Adventure & Activity Marketing Pros - The Podcast

Year End Wrap Up And 2022 Predictions.....Episode 29

AAMP Agency Episode 29

Hey what can I say, we recorded this great episode talking about our end of the year thoughts and 2022 predictions and then myself like the rest of the country got hit with a nasty cold. So instead of posting this last week before New Years, you are now getting our end of the year wrap up, 4 days into the New Year.  Not sure if this is a fireable offense but I apologize none the less. We talked about Coronavirus, and shut downs and travel and conventions and festivals and ......well, just take a listen.  It was some fun banter to wrap up 2021.  We cant wait for you all to see the new exciting things we have happening at AAMP.  We are growing and have a lot of fun new exciting things in the works.  And we hope you all have an amazing 2022 and we hope to work with a lot more of you as we continue our push to help Tour Operators and Adventure businesses grow and get more bookings.  If you want to hop on a call and see how we can help schedule a Discovery Call by clicking here. Speak to you all very soon. -Steve

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Jaden Cymbaluk:

321 Welcome back to the podcast what is going on? It's Jaden with an agency. We got Steven studio on back, he's back, added the bosses back. We had a little party while you're gone.

Stephen Edwards:

I heard, I listened. I recap,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

we recorded a podcast, we brought in some other team members stuff, everybody

Stephen Edwards:

hung out, kicked up.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Everybody kind of said what they did. And yeah, would you think it was good? It was

Stephen Edwards:

good. I liked it when everybody gets involved, and it's a little more fun and people, you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

know, it is kind of funny to like, listen to it back now. And like when I asked like a couple of the questions like to them, like, Oh, what do you what do you do here? You know,

Stephen Edwards:

and nothing like dragging the dev team out of their comfort zone.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Sure. Even a couple like questions that I asked like Jonathan T. And, you know, they were just it was funny. It was funny. It was

Stephen Edwards:

good. I you know, I love it. I would love to have those guys on the podcast more. I mean, I guess it's a good thing that they're busy doing their jobs, but it is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

one of those. They have been super busy. We've been super busy at the end of the year.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, if like on dauntingly busy, I thought this was supposed to be a chill week, and it doesn't feel that chill. Feels like it's busy as balls.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We've been. Yeah, adding a lot of new clients at the end of the year, which is been great. It's been awesome. It's been great.

Stephen Edwards:

It actually scares the shit out of me for first quarter because if we're this busy now. Thankfully, we're hiring if you need a job if you've got social media skills, web dev skills, yeah, Google Ads skills, sales skills, adulting skills, nunchuck skills,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

share, share this podcast out I mean to our listeners out there why or share it out? We're hiring or if you know anybody or if you listen and hey, you want to figure out how

Stephen Edwards:

to work remote? We're interested? Yeah, Apply? Apply online.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So it's end of the year. 2021 is coming to a wrap.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm not wild. I mean, to think that 2021 is done. I am a little beside myself. It's been a it's been so fucking fast. This year has been fast. The last month has been fast.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What do you what do you think when faster? 2020 or

Stephen Edwards:

2021 2021? Bye. Bye a lot. 2020 felt like yeah, never ending. 2021 is like, okay, okay.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

The year that mash together was 2020. Right? Like you didn't know.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I just didn't you know, by the end. You're like, thank God. But now it's almost like, you know, we've been in a pandemic for two years, too. Is it? Yeah. Two years and like February.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So this is kind of crazy. Because New Year's Eve is coming up. Right. So New York. Technically, didn't they have the New Year's Eve celebration last year? Like it got canceled in?

Stephen Edwards:

I'm not fluent. I thought they did. So I thought they had the whole time square thing. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And so this year, they cancelled it. Again, like they did the first year in 2020. So is that correct? Am I thinking that right? Because it's been two years so it's got to be square.

Stephen Edwards:

2020 Yeah. Let's see. Here's I had maybe it was like a dumbed down one. I don't know. I feel like they did have it. scaled back or canceled? canceled? Yeah, I mean, is this just like, I don't know. I mean, this is gonna be this might end up being the the episode that gets us like totally canceled because we're talking about end of year stuff and where COVID is going and what's happening with tourism and everything else. But man, is this just never ending? When are they going to be done with this?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's it's back is what they said that.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, when LeBron James is making like joke memes about COVID being compared to the cold and the flu, you know, that we've like, jumped the shark here. We're definitely at the endpoint and game when the liberal left are making jokes about COVID.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, even to it's like, more people are getting tested again, right? Because they're asking more people to get tested. Christmas holiday was going on,

Stephen Edwards:

you know, didn't I mean? So and it's again, the whole definitely talking out of all sides of their mouth because in one breath, you know, the White House released a statement saying that if you were unvaccinated, everybody's gonna die and live a horrible winter and two days ago or whatever Biden said that COVID Relief is not a federal will not be solved on the federal level and what Only resolved on the state level. Which, I mean, I'm a little political I tend to lean obviously a little.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's talking on both sides of the mouth on that, like, yeah, like,

Stephen Edwards:

what does that mean?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We know what it means. They don't know what the fuck are talking about?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. So, so it drives me nuts when? I mean, what point do you just get back to normal? what point do we just start living our lives again, because COVID is just something we're going to live with forever. We're going to have you know, 25 different rounds of vaccine, you know, vaccine vaccination booster shot 24 and you'll get your free Subway sandwich stamp card. Um, but at a certain point, we got to go back to work, we got to go back to our lives. You got to go back to travel, your kids got to go back to school. It's got to eventually come to a head.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It almost seems like right now they're trying to get people more scared. That's that's really all it is. It's it's because everybody picked my hot button topic. I know. I didn't. I didn't mean to

Stephen Edwards:

you wanted you wanted the topic that was gonna fucking fire me up. I drives me nuts. It makes me so mad because we live in a state that's kind of right on the cusp of like, I mean, we're like a mini California but different. I you know, I've been everywhere. I've been in Texas. I've been in Florida. I've been you know, in Denver. You know, when I was in Denver, there was no mass mandate, Texas, obviously no mass mandate, Florida. No mass mandate. We're in Vegas. We have a huge amount of people like Yeah, and we still got a mass mandate that's just never gonna go away. Well, that was even kind of what I kind of was talking about with the destinations, right? Yeah. Vegas can't cancel New Year's Eve. Like, it's definitely not I've already done that. It's not gonna be canceled. I the way they're predicting it. I mean, so my buddies on the police force. It's a mandatory that everybody has to work in, that is on the police force I have worked near so if you're a cop, I feel bad for you got to work New Years. And

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think that's not anything new. It's kind of always been that way. And maybe I'm

Stephen Edwards:

not fluent in it. But there. I mean, from what he's telling me and I just went to lunch with him today. He said that they are expecting more people than they had in 2019 for this new position, so I mean, they're like 300,000 plus people.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, because they're doing the firework show out. They're closing down the strip. I mean, it's pretty gonna be normal. They're not assholes and elbows. Asshole tack like,

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, asshole back. I don't really know what that means. But it sounds really congested.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

haven't heard a word from our governor, non forever in forever. Like, I'm not to, not to bring it up like that. Or to talk

Stephen Edwards:

oh, it just hasn't nothing's been said nothing's changed. We're still going through the motions. And, you know, to like, we had a pretty it was kind of like, I don't want to say ghost town. But it is always a little bit weird that time period from like, thanksgiving to Christmas. People aren't visiting Vegas, like they were or they you know, it's just not the busiest time of the year. So it's been a little bit slower on the rental side of it, you know, the Jeep rentals and slingshot rentals. It doesn't help that it's 40 degrees outside, so nobody's really dying to ride around in a slingshot right now.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's called, I still can't believe the people that come to Vegas and like November and December and are like, Hey, we're gonna meet at the pool. And I'm like, huh, like, is it still open?

