show up. World crawl for 30 minutes, whatever. But yeah, I still like why would you? This one's closed? Oh, well, it's an it's just because my time of the day. I mean, but I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

think this one they're coming from LA. I think he's bringing people from LA on

Jared Broach:

out of here. So I'm just wondering, could you take a helicopter from LA to here? No. Is that too far?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We are early in the helicopter. Tuition. No, I don't I don't think I think a lot of people do. No, I

Stephen Edwards:

think it's too far

Jared Broach:

is I just wondered if you can fly to the Grand Canyon stuff pretty cheap. Like I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

just went I don't think it's I don't think it's too far. I just don't think it for too. It's it goes back to that like doesn't make sense because it might be jets flying stuff. I don't know.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know that. I mean, I don't I don't Yeah, just over to the Atlantic Terminal. The those jets get up and down pretty quick. I

Jared Broach:

know. But it was like, you know, I was flying flying out of here tomorrow. And you know, you guys all Vegas has like no directs to like anywhere except la x. Right? Or I mean, Denver, but it's like I was going to California. And I should not it was like I had to go to San Francisco to get to San Diego. The only airline I could fly was southwest.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, cuz you have but it also is gonna see you have to search it because certain airlines like Southwest you have to go direct to their website like I do. Yeah,

Jared Broach:

I know how to search an airline Jaden.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I forget about that. Because doesn't Spirit do that too.

Jared Broach:

I don't I will fly them unless it's a blizzard. That's the only the only time I flew them was the only flight

Jaden Cymbaluk:

out I think right but then I think that's your promise because Spirit flies Vegas to San Diego. Yeah, so

Jared Broach:

I wouldn't have flown them anyway. But But Southwest was just so fucking donkey. Well, jet suites didn't fly the right days of the week. Like they don't fly well. Not to they fly to LA but they don't fly to like San Diego.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It says two to two and a half hours to five hours for travel. So about 250 miles is the average of a helicopter.

Stephen Edwards:

Okay. I love I can see they don't fly Tuesdays. That's crazy. Yeah, but

Jared Broach:

that's every airline like well with you know, the pandemic Omicron it's they've all canceled so many flights that there's nothing left.

Stephen Edwards:

Honestly after flying JSX and just dealing with the Atlantic Terminal all that I would change my date. Yeah, I would seem to just figure out flying JSX everywhere.

Jared Broach:

The worst is still flying into Vegas and getting a car because the car rental is just atrocious here.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, for like, just even normal travel coming in.

Jared Broach:

Dude. It's like yeah, wait for the bus. It's like God, you might as well be in Denver. I'd be already home.

Stephen Edwards:

That's crazy. Yeah, okay. Well, what the hell yeah, don't

Jared Broach:

run a car. Run I

Stephen Edwards:

guess. I guess I'm not running a lot of cars. You should hit me up. Turns out I know a guy who runs cars. Fucker. Yeah, yeah. Interesting. All right, well, moving on. What else you got?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh my god. That

Stephen Edwards:

was a good nap. And over there you fucking fall asleep 530

Jared Broach:

Jaden still looking up to 545 overtime pay

Jaden Cymbaluk:

good thing. See this is where that unlimited PTO comes. Loaded PTO, because you're coming in. I know. We talked about it. I didn't write it down, which I was horrible at. We had a couple good conversations. But uh, no, no, it's on us. We didn't talk about what did we know we can do with the when the back door

Stephen Edwards:

without the back door? Oh, I wanted to talk about this, um, Ireland completely lifted their travel restrictions. Ireland's just like, Come, let's party. I mean, I think they're having to

Jaden Cymbaluk:

at this point, like if St. Patty's Day is right around the corner. That's true.

Stephen Edwards:

I thought that was interesting of all the places like, I know, you know, I have no interest in going to Ireland. But I think every every female I've ever talked to they're just like, I just want to visit Ireland. I'm like, Are you Irish? Now? Yeah. Or do you? Do you enjoy drinking super thick beers? No. Are you missing in Ireland? Don't

Jared Broach:

you want to golf there? Is it?

Stephen Edwards:

I know some guy? I'm the rocks.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's gone.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I'm not. I mean,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but i i Ireland did have when in that one of the PD. Was

Stephen Edwards:

you ever been Ireland? No, I I've always been on your list. Is it like a place where you're like diamond go see,

Jared Broach:

you know, weirdly there's not much on my travel list. I remember overtime.