Stephen Edwards:

I, I can tell I've lived here too long already. Or I've lived here long enough that when I look at, like, you know, all of my homies up in North Dakota, when I'm looking that they have a blizzard and 40 degrees below zero. And I'm quite literally thinking that will never happen to me again. Unless this is like, what was that movie where basically the entire Earth got covered with like snow. And he had to go rescue his kid from New York where I was like, frozen over and they were in the

Jaden Cymbaluk:

non independent state. Or,

Stephen Edwards:

anyways, if everybody knows what I'm talking about, where they were stuck in the library, and they had to start burning the books because it was freezing. I don't know. I just I'm not interested in the cold and the fact that it's like 40 I think outside right now it's like 46 degrees cold. That's not that's, that's pretty chilly.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's cold. Yeah, they were. I was just looking at the stats kind of for the Vegas for the month, going to the airport stats, because all those flights have been canceled to kind of see now that's kind of a crazy thing as well. They're blaming it on a they're saying it's a staff shortage, which, okay, you know, which makes sense, right? Everybody's kind of short staffed, but they're also blaming it on the COVID. Like the vaccinations, because I think a lot of people aren't vaccinated. And

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, I know, there was a big issue with a lot of pilots. I mean, you know, where that, obviously what was the one we saw it was southwest. Southwest tried imposing their will and basically got shut down. And it seems like almost everybody that was forcing a VAX mandate has been challenged. In court now and it's going to be a very contested thing. Yeah. Which, you know, to be honest, is, is pretty expected. I mean, HIPAA violations and HIPAA, like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

haven't heard that word in a while. Well, a lot of people remember, remember, they don't know enough to be dangerous. Remember, they're using the HIPAA like when it was about the mask, like the first one is introduced, like, oh, it's not a HIPAA violation. So he heard hip all the time.

Stephen Edwards:

But yeah, I think that that's gonna prove to be a I mean, do I think that this all of a sudden is gonna change in 22? Fuck now, I think we are at like, does it I don't want to be I'm not negative. Um, but it's like, almost like the beginning of like, the beginning of the end sounds horrible. It's not the beginning of the

Jaden Cymbaluk:

end. It sounds horrible. Because if we go back on our past shows, and we're always like, the last month is gonna be the last. Yeah, I just want it to be the last month. So now they are saying masks are going to be on domestic flights for the full year of 2022. Really? Yes.

Stephen Edwards:

I know that there was some CEOs of airlines saying that they were totally unnecessary and provided no, what it

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like goes back to that wasn't American Airlines just added the other filtration systems I talked about that I said, they even said they said COVID cannot exist on our airplanes. They're, they're totally safe when it first came out. But you still need a mask.

Stephen Edwards:

You know that? That's kind of some there's a lot of some people out of all sides of everybody's mouth everybody. Like I don't proclaim to be an expert. I get my news like everybody else. From a biased source. And everything you know, when you hear all this shit, you're just like, left somewhere between what is real and what are we actually doing here? And I can see on the other side of the aisle, like if you're watching that and consuming that all day, it sounds like we're all dying. So somewhere in the middle is the true somewhere people are kind of getting sick. I don't know if they're dying, but they're getting sick. And I don't know, I just want I just want to go on vacations and not wear a mask and

Jaden Cymbaluk:

not a doctor by any means. But a lot of people are practice a lot of people are comparing this to the common thing called the cold. Remember Nyquil? What happened to NyQuil and DayQuil? You know, I mean, people were taking that all the time.

Stephen Edwards:

So I have a funny just off tangent the other day. I have like a the other day I have like, Now anytime anybody gets sick, or basically like, I think I got COVID Basically, I think I'm dying. I'm

Jaden Cymbaluk:

in before you didn't want to say that. Remember that. Like you were like No, I don't have COVID I don't have go now you're like, I think I finally got it. Yeah, basically,

Stephen Edwards:

I think I think I got basically I got a cold. The other night I had like a we'll call it the minor us cough ever. It was very unimpressive. But in our fridge, Brock had from far too long ago. It's probably bad for me at this point. But he had cough syrup, but it had like codeine in it. I don't know the last time you've taken cough syrup with codeine in it. So I was very determined to watch a movie that night. very determined, and I took this stuff at like six o'clock. I could not stay awake. i And I felt like I had been totally drugged for like two days.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's kind of like Tylenol PM, Tylenol. I don't fuck with that stuff. Because it's like I used to take it but like you wake up and you're like, what happened? Like,

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, I don't know how all these rappers sit around and drink grape juice and codeine because I would be an absolute train wreck.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Even just talking about being sick. You're okay, this is this is kind of a funny thing to the stomach flu, right? Yeah. Isn't? Isn't that totally like a mind thing? Like, if somebody tells you about the stomach flu? Like, you're like, I feel it coming on. I feel it coming on. But usually you do get it.

Stephen Edwards:

I haven't had the flu in a minute. So knock on wood. I'm pretty happy.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I heard that at one of my family's Christmases up in North Dakota. They all kind of got the stomach bug and it's just it's the worst. That's the worst.

Stephen Edwards:

I would say I mean, I don't know I feel like at least with the flu you have like an over and done time period. Yeah, takes two days when you get the cold and that cold just drags on forever two weeks. Like I guess I'll just fucking die for episodes just my death.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

People were blaming it on allergies in the summertime you know now it's winter times and now it's cold season. But yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

I'm I'm in I'm sure I'll get sick once the summer this winter like good and sick where I'll be out for a day or two but that's about the extent of like my normal sickness. It's about once a year for a couple days. Yeah, I'll get a cold I mean from somebody from something I mean, a lot

Jaden Cymbaluk:

of people is just it is just a

Stephen Edwards:

thing. But when I when I go places I'm still the guy that uses like when I when I use the stairs I still use a handrail. I'm not like I'm not super, you know, putting hand sanitizer. I feel like I have some immunity to something. Have you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

seen people? Do you think people are more cautious again? I think they're less cautious like what happened to like the overly clean bathrooms and like all like all that stuff down the drain. Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

I feel like nobody cares. Nobody cares when the other day I ran through Caesar's Palace quick. I just was running through the form shops. And I mean, yeah, people have masks on, but nobody's wearing them correctly. There's like six people in the entire place wearing their mask correctly. And then you see the couple people that are like overdone where they've got like bubble masks, and then they got to the shield. It's like, you are fucking safe. And safety goggles. Remember, like safety? God? You are. So if I can say for now,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it is so funny. I got to tell. That's funny. You mentioned the Caesar form shops because that was actually where I was gonna go. So Susan and her mom and sister they all went to the form shops, right? Yep. Women. This is this is like a women woman thing. Waiting in line in the bathroom. Right? You know how all the stalls are like full like full doors, right? Yep. Huge line. Everybody's waiting in line. They're all waiting for somebody to come out. Susan. Awesome. That's awesome. Susan was like, I think there's nobody in the other. The other stalls. Huge line. There's like four of them available.

Stephen Edwards:

That's, I mean, I'll say that's the one thing if like, you know, I know there's a lot of people with weird phobias about using bathrooms in public. Yeah, Vegas is the best place to use a bathroom there. They're everywhere. There's so clean. Yes. Like any of the casinos if you're walking through the Bellagio or Caesars or the wind for I mean, if you're if you're at the Wynn that's probably a nicer bathroom experience in your house.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It is. It is it is so true. It's been clean. There's usually a person in there.

Stephen Edwards:

I always feel bad like where were we? Oh out up when the the night of the party when we're sitting out Marquis, that the poor dude like those bathrooms. There's way too many people people are overserved The bathroom is packed. And yet somehow they managed to keep them just spotless. It's like it feels like you're getting quite the value.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It is funny I forgot about the nightclub bathroom attendants Yeah, they still got the same cologne the same color.

Stephen Edwards:

My Hugo Boss or what is the other our whole reaction?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Like I think that one was gonna get my drift car to our smell like I thought that was so funny. Like I was like, man, it's the same cologne cologne Did

Stephen Edwards:

you were growing up. Kenneth Cole Yeah, I was a Hugo I had Hugo Boss. And then uh oh. What was the average Abercrombie fierce

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and then Aqua Aqua dijo Yeah, that was a popular one that blue bottle

Stephen Edwards:

Yep. And then light blue. What is it? Like? Oh ocean no Dolce Dolce blue.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

still wear Burberry? They don't have been wearing that for a while Burberry the plaid bought

Stephen Edwards:

forget which one I just bought. I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

got a newer one but Abercrombie and Fitch

Stephen Edwards:

those do you actually ever finish your fucking clothes? Yeah, have you actually ever got to the end of a bottle of Cologne?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, always. Okay, because um you don't have multiple clones. People that have multiple clones. You like leave one of them like

Stephen Edwards:

like it's not enough to use but you still have it? Yeah, exactly. Say that person. That person is me.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Throwing away throwing away toiletries has always been like I'm bad about it. Yeah, what about like your medicine claws and stuff like that? Things that have been in there for like, oh yeah, five years way too long. terribly

Stephen Edwards:

bad. You've met my mother right? Yeah, hoarding I mean especially shit like that. Yeah, I've definitely got like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

some people that is that is one thing that I'll admit it's hard to throw away stuff that's like Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

well it's an expensive and I feel like I've probably got Sudafed from 1998 or something in there.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

All the different medication? I am so sublessee

Stephen Edwards:

equate version it's never the real fucking bullshit version.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

But then you are always going to buy like a you know, like, if somebody's sick, right? You always get new medicine anyways, right? Like you never be like oh, let me check my closet and see it depends.

Stephen Edwards:

There's times that like, so I'm a guy that always keeps cough syrup in my fridge. Anytime I get a little tin in your fridge 100% So the best so really guys write this down. This is some you're gonna want to go out and buy Tylenol cold liquid. Okay. They make a nighttime in the daytime. I keep a bottle of both on the fridge. stuff is amazing. It solves basically I think the reason I don't have cancer yet is because of it. It's basically South cancer. I like I've used Tylenol cold with Tylenol cold liquid. It's all about the I bought in the pills. I don't know they just don't seem to work as well. Maybe it's because I get that nasty. You know? Fucking it's interesting. I've never heard anybody put nasty drug taste in my mouth but from drinking the liquid but it's always in my fridge. So anytime anybody comes over I got you.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's funny. Yeah, we had a who had it. banks had an ear infection Okay, and so do you remember that medicine the the antibiotic that always like it's pink

Stephen Edwards:

marks isn't no not amoxicillin. Yeah, yeah, is that what it is? It still tastes exactly the selling or whatever

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's a mock yeah mocks but it tastes exactly the same. Like it's almost like it's like a bubble gum. That's like not

Stephen Edwards:

so do you keep what is what is not Imodium ad? What's the other Pepto Bismol you have Pepto Bismol I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

haven't been I used to I've used Tom's you know I mean Tom guy but Pepto haven't used in a while

Stephen Edwards:

what was that? You know so when you remember core septic the shit you sprayed in your throat that was supposed to like nom Oh for the sore throat I don't feel like it ever did anything actually. I feel like you're just spread it in your throat and I was like, Oh, this is gonna be better.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Neosporin Neosporin was always one that's been around forever.

Stephen Edwards:

My mom was a VIX, VIX, person, VIX, VIX. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

yeah. It's kind of like your your boom, boom, boom sticks.

Stephen Edwards:

I love those are great. Probably, like keeps me alive. I've

Jaden Cymbaluk:

been using them to actually I do like those. Yeah, it's a great thing. I didn't know that's crazy that you do keep that in the fridge. Should keep yours on the fridge.

Stephen Edwards:

It's better cold.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What is something that's also in your fridge? That stays there for five years? Hot sauce? Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

A lot of hot sauce. But hot sauce for sure. I mean, and I don't put

Jaden Cymbaluk:

do you put baking What is it baking soda? Like to keep it fresh in the back?

Stephen Edwards:

I feel like when I had, you know, a domesticated partnership, I probably did. I feel like as a guy. That's like the last thing I'm buying.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I always feel like that is a funny thing in people's fridge doesn't work. I think it works for six months. But then

Stephen Edwards:

I know the last time I looked there was a box on there from like, years ago. And I was like, Well, I don't think there's anything. To me. It's always like, Am I just buying this $3 box of baking soda for no fucking reason?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What does this do? I think I think they were making cookies like Christmas cookies. And I was like, yeah, there should be a box in the fridge. And then there was upstairs like in our bathroom and like a medicine closet. I was like,

Stephen Edwards:

why totally. Where'd you get the best.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's funny. So so we were actually this is kind of a good little transition. We're taking our Christmas decorations down. Um, you know, we talked about this kind of on the podcast earlier that we put them up right away like right after Thanksgiving. So I mean, it's been it's been a month. Okay. It's been a month and some Google hasn't taken their Christmas decorations. still celebrated. It's still celebrating the holidays. Yeah, I think I'm that person that takes your Christmas decorations down. Right after Christmas. Like, not up for New Year's.

Stephen Edwards:

I totally feel like bah humbug. We didn't put up any. Oh, really? Not. So I know. This is like it's like almost like a sadist type. We didn't put up any

Jaden Cymbaluk:

member you were so obsessed with the inflatables. I still like

Stephen Edwards:

them. I still do. But what I've got it's mean Brock. And Brock doesn't give a shit. You know? So, you know, my kid goes off to the Navy here in like, four days. So I mean, we had a very chill Christmas. There was no like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

how we know decorate like, I mean, all I gave her or you put the presence. I gave cash. I did have a tree? No. Wow.

Stephen Edwards:

Dude, I was worried. I was pretty busted.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No. Do you? Do you have the tree? Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

I've got a fucking Christmas. Dude. You met my mom. Right? I have Christmas decorations forever.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I would have known you didn't put up your tree. It's terrible. I would have gave you shit. Or you probably would have put it up right?

Stephen Edwards:

We have a Christmas tree here at the office that felt pretty Christmassy. I'm sorry. Go put up. I know. It's real shitty. I'm kind of embarrassed about it a little bit. That is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you shouldn't even tell people I shouldn't have because they're like, Oh, you're Jewish or something?

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, I have no issue with that. I would have like, I feel like it's so weird that I didn't put up a tree. But I didn't.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, I think you got to take your Christmas decorations down.

Stephen Edwards:

I did already put mine down. There was very, very quick. He already

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I can't stand the people that leave their Christmas lights up. Like all year,

Stephen Edwards:

I actually hate you. So I feel like taking down Christmas decorations as much like dumping the dishwasher. I hate both of them. If there's any chore in my life that I'd like to pass off to anybody else. It's dumping the dishwasher. And to me putting away Christmas lights. I would like I feel the exact same way like I have zero interest in taking down the tree. Putting away the ornaments. I want none of it. It's terrible. I'm sorry, these are

Jaden Cymbaluk:

bah humbug. I'm not so why don't you like unloading the dishwasher? I kind of think that's the easiest part. I kind of don't like. I don't like loading it. Really? Yeah. I can unload all day. Hmm. Loading. Kind of that guy that like, if the sinks full. I'll put it like a cup right on the side.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. Yeah, just forever and it kind of lives there. So what Brock and I do is mostly most of our, our laundry or I'm sorry, not our laundry, but our dishes just sit beside the, you know, they sit beside the sink for long enough for one of us to either dump the dishwasher or then load the dishwasher. And it just becomes like this endless cycle of, okay, I'm gonna put up more, you know, like, when is somebody gonna dump the dishwasher? Pretty soon as me I'm that person. I got to dump the dishwasher.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I'm okay with unloading. If I see it loaded. I'll dump it.