Stephen Edwards:

You're not a beach guy either.

Jared Broach:

No, I am. I'm not like if I'm, I'm a lake guy. Like I like the lake. Steve. Where

Jaden Cymbaluk:

did you you just went on a cruise. And yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I mean, we went, you know, that bullshit cruise out of LA down to n Sanada. I mean, it's just three days. It's it's fun. Something tacos and tequila. Yeah, it's just that's a drinking cruise. So nothing else to do. But just drink. It's nothing. And Ensenada is the armpit of fucking Mexico. It

Jared Broach:

wasn't busy or No, no, it wasn't. Yeah, yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, the boats. Huge as you're well aware that what did they say? It's 1000 guests on board or something like that. So there was 12 of you know, that's how many was on it was 1000 out of like, 3000? Yeah, three 4000. I mean, huge boats. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

what was the what was like the, because he acts like Ireland, we see the COVID restrictions, Mexico's ban.

Stephen Edwards:

Once you're in Mexico, the COVID isn't even a thing. I mean, it's like nobody gave off on Florida, Texas, right? Yeah, nobody, nobody gave a fuck about any of it. They were just like, Yeah, welcome to Mexico. Yeah. I mean, so I don't know. I mean, I think I, but they have a lot of restrictions. They required, like fax tax, you know, and all that sort of stuff. And wanted you to be

Jared Broach:

I think, my biggest issue with like, the travel like that is like it's either, like, I hate the check the box of COVID security, where it's like, Hey, man, when you show that you're good show test your you know, it's like, cool. It's like, they're just checking the box versus like, hey, weird, if you're gonna put your money where your mouth is, and do tests every day, do vaccinate, like do like make them have everything or nothing like it's it. It should be one or the other. And it's like, either, everybody's like, Oh, it's totally safe. It's like, no, they're just, you know, it's like TSA. It's like, that's just no aura of security.

Jaden Cymbaluk:


Stephen Edwards:

Well, I'm not going to Ireland, but I do think it's interesting. I think that I can't really believe that they're doing it, but I think it's like the right step forward. I just think everybody's over the bullshit. Like, what does it matter if everybody's gonna just have Omicron or whatever the new variant is, you're just gonna happen. You're gonna move on with your life.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, Australia. Australia was was not the like the most lockdown place. They still are.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. didn't count the goddamn tennis player. Yeah, that's. So that's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

what I was pulling up. Well, yeah. Novak Djokovic, yeah. Did you call them that? Jovovich? He was, yeah, he had COVID. But he didn't have a Vax. They're just tired of him winning that tournament. That's the only reason. Yeah, they're kick out his own play. But it also says that they've hit Yeah, on the crown is hit 1 million in Australia, and they've been locked

Stephen Edwards:

down. So isn't that how many people are in Australia?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, all of them. So they're all heard of me by now.

Stephen Edwards:

That is, I mean, that whole Nova. I just want to see what Judge

Jaden Cymbaluk:

judge says Djokovic can stay in Australia. But saga is not

Jared Broach:

over. Yeah, they're talking about personally revoking his visa. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

because his visa can't get to travel or something like

Stephen Edwards:

that. He's not Australian, is he?

Jared Broach:

No. See, isn't he like from? Like Netherlands or somebody

Stephen Edwards:

you can't compete in that tournament. So thus, he would have to forfeit if he can.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Australia should said no coverage home is what they're saying.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, whatever. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think he's not. I think he's not vaccinated.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, he isn't vaccinated. He's definitely not vaccinated. And he got by on some sort of medical Yeah, well, he was pulling the medical card and then they're like, show us the medical.

Jared Broach:

Well, if you saw like Ireland's doing the same thing, if you can prove you had COVID, last six months or you're vaccinated, you don't have to pretest and that's what they said to Australia was that he's had in the last six months, so he shouldn't have to take you know, he doesn't need Yeah, and that's what they're saying is his medical exemption is what I read, I think yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

When he says I mean, Australian Open up fair play. I mean,

Jared Broach:

I'm telling you they don't want him to win because he was one like how many times?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

A lot he's easy. He's a pretty he's an impressive pretty sports player. Yeah. Even Even I was talking about sports or whatever for the weekend. He has search or we can number world number one record. 355 Yeah, we Serbian, Serbian. There it is.

Jared Broach:

I don't think that's another lens. Jared.