Stephen Edwards:

So do you put your forks I know the correct way. But do you put your forks down or up and down, don't you? I used to I put them down. I put the fork, but they don't get clean.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Sometimes somebody said that. I'm surprised nobody hasn't come up with you know, like a scrub daddy. Like that's like a good item. Nobody's made a good dishwasher for your utensils.

Stephen Edwards:

No, never get accessory. Feel like my dishwasher. I have this great dishwasher. And I feel like half the time I'm like you are supposed

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean, you are supposed to put them up as what they say. Right? Yeah. Then you grab them which I think I hate I I'm not the person that takes out the fork thing already. Some people do. Oh, you are? Oh, that's I'm gonna take

Stephen Edwards:

it out. And then I mean, but I know it's not hard. It's just like a stupid chore. I just don't like doing it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I like taking out the trash. That's kind of like, like a man thing. Like getting the mail. You know, that's, like, there. There's certain things that it's like I like doing, you know, I mean, so it's like when somebody else does does it for me, I'm like, hey, just too much. So

Stephen Edwards:

I do so now I've gotten in the habit where I'll do all the day to day stuff. And then once a month or once every two months, I'll have the cleaners come in and have them do the showers and all the like, heavy lifting shit that I don't want to do. I don't

Jaden Cymbaluk:

want to say that. That's a first world. Like,

Stephen Edwards:

that's a first world problem. But definitely.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

i It's crazy. Like my grandparents used to do that. On the farm. They they had a house cleaner. Like it was actually like a, you know, a rich thing, even though it's like they weren't at all. I think you just almost need. You need that. Why don't I definitely do. Well, you, you you have a kid. Go on. Tell

Stephen Edwards:

me tell me about his excellent, excellent a cleaning and housekeeping skills

Jaden Cymbaluk:

might be something that's changed. My mom used to hold me accountable for like cleaning bathrooms.

Stephen Edwards:

Online. I used to have, I used to have chores. I used to like have to do stuff before I would go out. We still joke because back in the day I would like you know, remember when you'd get in trouble as a kid and then you're like, Well, you're not going out and then you would come up with all the stupid shit that you would do to go out. So mine was always like, I'd get in trouble for some bullshit might be like, well mop the floors, it'll clean the bathrooms and, and it'd be like Friday night at like 830 And I'd be like mopping the kitchen floor. She's like, Nope, it's not clean yet always.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Fuck my mom. My mom was she was pretty hard ass in that. But that's also how I got my DJ job because I got I grounded I got grounded to the bar because when they were gone at the nightclub, that was their job. I had a party and they were like, Oh, can't leave you home on a Friday night. No more. But uh, yeah, that's, that's a funny. That's a funny. That's a funny thing from back in the day. Vacuuming. I remember, like vacuuming the stairs

Stephen Edwards:

that you guys have a little Roomba or whatever those now see. And I'm I don't I don't either. I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

kind of think that they're kind of like one of those like,

Stephen Edwards:

I don't think they're working.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think they're a garbage thing. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, they're expensive. So I know like, I think my mom has one that runs around and it works kinda

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it probably worked great for six months, like they should. And then after a year and a half.

Stephen Edwards:

I always feel like it's stuck. Somewhere.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I was like, got kids stuffs always

Stephen Edwards:

stuck in the way on the floor.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean, I've seen the technology behind it where you're just Oh, you're gone. Leave it we'll figure

Stephen Edwards:

it out. Got a Tito. There's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

bones. Just dogs. Dogs are great actually for food. We've had that. We've had that dog. Parents dog. leftover chicken. You know basically the dog just gets everything hot dogs. Yeah, everything.

Stephen Edwards:

I can't believe you still don't have a dog for your kids. Like you love them.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I knew it was gonna go. It's like you don't love your kids. Susan said Steve's most commented thing on Facebook on our post is those kids need a dog

Stephen Edwards:

they do. You just wait so long. The longer these kids go without a dog the closer I am to buying a dog.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, we talked about that. That's it's it's a lot of work.

Stephen Edwards:

Sure, but you got three kids already. It's not like you're like work adverse. Thank you guys. like a mini tribe already? Yeah, you've got the tribe. You've got half of a football team. I mean, you got with all of you got a basketball team.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. He's got a starting five got email address, symbol look party of

Stephen Edwards:

I have my my buddy. They always hashtag everything a party of sex.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. Like the thing though, when we did get engaged, though, that was our hashtag. Was party a five symbol a party to

Stephen Edwards:

oh, you know, a lot. That makes sense. Party of Five would have been a little preemptive.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And I went to party three. Hey, we're pregnant again.

Stephen Edwards:

Now you're not you're a party of 545. That's it? No party a sex toy. We've

Jaden Cymbaluk:

made the family email. That's official.

Stephen Edwards:

Is that what it is? It's the longest Okay, mail symbol like party of

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You spell that for me again?

Stephen Edwards:

Hold on. See?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Why isn't Charlie? Why is Amazon Mary?

Stephen Edwards:


Jaden Cymbaluk:

You're the one that told we did talk about this. But like, Yeah, are you supposed to get your kid and email address? As a kid?

Stephen Edwards:

I would try to mess on knowing what I know. I mean, Brock has a dumb email. I would try to get him like good email. Because by

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the time the rockin dot symbol, yep. Because Cuz there's a bunch of those people out there. So

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, it's probably screwed. Alright, it's too late now, but I don't need

Jaden Cymbaluk:

to have the one seven. No, it's not. Somebody else's last name is similar.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, yeah, you're probably fine. Steve Edwards is like your there's nothing out there. You're screwed, man. Yeah. I mean, that's, uh, yeah, you're good. You got to get the kids one. I mean, they have that. You probably did it. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, you're the one that told me that remember? I don't have your own Apple ID and all that stuff with the

Stephen Edwards:

kids. Oh, yeah, definitely the own Apple ID. I see these parents sharing Apple IDs. Like why Apple makes it so easy.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It honestly makes it harder when you share. Like, because then all of a sudden you're like, Yeah, you're like, who bought? Yeah, it's just everybody should have their own Apple ID.

Stephen Edwards:

And then I think as they get a little bit older, then you can put it on their iPhones. You can monitor their iPhone think

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's 13 or 12 or something like that. You have to consent and then

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, but then you can get them on iPhone and you can lock down their iPhone and basically you're you're making your kids Apple fanboys forever.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

iPhones you think they're gonna be around? I mean, I think they're always going to be around but

Stephen Edwards:

I keep seeing on this all the news about the supposedly there's going to be a Tesla phone. Really? Seems neat. Seems neat. The well and because of his like Starlink satellite, it's going to be like the Tesla phone. Pretty interesting stuff. You know,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

this is me on the other side. Where's the cybertruck?

Stephen Edwards:

I know. Three days ago, so this is like hot shit right here. pestle model Pei smartphone price.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Susan's parents have the why the internet audit the starling cam? Do they like it? Yeah, it's fat. It's super fast. Yeah. It's way better than anything that they ever had, or was like ever out there.

Stephen Edwards:

So they're just stoked about it. So they're like, so if a testify I'm in because I have a

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Tesla on Tesla pie. Con,

Stephen Edwards:

I guess. So when the TESL phone comes? I mean, I feel like now I am being pulled between two worlds.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, is that? Do you think that's their game plan?

Stephen Edwards:

I have no idea. I have no clue. But I mean, I would I would have to get one I think I mean 800 to 1200 bucks. I wonder if a satellite internet solar charging.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You know, this makes me actually think of seeing all the like the display ads. CES is coming up.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, I'm excited to go. There's still gonna be vendors.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So it was it's still on? I thought they were canceling.

Stephen Edwards:

I like actually ces better than SEMA. I mean, I think it's a matter of like, if you go to one of them too often, they become boring. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it says, ces still will go on, but who dropped out?

Stephen Edwards:

I know Google and Microsoft dropped out. Yeah. I'm sure there's some others because there's some other big heavy hitters that dropped out.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Google takes usually that whole outside.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, and everything has a Google product on it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Do they get their money back? Hell no.

Stephen Edwards:

No, they do. But it's Google. So it's like, it doesn't even matter. It just rolls off like it's nothing. Who is who dropped out of CES.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

See this is see like this is a good thing like this is this is kind of what I was talking about. Is it gonna still go on in 2022? Ces?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, yeah, I think all these

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you don't think nothing's gonna change in a couple weeks.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, it's it's like a week away yeah, I think it's two closer but who says the dropped out? Growing number okay who So who do we have made up? So? Facebook dropped Amazon T Mobile at&t and Twitter.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Facebook. Do you remember Facebook ever been there before?

Stephen Edwards:

Not really. Yeah. I mean, CNET verge

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I remember always with meet with Google member or member when hey google, when that all the Hey, Google people everywhere.

Stephen Edwards:

But isn't that crazy? Although like publications dropped out CNET verge and TechCrunch dropped out. Like I mean, that like 2022 Doesn't get any cool tech like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

TechCrunch is gonna be like, be there to cover it.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, why? Weird? I mean, they didn't have a last year so now we're gonna go two years of well without CES.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yes, yes. Yes.

Stephen Edwards:

Fucking sweets. Yes. is so cool.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

number that was that was the last Yes. Was in 2020 in January. And remember, we talked about that before? Everything?

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, yeah. That was the last one. Yeah, because it didn't do 21.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And that all everybody from China, everybody from Wuhan came over.

Stephen Edwards:

That's where see. And that's where COVID started. And never brought it back to him though. Nobody ever Well, that's an interesting thing is you know, so do we have international travel from China? I don't know. I mean, I guess it's kind of a weird thing. How can you have ces without China? All travel allowed. From China. China. Got it? Can I travel internationally? No. traveling to China? What about China? People Chinese traveling here. I mean, we probably cannot travel to China.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So the whole like outdoor section. Remember that we call it? What is where all the parts and everything. All the

Stephen Edwards:

weird Chinese stuff that you would never need. But

Jaden Cymbaluk:

yeah, good morning. So I have no idea. Travel. They're also saying us is going to require the vaccine for domestic travel. That's not going to happen. That's what you're saying.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm that's my prediction. Not happening again. i I'll go down on that one that. I mean, again, how are they enforcing What a dumb thing I carry around a stupid card. This card is dumb. Like who's mandating these cards?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, just like they're forcing you to go to Hawaii.

Stephen Edwards:

But it's like who makes this up? I feel like they I feel like they wandered it from the start. Had they did all the COVID like vac vaccines like next year Social Security. Yeah, something where it was like, where it was like a national database where they could then I could see where they could start enforcing this stuff. But you know, it's just Paul at CVS. Paulet CVS he's like I got you bro. God damn it. Nothing's gonna ever know. I don't think that they're going to be ever instill vaccine mandates to fly. Again. I feel like all these airlines, I mean, there'll be one who'll fight it. And that's going to be basically the second

Jaden Cymbaluk:

see the Lord Fauci says, Stop

Stephen Edwards:

Goddamnit he probably already wants it. It's probably already asked for it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I'm looking at a CSS Twitter right now.

Stephen Edwards:

What's it say?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Hey, we want you all to come and steal all the automated posts.

Stephen Edwards:

They're gonna talk about all the fun things that should be at CES. Check out this new big screen TV.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Can't wait to have Google here.

Stephen Edwards:

CES is so funny. Now when TVs are like, I always argue this with like, I guess everybody this I don't know why this is like my polarizing topic. TV. Yeah. When you buy a TV now now when TVs are so mass produced? Do you spend the money to buy the better TV?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, I think TVs kind of went through their hot. I wonder what sales on TV or do you think they're plateauing or declining? Or do you think they're still on the rise?

Stephen Edwards:

I think that they're, I think that they sell just as many TVs as they ever did. I think that they're just I think they're bigger. And people don't give a shit I bought. I bought 75 inch TVs for 499. Yeah. So we have what do we have? We have four or 575 inch TVs. And I paid 499 apiece and then I bought all the 50s that are in all the other offices and those costs like 149 199

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Remember the big the big screen TVs that I have one I have a car with it where the speakers are on the bottom projection screen projection screen Then you also have that cable box that goes with it, or the people that a hack the, the the cable where they got it for free.

Stephen Edwards:

That's what I back in the day I had the Mitsubishi 65 inch diamond. And then my buddy hooked me up with the Direct TV trying to figure out a life hack. And I had a computer sitting beside my TV running an emulator so that I could watch all the paper views and everything. any given time. It was great. I thought it was

Jaden Cymbaluk:

what was the other? What was the other TV besides the Mr. B

Stephen Edwards:

Sheba, Toshiba, Hitachi, Toshiba and

Jaden Cymbaluk:

then Sony, Sony XBR Sony still around. I mean, Sony always makes the best tvs but what actually makes a

Stephen Edwards:

nice tractor it seems to be that don't make nice cars anymore. Mitsubishi car right

Jaden Cymbaluk:

hair projection TV working condition. A lot of people turn these into like fish tanks and

Stephen Edwards:

they should they should turn them into anything other than landfill scrap.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Almost cost more to take to the landfill. I think I

Stephen Edwards:

think they're heavy. I mean, I don't think they are heavy. Back in the day, I was selling those Sony Vega tube TVs that weighed like 500 pounds and have to carry a lot on Ebay. I don't know why anybody would buy them. I have no like that's such a weird thing to buy at this point in time. When you can buy a 75 inch TV that is like crystal

Jaden Cymbaluk:

clear for well now you can buy an NFT by JPEG.

Stephen Edwards:

That's what I would sooner have a JPEG of this TV than the actual TV.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's funny. How much does the Mitsubishi 82 inch cost?

Stephen Edwards:

Oh 82 inches probably like that was the cat's pajamas. That was like an $8,000 TV

Jaden Cymbaluk:

in 2009 and went for 4200 That was like

Stephen Edwards:

the good years. I bet you even go further back because I worked at Pacific sound back in how to be 99 2099

Jaden Cymbaluk:

right before y2k

Stephen Edwards:

That was That's right when I worked there we're selling car audio and all the bullshit that went with it. home stereos and I would demo Days of Thunder with surround sound

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and is COVID Just like y2k just a marketing thing like hey, you need this they're like they're like like oh everybody's got to get a new computer before y2k

Stephen Edwards:

What a boss what a boss that was for everybody because on the first of the year everybody's like Well shit all my stuff is still good.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Norton Antivirus had a good year that year.

Stephen Edwards:

That was the only company that crushed it. Oh hell yeah, so I guess I don't know if Chinese people are gonna be able to

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So end of the year here What was your Spotify wrapped? Most listen? Oh,

Stephen Edwards:

my Spotify is so divers. Okay. So I think it depends on the time of year you catch me in. Because I definitely go in my like summertime or jamuns morning. I was feeling it. I was feeling out. I go on my summertime mode where I'm into like my like pepper and iration Yeah. And I've I mean, and then I finished up to your strong with a lot of like, EDM. I'm definitely in the EDM scene. I've drank the Kool Aid I'm you enrich

Jaden Cymbaluk:


Stephen Edwards:

I'm about the festival life at the center there.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So what do you got your you got your pulled up here, and we're gonna,

Stephen Edwards:

what do I got? We're gonna I also like to use Spotify or Amazon music.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Bad person ask.