Stephen Edwards:

Well doesn't know that title. A lot. It's Netherlands. A survey?

Jared Broach:

I think he's won the Australian Open at least three times.

Stephen Edwards:

turn pro. Wait. Okay, come on ranking number one.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So it's kind of a fun little stat.

Jared Broach:

Australian Open there. Yo. 20.

Stephen Edwards:

Once, twice, three times. Yeah, I

Jared Broach:

thought it was at least three. Oh, there's 445 titles. i Oh my god.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, six times seven. Now you

Jared Broach:

see this? It's a conspiracy

Jaden Cymbaluk:

against him winning. So I thought this was kind of cool to keep on the sports subject too. But did you see the the Father Son tournaments that they've always been doing in Tiger and Tiger, right. Yeah, Tiger skate. And then also John Daly on daily and his kid one John Daly's second. I've actually seen him a lot on social media and stuff like that. But I thought that that was that's a cool thing.

Jared Broach:

Did I see in Vegas? You could take a bet out on Tigers kid winning a.

Stephen Edwards:

He's definitely winning.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I was like, but you might but you might have saw that like it was because in this tournament, I think

Jared Broach:

no, no, I think it was like whether he'd win a like major. He's at any point in his life. And it was like the odds were actually not bad.

Stephen Edwards:

But that that kid is winning that kids a great golfer. And yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I don't know. You could still think what can happen in you know Michael Jordan's kid never play basketball. True.

Jared Broach:

But you go nothing.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

My Steve always says though, because we talked about it with kids like golf is like one sport where you can like it's cold John Daly is it's easier to make it it's easier to make than basketball. Right? Like Michael Jordan, just because you're Michael Jordan or LeBron James kid. Doesn't mean you're gonna Yeah, a

Jared Broach:

lot still comes down to I think just your total like size, right?

Stephen Edwards:

Well, it depends on if you're being groomed for it. I mean, like when you see like Tiger Woods, kids swing. I mean, when all your dad teaches you all day long is how to swing a golf club. I probably swing a fucking pretty good golf club

Jaden Cymbaluk:

least that kid at least Tiger didn't teach him how to practice his driving test. Yeah,

Jared Broach:

well, you know, the funny thing about that is you see the photos of Tiger like with his son doing that stuff. I grew up in Chicago and I don't recall ever seeing Michael Jordan up there shooting free throws

Stephen Edwards:

you know, just always in the back of that boat smoking like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it was like, I mean, I'm assuming everybody's watched that that Michael Jordan Yeah. Like that was honestly thought about that. Like why that was so cool. Is because there was no media back in the day, you know, what, what the what he was doing? Like, he was gambling. He went to the hotel room and nobody knew what he did and he went but he came back the next day to play and he was good. Like, now it is almost you have to it is that is dumb. No. When no other sports thing. Speaking of groomed to be a great player, a juicy Antonio Brown take off his his jersey and stuff in the playoffs or in the game or the last game of the season. And I just think

Stephen Edwards:

I'm in I don't want to hate the guys just done. I

Jared Broach:

thought that was like intro to opening and only fans account. Am I wrong?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

He's got his Okay, so his uh, his followers and this is also like showing stuff I mean, on Instagram, I think he's got 6.3 million followers now. You know, on Instagram. me he's talking stuff about Tom Brady. You know, everybody so it's, it's it's interesting that the story is or what I heard I was watching on on the first video that he released on a podcast, he told him that his ankle was hurt. And his coach said, you know, get the get the F back out there. Yeah, or get out there and he was like, all that was disrespectful. My coach, I'm not gonna get talked to you like that, because that's that person. I'm on a team so he took the jersey off. But it could also be a publicity stunt. You know, sometimes negative press is sometimes good press. But

Jared Broach:

he's got another been negative. I think it's you're beyond where any press for him is good. But it's also he seemed to be running off the field just fine if he had an ankle injury.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. Well, they were I mean, sports people and their ankle injuries are not you know, it's different. But also you can't play game if you have COVID. So, so

Stephen Edwards:

we're talking about Antonio Brown. The Vikings released Mike Zimmer, the coach today. And he released a statement I mean, I hope this is true

Jaden Cymbaluk:

because I saw this this poll. Okay, is that how you did but yeah, so awesome. Honest.