Stephen Edwards:

I know, I You shouldn't be the wrong person asked. You're the DJ. Let's talk about those. Why are you the wrong person

Jaden Cymbaluk:

to ask him for both us neither.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm sorry to hear that. I know you listen to like, I mean, I listen to a lot of podcasts too. But you should definitely be like, where is this your unwrap? Oh, here we go. Here we go. Your top songs. 2021. Okay. My top song for 2021 was iration energy.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Okay, okay, so there's iration that's, those are summertimes you?

Stephen Edwards:

Yep. Song to Nikki Ramiro. We're still young. That's EDM song.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Where'd you find that was underneath profile?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, just down. Scroll down to jump back in, I guess. Something. Yeah, what else do we got in here? Then I ration then some more EDM, then more iration then some wild luxury. Then some country that's more EDM. iration a lot of EDM really went hard on the EDM

Jaden Cymbaluk:

is interesting. Mine doesn't even I'm not even correct. You didn't even listen anything more suggestions? Says you really liked that song. You an island boy is trying to make it So hot

Stephen Edwards:

Jim. Yeah, hot tech. Well, I mean, if that is your number one song of the year is it's not. I mean, I bet you everybody, I bet you now when everybody goes for Have you seen how much noise like Taylor Swift has made with her new album releases or like the RE re releasing of her album? Like she's absolutely crushing? Like the charts and everything else due to record sales for her new album, that's just really releasing all of our old stuff. But she has what that what is it the 10 Minute 10 minute song here? Hold on. 10 minutes 10 minute song where she digs on Jake Gyllenhaal. Or they say it's about Jake Gyllenhaal. All too well. Seriously, we're gonna look this up. Not that this matters. But all too well. If you search that shit on

Jaden Cymbaluk:

an aversion all too well. From the vault. See, T Swift is pretty, but then I'm going to go back to like this. Like I thought Kanye was actually pretty smart, too, of what he was doing before his album release. Because it only released on digital I think or streaming right? I thought Kanye was gonna be paid the most as an artist when his album came out. But here we're

Stephen Edwards:

gonna just want to go see how many times Taylor's version from the vault. I want to see how many times this has been listened to on a trillion times is my guess. 27 million times.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

released on November 11.

Stephen Edwards:

That's a lot of listen to his stuff, many films I mean, that's wild. I mean,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

music videos are kind of like that though. Many films or movies and stuff. I mean,

Stephen Edwards:

I miss those back in the day of like Guns and Roses and stuff where they would make like 10 minutes song. I man you know a lot of sad said Oh, what am I searching Taylor. All too well. Haha, I just want to search Taylor so I can see how many times this has been played on Spotify. Sure, a gazillion times. All too well, has been played. It's number one on Spotify right now. 150 6 million times thus far. It's a lot. It's a lot for a song released.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Can't believe that. She gets picked? Like, I mean, I know she leaves her house, but she could probably just call it a day, huh?

Stephen Edwards:

Probably do whatever the fuck she wants. I feel like she's figured this out.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

In Job, you gotta

Stephen Edwards:

give her props. She's, she's got to be about. I mean, at this point. She's got to be the most successful female in music.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Thank you. I mean, yeah, I kind of look at like legends of music or people that you think are like superstars. Forever. Yeah, and you think T Swift?

Stephen Edwards:

She's young. She wasn't she just now? 30?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's a good point. I mean, yeah. How

Stephen Edwards:

old is Taylor Swift?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

She can't be that old. I'm 30. So I don't think she's younger. Oh, 3232 Yeah, I mean, it's good for her. Just crushed it alive.

Stephen Edwards:

She turns out if I was able to sing and sing and write music from the heart about my

Jaden Cymbaluk:

so do you think like Taylor Swift is ever going to be irrelevant? Like, do you think Madonna still relevant? When do you think I like Madonna? No, I don't know. Who would you think that's I

Stephen Edwards:

think Taylor Swift has longer I think she last longer because it's no longer driven by record sales. But to that point, I mean, I guess the other side of the fence is that look how long Celine Dion had a shelf life? Yeah, you know, and eventually what will happen is like, Taylor will, you know, continue to sell out shows and continue to crush everything. And you go to Vegas and Vegas and she'll have a residency because Adele, I was talking I was talking about Dell with Brooklyn last night and looking at prices for a Dell it's like fuckin but look

Jaden Cymbaluk:

how fast that happened. Though. Adele's rise was only within the last 10 years now she's

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, and I bet you Adele doesn't even have anywhere near the maybe, maybe she's got the same.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We both just happen. Well, it's the world it's the worldwide thing to you know, she's came from the UK.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. I mean, she's also

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that's a funny thing too. Even Greg said that member when he was talking about artists that they didn't even know of, like the like journey.

Stephen Edwards:

surprise of the journey. How many

Jaden Cymbaluk:

UK people always say things like that, that it sounds so. Like weird. Weird. Yeah. Like yeah, never never heard of AC ICD CK but journey that was a good example.

Stephen Edwards:

See, but this is all this is as of like 2019 100 14 million a lot. Yeah. Go T Swizzle.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What's Adele's age? No. Got any older 33.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, much. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I would have known that.

Stephen Edwards:

Adele tickets. Let's look at this beltech Yeah, we were talking about Dell tickets Las Vegas. I think the cheapest ticket I could find was 850 a ticket. And that's the best you were able to buy it. You're Yeah, it's on StubHub. I mean, it's not to resell. Yeah. Yeah, there's none you can buy.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

How many shows was she doing?

Stephen Edwards:

I think it's one here. I got it up. 24 It appears? Damn, that's wild. So check this out. This is what was fucking ridiculous. Okay, let's go to

Jaden Cymbaluk:

go to Valentine's Day. Oh, that's

Stephen Edwards:

her. This is a data I looked at and it was absurd. Let's go. Okay, must be this one. Here we go. Now I gotta scroll a little bit. So what's the most you would you would spend on a ticket to go see somebody?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's funny. We talked about this with the staff kind of, you know what I mean? Like, what's kind of your price range? Or like what's? Well, none of those prices

Stephen Edwards:

went out$48,765 per ticket. Well,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

none of my credit cards would be able to do that at the moment.

Stephen Edwards:

So here we go. So for two tickets, I wonder what the service fees are on them?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Do you think they cap out or do you think they take like a 6% of

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, definitely. They definitely are taking they're definitely no cap no cap. $48,000 each. So basically 100 And even at 6%. Yeah.$105,000 104,000.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. I'm always skeptical though about this. Well, I mean, are they really selling though? Okay, nobody's paying that. I saw. I did see this. Did you see John Legend and Chrissy Tegan are they bought? Like a whole row appearing. Now they bought a whole row of what, like at a Broadway show. Alright. People were like, pissed. Oh,

Stephen Edwards:

she's annoying. She's dumb.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean, that's only two tickets. That's only one whole row.

Stephen Edwards:

So I'm gonna sit next to somebody that might spilled a drink on me or might talk. I don't know what I would have to take out of the experience to justify like, yeah, so I was saying like I could spend I could see spending 1000 1500 bucks on the right.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Show. People always talk about that like Super Bowl tickets to for like a sports

Stephen Edwards:

Super Bowl. I can even see where it gets more if it's your team and you're a huge fan. You know, like win Super Bowls once a year. I mean, Adele's gonna play again. It's not as if after after, like these 24 shows she's never gonna play again. She's probably gonna do a concert somewhere. Yeah, so I'm surprised.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I'm surprised there hasn't been with COVID I thought more people were actually going to we'd be paying to see concerts, especially music like in our own house. Yeah. And didn't really happen. I went to like, what would you pay like a pay per view to see almost a concert?