Stephen Edwards:

So he's he said this, I got to read it on a surface. It looks like I got fired, but I was liberated, spent the last four years terrified of getting trapped in an elevator with Kirk Cousins. This man could make the pope uncomfortable with his youth, youth pastor vibes. He wants dropped. H e double hockey sticks and a pregame speech and then wrote an apology to the team afterwards. I've met loaves of white bread with more edge to them. Oh, let me I've met loads of whitebread with more edge to them. It's hard enough winning games in the NFL. I don't need my QB asked me if I don't if I know where I'm going when I die. I'm going to be alright folks, Google, my girlfriend and then kirk cousins, and ask yourself who you say, whose face you would rather see every day?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's not what Mike Zimmer said.

Jared Broach:

That's real, or is there's no way that's real.

Stephen Edwards:

I hope it's real.

Jared Broach:

I mean, okay, that seems crazy. I've also never I didn't know Kirk Cousins. Was that religious? Or maybe

Jaden Cymbaluk:

there is no way that that is real. Because if that was real, I think Mike Zimmerman like he's to be the next Hugh Hefner, because like,

Stephen Edwards:

well, I'm in. Yeah, he might be the next Hugh Hefner,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but that's what it looks there's no way that that I don't know.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know. But his girlfriend is a smoke show. Go Mike Zimmer. No way they

Jared Broach:

can you just google how much he's worth because that's got to be a factor in this relationship.

Stephen Edwards:

i MAN i didn't even matter to do

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think that just a funny thing that you found because I'm yeah. It's funny. And we

Jared Broach:

have fake news on the podcast. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, that looks like that. That is funny though.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, I I'm not a Vikings fan. Nor am I like a huge like Kirk Cousins

Jaden Cymbaluk:

fan. What about Urban Meyer the Urban Meyer thing to that is urban

Jared Broach:

Meyer's girlfriend too? Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

Probably. All right. Um, she is cute.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean, that's why she's

Stephen Edwards:

cute. For I mean, he's 65 years old. So yeah, that's pretty good. That's a funny that's a funny writing piece of all the things of all the times anybody can say they out kick their coverage. Kick does cover doesn't apply

Jared Broach:

when you have that much money. I don't know

Jaden Cymbaluk:

how much he's so he's I was looking at his stats to another word of sports podcasts he was in. He's never he's not a losing, but he was like 76 and 56 with the Vikings or something like that. And the one part I mean,

Jared Broach:

don't get me wrong, like, this dude doesn't even have Jeff Bezos kind of money. But like, Jeff Bezos, yeah, like, I mean, I'm constantly like, every time I see like, photos of Jeff Bezos and his girlfriend, I'm like thinking like, What in the hell happened here?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, and then let's let's hear the odds are the statistics of this last night let's talk about since I mean next week is the NFL and we're on that topic. Last night's game. I watched those pretty good if both Do you know the you know the outcome or what was supposed to be? So if they tied, which ties are rare, right and the NFL, if they tied, they both went to the playoffs? The final score of the game, a tie. They went into overtime. One team made a made a made a field goal first. The other team made a field goal first next score wins. Time expiring. Do you kick the field goal or do you end in a tie knowing that you're going to go to the playoffs? Anyways?

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know the answer to that.

Jared Broach:

I mean, you know if you if you're the one that can kick the field goal, you kick the field it was a 4747 yard field goal. Well, it wasn't what ends up happening is if you don't kick that field goal, they'd beat you in the playoffs.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, so does that not sound like a fun like the odds of that happening and then happening? Fake?

Jared Broach:

You're in Vegas. You don't think the games are fixed? So yeah, I mean, that there's a lot so

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's chargers Raiders. Or whatever?

Stephen Edwards:

Searching chargers Raiders, chargers? Raiders.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So yeah, okay. Oh, Papa news. Most talked about sports thing.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, my God, I got

Jaden Cymbaluk:

news, anything. Yeah, Raiders win in overtime. It's crazy. And this was their, this was the bizarre

Stephen Edwards:

point. I mean, they could have just totally ruined everybody and just taking a knee at the start and said the reason

Jaden Cymbaluk:

we're there. The reason the reason the code, this is where it messed up. The coach of the Chargers called a timeout with 38. Like they could have like, ran it out knowing but since he called a timeout, they then sent the kicking team back out and kick the field goal. And then that made the Chargers not go to the playoffs.

Jared Broach:

He's like I'm tired of this season. It's like fuck it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

He's the most analytical. It's crazy. It's got to be it's honestly, it's got to be the most craziest.

Jared Broach:

I'm glad I went to bed and didn't see a situation. I

Stephen Edwards:

mean, you know, I'm pretty happy being a Vegas guy seeing the Raiders or making the playoffs? You know, first year? Yeah, I guess that's kind of exciting.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It was wild. It was wild. It was it was a cool thing. So the scenario that are in the situation is I watched Vegas isn't going to have a home playoff game because they're just they come in as a wildcard. So they won't have a game here in Vegas probably good forever but Super Bowl is coming in 2024 in Vegas,

Stephen Edwards:

would you ever drop the money to go to a Super Bowl?

Jared Broach:

Not a chance? No, like no. Well, for one I don't like that big of events of anything. And my TV is much nicer than sure see like we

Jaden Cymbaluk:

see we I always talked about that too. Like, like when those places open like what was the place in the strip? Like Lagasse's Stadium, remember that at the plot so like I was not for the Super Bowl but like say it was a sporting event like we cared about right or Gerrard's Real Housewives Premiere or something like that like that I'd go to something like that

Jared Broach:

I would more likely what go to like my call it like my college is played like if my college was playing today. Sure. I would likely go to that also when I would go to the Super Bowl,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but like the in person or would you rather watch it at like a stadium thing? Like a like a TV in restaurant,

Jared Broach:

you know, like, my team sucks. So making it to that would be different than who's your

Jaden Cymbaluk:

team Purdue. So it's like a bowl game who hasn't been on like a bowl game or nothing? Yeah, they just

Jared Broach:

played the beat Tennessee in there in the motors are not Motor City Music City bowl. Oh, but you're talking like a national. I'm talking? Yeah, they were Yeah. ballgames I went to last time, Purdue played Auburn, and I got beat 63 to like seven.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, LSU is playing LSU is playing USC.

Jared Broach:

Or the most have already because now we're on the championship tonight.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No, the next the in Allegiant stadium, like the first kickoff week. It's so it's LSU. But I also think it's I think it's USC because God, see like, that's something where I think people always asked me that. Since I live here now. Like, I think I think I should. I've always liked LSU Yeah, that's always I've gone to LSU games. See for

Jared Broach:

me, yeah, I'm more likely to drop 1000 bucks on dinner than I am. 1000 bucks on

Jaden Cymbaluk:

seat. I'm, Steve knows me. I'm kind of that same way when it comes to those things that are like expendable. But then I also gamble. And that's the thing that always blows it out of the water. You know what I mean? Because like, I've spent so much dumber money on gambling than a than a concert or a memory or something. Yeah, see, so like,

Jared Broach:

same thing, concerts don't really go to any more sporting events don't really go to and this has nothing to do with COVID This is just I just don't go to those things anymore. I just don't like dealing with those crowds. But if I have a reservation and nice restaurant, I know I'm getting like service. I'm like 1000 bucks, no problem.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, it's in 2024. I mean, this is a big so to us, you got time USC, so I'm gonna go to the Super Bowl and LSU games that year,

Stephen Edwards:

you're gonna need to try can really sales that you're gonna be much, much higher.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, well, then you have this unlimited PTO.

Stephen Edwards:

He's gonna need it to get the second job to pay for.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And Steve water. See him? Jason, you like you took a lot of time off. And I said, Well, I just had to take that 40 hours a week. To make sure I could see

Stephen Edwards:

the only way this work was if I actually took off 40 hours a week

Jaden Cymbaluk:

at Classic kickoff. 2024 So as an interesting thing else, you got a new head coach and all that stuff, too. I know

Stephen Edwards:

they always have to plan the stuff ahead of time, but 2024 I am not thinking what the fuck I'm doing. 2024 No, I'm barely thinking what I'm doing in summer of 2020.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

But okay, but let's talk about this. Like that's a good good point. Without like destinations that have to plan like Vegas is always been a destination that has to plan that stuff. Because marketing bringing in people money wise, you know what I mean? sponsorships. Think about all that stuff that went into planning for like these bowl games, and then COVID canceled on like that Tucson, Tucson, Arizona destination like, you bring that stuff in because you want to and you've been planning it a time effort. And then like, every week, they're like, Ah, fuck it. It's canceled.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, I mean, I have a harder, you know, like, so a lot of cities do. You know, they work hard on bringing that kind of stuff in. And then it's like, you got where the news articles were out the other day that's like, well, if they got to relocate the Super Bowl from LA this year, because of COVID cancellations or something, they're like, Dallas is like, yeah, we'll take it with no notice. And it's like, Yo city just rolls it out like that like that quick.