Stephen Edwards:

I wouldn't. I want to go to I want to go experience it. Yeah, no, for sure. I went and saw Guns and Roses and it was trash.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Where do you see them in the stadium? Oh, Allegiant now?

Stephen Edwards:

sucked. It's fuckin sounds. When was that? I know, a couple months ago. It's trash. It sounded like trash. It wasn't very good. It sounded terrible.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean, but they're also 76 years old.

Stephen Edwards:

School. I don't think they were that bad, but they were pretty old. Again, definitely.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Like ZZ Top is still touring. I mean, fuck, they're old.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, but I would never pay to go see that shows. 100 people did. I mean, Billy Joel how much for Billy Joel tickets going for? Yeah, Billy Joel, Billy Joel's $108 to go see Adele. 50,000

Jaden Cymbaluk:

bucks. Billy Joel at the West Gate. No. Is

Stephen Edwards:

that a legion?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

funded, they're only using half though.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

After staining? Well, supposedly. And Billy, how do you feel?

Stephen Edwards:

These kind of 800 So like, even on the high side. 1000 bucks a ticket. I mean, not a lot, I guess but 1000 bucks to go see Billy Joel or 50,000

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's kind of like Jay, remember, and Jay Z was like kind of at his prime. Okay. A lot of people were paying pretty big bucks for Jay Z. He has not worked. Whereas Jay Z got super rich. goddamn thing hanging out last Moon concert.

Stephen Edwards:

Hang out with Beyonce. You know with Bay. Yeah, with B, me and B. I don't know what Saddam is like, you know, and obviously I So you're so to the point are people paying it? No, I don't think people are paying that. I feel like knowing how tickets are bought and sold in Vegas. All the original tickets were bought up by all the, you know, if you want to call them scalpers or the resellers, and they've seen the demand, do I think that tickets will sell for 50,000? I don't do I think it's foreseeable that some tickets are going to sell for five to 7000 Maybe

Jaden Cymbaluk:

there is because I was we were talking about the Super Bowl. So that was kind of my I was looking up the most expensive sporting ticket ever sold 1.7 million for the World Series tickets. I kinda remember that.

Stephen Edwards:

How do you run that one by the way? Babe, I bought these tickets. So bad then it goes back to your point do I think any of these artists expire? So my original example is going to be Justin Bieber because Justin Bieber is aging up hold is Justin Bieber at this point. I feel like how was he

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Swift? It? I mean, T Taylor is 32 Adele's 33 So

Stephen Edwards:

just so he's got it. Do you think he's over? 30? No. How old is Justin Bieber? 27 So, you know, from Justin Bieber being like, kid with the baby song, and feeling like okay, this kid's gonna have his like five minutes of fame to still being pretty relevant today. I mean, not pretty relevant. He's, he's as pop culture as anybody.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And he was a good example of like, Usher like, I think ushered you know, he had his Vegas residency, Adele though it's, she's not she hasn't been around us.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't think you and I are middle class white women and I think we got to work on our middle class. It's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

funny that you brought this up right here because it's like Shania Twain.

Stephen Edwards:

How old is she? My twin she's gonna be 70

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I doubt that. Well, it's actually that's actually

Stephen Edwards:

because man she's 5556 Okay, I was totally off sorry guys. Got down.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

How do people always Do you know how old Jennifer Aniston is? She's 60 And people always talk about that is not always like the that's the hot

Stephen Edwards:

one. I know Reba rebound Brooks and Dunn they still do their thing and Rebo 66

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, but okay, what do you think about that though when they broke them down broke up and now they're back together? It's all marketing.

Stephen Edwards:

I think they're just like money I think you know, the one guy I'd still like to go see is George Strait. George Strait still does his deal over at A T Mobile. So see George Strait.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, it's funny that you say that because that was the whole thing was his last the last I want to last dance or whatever I want like Garth Brooks. It's like there's always something so it's like, do you pay more? Because you think it's like last last time that he's ever going to perform and then 2022 George Strait in concert live if I'm

Stephen Edwards:

going to see George Strait I want to see pure country George Strait not not modern George Strait I want to get

Jaden Cymbaluk:

up there in the stage rotates and well does it sits on? I think it does.

Stephen Edwards:

I bet it's pretty good. I mentioned a good show. I'd go see him.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What's his age?

Stephen Edwards:

He's got to be 60 and change.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Should should I was seven. I mean, don't don't quote me on any of this. 69 years old. Yeah, that seems about right. Alan Jackson 63

Stephen Edwards:

So I'm always amazed at like what concerts I would not go to because I question of

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the day I would not go to sticks. Come on,

Stephen Edwards:

I'd go see sticks. What about Dua Lipa? So does dual lipo have enough content to put on a concert?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

See, I see I would go to do a LiPo because it's kind of like you remember when when Black Eyed Peas are kind of popular? Sure. Like that's how I look at do a leap like right now. Right? Okay. Am I gonna Am I gonna go to AstroWorld by Travis Scott's maybe not after I saw the videos on that. I tried to get fucking stopped by those fucking damn kids.

Stephen Edwards:

Kids in their crazy cult obsessions with rappers on drugs. Who even knew

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that was That was crazy. That you crazy. That's the shit that I think is crazy. And then whatever happened to that deal? Does this Live Nation gets sued?

Stephen Edwards:

I think he's getting sued. I think Travis Scott's getting sued. Why was it his fault? Yeah, I think he incited a little bit of a Yeah, I really incited a riot. Think it really was January 6, same fucking thing.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I got I got I got I got way worse and Travis Scott and he did

Stephen Edwards:

he got he got exiled off the internet.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Travis Scott still got his fucking Twitter.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know what happened. It's not fair. It's not 149 bucks to go see. I'd go see George. I'd sing along to every song

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that's crazy that it is Like George, I literally thought that that was the whole reason that everybody wouldn't show up. I thought it was this last one.

Stephen Edwards:

Have you ever gone to drays Have you ever been in drays I wasn't old enough. I went that the longest time I'm a little scared. I see they had like Gucci Mane there the other day. I'm like, I have no business being at fuckin Dre is like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the funny thing is we say Gucci Mane. I always I think Jeezy Young Jeezy. Yeah, like

Stephen Edwards:

I have no reason to be sad funny. I'm gonna go see bad bonds.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think that was cool. Remember we talked about that that experience that uh oh, VIP? What was that thing I showed you the concert experience

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, yeah, where they go on vacation.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well they flew the dribble they had one in Vegas where you bought like it was still an experience but as bad bunny put it on God what was that? That was a good he

Stephen Edwards:

like Latin. I mean, I think once you're a song like looking at some of these it's like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Pitbull though. Pebbles Latin.

Stephen Edwards:

He speaks English does does bad bunny speak English. I'm not saying he has to be popular but

Jaden Cymbaluk:

bad bunny English songs. Oh I don't think you need to nowadays everybody 624

Stephen Edwards:

million listens to the song I couldn't tell you seven words that he's all it's just me on my fire me on well you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

can been Yeah, you can hear right through your mic though.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm not Bluetooth.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I'll connect. I got it. Oh, it just came out. Yeah, it's just

Stephen Edwards:

an road caster connecting. Yes, guys. We have the best equipment possible. Road casters. I don't know

Jaden Cymbaluk:

if except for except from reliable, right. I haven't figured out yet. Got the thing.

Stephen Edwards:

Are you connected to it?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, I mean, don't you? Yeah, I know. Oh, unpair

Stephen Edwards:

that's what I'm on. Try again What the hell guys? Okay, this was a great idea until it wasn't sorry,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it says has been impaired.