Stephen Edwards:

Every time they always say they say all the infrastructure they put in for like the Super Bowls and stuff. They actually just lose money on it. It's just a terrible I wonder how much infrastructure Vegas will have to roll out. I mean, Vegas is such an easy place to do show like that, that they just

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Is that is that a stat of maybe in some destinations but I think like certain places that have done it multiple times have that pretty like how much revenue it brings. Yeah,

Jared Broach:

I would think Vegas does not have that problem because they have every club they have every like they have all the parties that can possibly go on already.

Stephen Edwards:

Vegas. I think it's probably super easy to do. But I would think other cities like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Glendale, Arizona, Glendale, or like Indianapolis had that I think

Jared Broach:

they built that JW Marriott just so they could get that because they don't have enough like high end hotel space

Stephen Edwards:

well and then all the infrastructure they put in like downtown all the like, oh, because we you know Yeah, certain centers or

Jaden Cymbaluk:

whatever Indianapolis was that where that came up?

Stephen Edwards:

I think that's where last time I heard that

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean Lucas Oil but Lucas Oil had the new stadium they wanted it but la that's a good example to

Stephen Edwards:

have has the Vikings have one since

Jared Broach:

nope they had no stadium nobody yes I did. I was I was in Minneapolis right or Yeah, right when the soup right before the Superbowl. They did a heck of a job building that out. Like I mean it's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it was cool. It was in it was in 2019 right or to donate teaser for wedding like right before that. Yeah, cuz it happened because a lot of that stuff also happened too which is interesting before COVID Because this is also crazy to for COVID happened member because Kobe died before COVID Have Before it shut down, and he also had his funeral and all that stuff at the Staples Center like in in the end of February. Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

super surprising. Yeah, that was that was everybody was talking about Yeah, so I guess transitioning because we're gonna be in San Diego what's our dates like right before?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well we're going down the January 30 January 30 That's Sunday and then I think arrival is February 1 through the fourth it's a

Stephen Edwards:

lot of days too. Yeah, yeah, you know, I can't feel like it was that long it feels like one day too long maybe Yeah,

Jared Broach:

well I mean the for longer check in right

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like ces we went to CES and got one day canceled or whatever to one day off the thing. Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

CES was Lima shit this year. Yeah, I'm interested

Jared Broach:

to see like what this resorts like it arrival because you know like, last time Orlando or Vegas? I don't think it was you know, they're kind of like all inclusive. Everything you don't really have to leave the resort I have no idea if this is like that in San Diego and I'll be you know, surprised if it is.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You know, it is so funny that I just had like a little a little like deja vu flashback member when we first met you. I don't know rival think I think I went up to yourself like that. It's like you're talking to Alex. It was so no, yeah. But it was something I was like, Oh, that guy kind of seemed kind of cool. I think we gel with him. And now here we are five years later.

Jared Broach:

Yeah, it's been a minute. Before I can afford a marketing.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It was well, no, you made it seem like well, like you wouldn't be talking to us. You're like, Ah, I already got my shit handled, you know and stuff. And then you and then you and that other bike company. That was the one people are always on my list. Town and Country resort.

Jared Broach:

Yes. And that's what I mean. Like it's a resort. Right. And I think they got golf.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I don't think it's like a Florida Resort. Because I like

Jared Broach:

you. I mean, Gaylord is like one of these things where you do not have to leave a Gaylord like, I love Gaylords. And they're massive. They're like cruise ships on land. Yeah. And you don't have to leave. You don't need a car. So I'm curious whether or not this is going to be like, Hey, I'm kind of hungry. It's late. Do I need to leave here especially with, you know, if they have common protocols where they're like, now it's closed.

Stephen Edwards:

Now we're driving down. We'll have a truck there. Yeah. Well,

Jared Broach:

I mean, I'll find a way out of the place. Don't worry.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I know what you say. I know. I think it's going to be you could stay here. Yeah. Well,

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, can you? I don't

Jared Broach:

know. I mean, I saw the rooms I was like looking at the upgrades and I'm like, holy shit. 800 bucks. Not bad. Oh, that's per night. Like, look at that.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, are you excited?

Jared Broach:

Yeah, you know, I you know, I like rival.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

My animal spirit is gray goose. What's your guys's animal spirit? Fireball. Cheers. June. It's always fireball

Jared Broach:

wine. Yeah, he has a cap caps off. And ice caps off. Vintage.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, it does appear to have some bars. But yeah. Oh, that's fun. You know, I'm gonna I'm about the networking. I want to go. I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

think it's gonna be good. I think it's gonna be good.

Stephen Edwards:

All show with my homies. Yeah, I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

mean, we got a lot of homies now maybe I'm

Jared Broach:

sitting on a panel for like the multilocation. I know. We got a bunch of clients doing big things. Yeah, I'm actually so weirdly I'm kind of excited about ours. Not for me, but I'm kind of excited to hear like Steven auto from walks and hear his thing. I'm sure I'm excited for hornblower's doing a acquisition. Want to kind of want to go to that with that girl that bought. She's been on a lot of podcasts lately. The girl that bought the like, the boat cruises, Captain fish or something was on like, hey, yeah, no. So I think her and one of the guys from hornblower's Do not

Jaden Cymbaluk:

go to that go to that agenda. Instead of always, you know, usually I

Jared Broach:

thought they released the app. And I haven't seen that where you can just start signing up for stuff

Jaden Cymbaluk:

out there and trying to get to make sure your vaccine clears through.

Jared Broach:

I mean, for me that you know, like arrival is less about like I go to a couple of sessions. But for me, it's like more networking. I like meeting the guys excited to see my boy John from Bulldog tours.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, do we know who the Steven Joyce's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, but that's that's on arrival insiders. Right there. That's not seats Thursday, January 20.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, even Joyce? I don't do you know who he is? I know him from like, the end destination industry veteran. Interesting.

Jared Broach:

I mean, there's probably also a lot of people that are gonna like have my number out there that are like you talk shit to me. Why does it say that?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Why does it say that date January 20. Like that, because they're doing a virtual thing before that. So it's okay, that's what it's but we're in arrival. Yes. I'm gonna click the days like click Oh, January 20. Is that that's when it starts.

Jared Broach:

That's just like a one virtual day of like, oh, like February 2, because this is just February 1 is like literally check in and

Stephen Edwards:

registration. Yeah. Is there anything that was a party we have? Zola solos got the first night. Yep. All right. The one you'll remember. The motion?

Jared Broach:

Yeah, I mean, you know, the theater sessions. I was like the theater sessions.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We talked we talked about that. How like we heard like the Orca. Douglas

Jared Broach:

is incredibly good as a host of them.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Douglas was a great speaker. He was he was really good at a lot of watersports for him that we went to. And he, you know, graciously came out to that when Greg kept that thing together and did a really Good job. One birthday

Jared Broach:

by the way, isn't it? Yeah, so we got to have what's

Stephen Edwards:

the third? Yeah, third.

Jared Broach:

Oh, are we having a What? Is there a big party that night?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We'll make we'll do something. We do need to kind of plan that maybe figure that out.

Stephen Edwards:

I think I think the first we heard he has a birthday so Steve,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you're the one you got all the best friends this year in the BFF club? Do

Stephen Edwards:

I am in the BFF oh,

Jared Broach:

you should have your friends peak breakout their corporate card

Stephen Edwards:

you know so fireside so that's Oh,

Jared Broach:

great. A fair harbor party on my birthday. That would just be that's my luck.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, that is crazy. Because are they doing their fair harbor thing before now?

Jared Broach:

I didn't. I don't know. That's why I'm not part of the in crowd there.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

This is kind of wild though. We're actually looking at this on the fair. I know you're not but they always had the best parties.

Stephen Edwards:

But what are we doing at Petco field on beforethe spirits pros most

Jaden Cymbaluk:

insider pro exclusive. I was on the tour. But we're we are an insider poor Pro. All the perks are coming out now.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, breakouts. I mean, like, by day four, we like is everybody still there? Is everybody in this? Are they like, Oh my God, we've been at a rival for so many days. Yeah.

Jared Broach:

I mean, there's a lot I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

book rockets, rockets. I mean, the demos are I mean, you always split up. Yeah. I

Jared Broach:

mean, I tend to do the demos. Like, you know, people keep reaching out to me about like, Hey, want to shoot and I'm like, I'm not doing any if you're not at a rival I'm not doing it. Like, I'll I'll book it if you look interesting. But you know, like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that's another pro exclusives. That's a pull side. So Ray soiree

Stephen Edwards:

out we're gonna be fancy. So bring your swim trunks. I will be

Jared Broach:

I'm very curious if it's going to be like if we're outdoors drinking if this is going to be like they got a mask person that's gonna be like, up down up.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, otherwise otherwise ready to drive up to Mission Bay, or Gaslamp area and we can

Jared Broach:

I mean, I think last time I set the bar like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's in doubt, it's in downtown like, it's like in the downtown area. So I mean, it's close, but

Jared Broach:

we can go get my pizza.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, you wouldn't have to twist my arm that pizza there's a lot of good food.

Jared Broach:

Well, he's you know, the birthday of the San Diego brewery there. Oh, yeah, I forgot we should yeah, we got it. We gotta hit up black market over there. Go over there and I think

Stephen Edwards:

that pizzas, bombs mother for now, let

Jaden Cymbaluk:

us know what we want to do. Okay.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't think this is man. I don't think this isn't downtown.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Riverwalk. San Diego River. What does that near?

Stephen Edwards:

Old Town not near

Jared Broach:

click direction so far. That is the black market. Yeah, this is not an arrogant, black market where San Diego State is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

not that far from Petco. That's right. Isn't that right on the edge or the Petco is because the baseball stadiums right there

Stephen Edwards:

and it's on Petco zon

Jared Broach:

Mission Beach is where I stood last. Yeah, a pair. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

Petco has got to be searching it

Jared Broach:

was right now because on the way down it goes down

Stephen Edwards:

here. Yes,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

sir. Steve it was I saw it. Okay. Hold on.

Jared Broach:

I love the Costco shows up as big as San Diego Zoo on this map. Oh, Steve's right.

Stephen Edwards:

Right where I said it was. Oh, and then

Jaden Cymbaluk:

there's no boo there. What does that what does this ever really we've never seen this is a gasline. Perry Yeah, parody so Park Mission Valley Mission Valley eats I've heard that like, Mission Valley kind of come so come on, like

Jared Broach:

San Diego. I'm excited to be down in San Diego. I get to you know, the bad thing is like I'm not going to get to explore if I you know, stayed everything the rivals doing?

Stephen Edwards:

We did. What are we going to blackmarket?

Jared Broach:

Yeah, make sure that one two words. But is there a third one down? Yeah. See how far that is? Can I walk? Can I walk? I've no

Stephen Edwards:

no. Look at that. David Buss and I have miles

Jared Broach:

Yeah, for that pizza. I'm going though.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, what is this right near a mall? It is a must for you. I mean, we are getting in and out. Fashion Valley go to Macy's.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Mission Valley. Like why does that sound so familiar of like a an area like?

Jared Broach:

I don't know. I'm so unfamiliar with saying we're gonna go to Benihana. Oh, I might.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Okay, do you like, like I like Babaji? Me too. That's something we're taking the kids out to? They like we went

Jared Broach:

for Thanksgiving with all of my wife's family. Oh, you did. And the one Brooklyn husband, like he had never been to a hibachi which blew my mind. And he was just like, could not understand this concept and was like so mad. And I'm like, bro, you just like, like, the the fire scared his kids. And then he's like, you know, he's like, straight up, like, you know, hug it out. He's like, this Brooklyn kid, you know, he's like, it's like, they're identifying. And it's like, Hey, cool, like, everybody else is fine, man. He's crying. No, man, it scared him.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I know. Oh, my

Stephen Edwards:

newest resort because like their Google view is like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

oh, yeah, good point on that. From the website, it looks like it's reamped like it reamped revamped

Stephen Edwards:

preamps preamps are about two or three amp your bullshit.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Going to come in with the orange shirts.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm excited. It'll be fun. It'll be fun to see everybody. I like the in person stuff.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, if you guys haven't registered yet, make sure use promo code and get your promo code registration. It gets full price 100%

Jared Broach:

That was a good discount I used

Stephen Edwards:

fuck. Cool. Well, guys,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

awesome. It was it was Jared, thanks for hanging out and, and I come in. It's always nice for you to be on the podcast talk shop with you. You know, let people some insight here different voices besides me and Steve, but I think yeah, this was a good episode we talked about a couple different things out there in the travel tourism space. So thanks, everybody for listening to the amp podcast. Make sure you guys like subscribe. Check us out on all platforms. Visit us at amp agency a mp dot agency. See you