Stephen Edwards:

Hold on. That's common, guys. There we go. Okay, I'm finding

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's funny. We're actually trying to pair up the Bluetooth speaker out in the gym while we were you know, throwing some weight around

Stephen Edwards:

Okay, hold on. I mean, this is like his number one song. Okay, I 650,000,620 4 million listens to the song I go to this. Would you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like going to church? Do you like know the words already and see just

Stephen Edwards:

sounds like a spiritual song. I mean, I think it all has the same vibe, I guess. Okay. I don't know any bad bunny, man. I'm not a bad bunny enthusiast. You do? I mean, I know that one song. Um, I'm not buying bad bunny.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So how does somebody how does somebody like Justin Bieber released? This ba Sita seems

Stephen Edwards:

so happy you stop there at that point. Let's fuck. That's gonna

Jaden Cymbaluk:

be my new thing. I was just introduced to like my singing last week. It was good. Oh, J Balvin. To

Stephen Edwards:

what is Oh, is he he's another Spanish thing. Yeah. I mean, yeah, none

Jaden Cymbaluk:

of the song and for her like that. They're like the modern day Selena.

Stephen Edwards:

Give me a little 440 million listens to the song.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

A lot of Spanish people can use Spotify. Kevin was on the back of some Jeeps?

Stephen Edwards:

I guess. Yeah. You know, obviously they have a captive audience. There's probably far more Spanish speaking portions of the world and Alright, sorry all Spanish music listeners. Don't count

Jaden Cymbaluk:

on those from the from the Spotify wrap up. We went into the music section.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, I'm on the concerts and festivals actually.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Just I mean,

Stephen Edwards:

I love festivals. I don't know what the losers and

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you don't know what that is? I don't know. Remember that song.

Stephen Edwards:

That's Asher. Oh, Lauryn Hill, Asher TLC. Sierra ludicrous. Would you buy would you go to this

Jaden Cymbaluk:

with a with a bodyguard?

Stephen Edwards:

I ain't go into that shit. I'm busy. I don't want to go to that. It's a

Jaden Cymbaluk:

lot. It was a little bit. Yeah, holder like I can see the right the demographic that's that is going to that. But I mean hip hop was popular. Like when in the prime we talked about in the bar member. I mean, it was all hip hop songs were different than it is now. I mean, remember,

Stephen Edwards:

we should have Jasmine and Jasmine went to that. To that gayness shop to that Vegas pot or what is it that Vegas, Nevada, Nevada days. It's the dumbest name for our fest. have a lover. Amanda days. Hold on. I'm having Jasmine come here. She hasn't loon come here. Joselyn search it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I know that's a holiday but it was

Stephen Edwards:

no I was like a festival.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Nevada day festival. That's what you want me to search? Sure. Yeah, we're gonna come up as a parade down in Boulder City or something?

Stephen Edwards:

I don't think so.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

The largest celebration of statehood.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm in as I was. Hold on, she's on her way to bat

Jaden Cymbaluk:

a day. But uh, hold on. I was like I heard music festival.

Stephen Edwards:

Maybe? Well, no wonder they had they had the I heard music festival the same weekend of

Jaden Cymbaluk:

what was that festival that you went to give her luggage? We'll get you

Stephen Edwards:

Jasmine, we're talking about music festivals. Okay. You just went to Hey, Jess, this jasmine guys. You met her last week? He did. What was that? Nevada days? What the hell was that festival you guys went to


day in Vegas.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

He was set me up for failure over here. I'm like, same day in Vegas.

Stephen Edwards:

So who did you see there? That was like, that was awesome. Because what did it cost you to go to it?


It was pretty pricey. It was probably like, between 500 to $600. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's funny that you talked about this too, because Travis Scott was supposed to be there. Right?

Stephen Edwards:

That's right, for sure. But then they brought in Post Malone.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yes. Yeah. I mean, Travis Scott, kind of a couple things going on was

Stephen Edwards:

busy that weekend. You got canceled.


All around.

Stephen Edwards:

So what is the Calabash What is that about?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

How was it? How was that?


That festival? Yeah, it was it was good. It was I liked all the acts, but I wish that there was more to do in between. It was kind of just walking back and forth to each stage. But the performers were really good.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Like I saw like, life is beautiful. does a good job of like, yeah, like things to do when the concerts aren't going on. Right?


Exactly. Yeah, they only had about like one photo area. Food.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I know it's Calabash that's what was actually what is Calabash I don't see him on Omar musica.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, this must be a Calabash I'll play on.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, well, it is it's Latin. Yeah, so it's Latin music on Omar. He's done a good

Stephen Edwards:

job. Nobody knows what song that was. You know, you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

know what I'm talking about, right? Dan's Qudra play that. I know. Everybody knew that song. It was popular at that time because I think everybody's riding on the boat. Don had a movie. It's from a movie.

Stephen Edwards:

Here we go 821 million listens.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Watch this is sounded just like

Stephen Edwards:

this is fast and furious. I mean, do you have this on a playlist?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Everybody did I


can help with dance too. And

Jaden Cymbaluk:

just like peppers play peppers. That's a good one. Peplos PE PP A S Oh, wait, because there's so many EDM remixes of the song Yo, I

Stephen Edwards:

see it on here. What is the what is the one so back in the VAR days up in mind that was the one on

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the beat drop here you skip ahead and shut up

Stephen Edwards:

again hold on Give me Give it


fast forward there it is.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

There we go. Though

Stephen Edwards:

yeah there's a great

Jaden Cymbaluk:

so we're gonna go to this concert that if he's

Stephen Edwards:

one of the DJs replay it what was the song that was the Latin song back in the bar days that everybody wanted played?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I know there's a lot of LA I Chico. I can't shake by people.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, we're so what festival? Are you what's so are you planning to go to any festivals this


year? Not that I know of they in Vegas was actually only my second festival I've ever been to. Interesting and the first one was the first day in Vegas.

Stephen Edwards:

So who's your favorite was the first one was your favorite artists? You saw it in Vegas?


Snow Allegra I don't know if you guys know

Stephen Edwards:

Allegra Hold on. Oh


my gosh. This is like r&b. She's not like EDM or she

Jaden Cymbaluk:

was hurt was her real rapper named snow at first.


Tina snow Megan, Megan, the stallion.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Why no Megan. To me.


That was before Megan the stallion. She's like,

Stephen Edwards:

love music.


It's kind of lovey. Okay.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

lovers and friends.

Stephen Edwards:

Which longer I made a play. Play. Oh, we made a banger. You got a banger.


I know do I? Okay.

Stephen Edwards:

This is like in the size of


One of her I guess the best songs on the album. Gotta let it build

Stephen Edwards:

building we're building


it's very r&b vibe I'm feeling I'm thinking of who else I saw

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I'm feeling it but I've never heard like where do you find this song?


out of r&b So

Stephen Edwards:

that would make sense so like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you listen to Hey Alexa, play top r&b songs like that.


Yeah, he missed the part. Oh, my belt he may just made it hold on.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, hold on. I went back six seconds we're gonna hear it now. Yeah, it's gonna be a banger. I feel like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

she dropped like purpose

Stephen Edwards:

I think that a lot of build up


she's very moody like gives you the vibes like Drake I saw dosa cat. Okay, I saw I listened to Sir He's like r&b also like I listen to a lot of r&b

Stephen Edwards:

So my entire, like, EDM playlist in my office all day makes you feel like fist pump.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Like so. What do we do at a concert when this song is playing vibes? Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

So are you drinking or smoking weed? Or what are you doing when you're there?


Yeah, all of it all the above Basic all the above? Yeah, I guess it makes music that much more. Absolutely. You know,

Stephen Edwards:

I hear you. I mean, these were important questions, because I'm looking at festival. Okay, so then it just felt like 605 600 bucks to go to this festival.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I was like, Yes. So is she gonna have then a lovers and friends are 30 years later. She's about


to go on tour this year. Actually, for the first time.

Stephen Edwards:

Would you go see so we were just discussing this? How invested would you be to go to see Warren Hill assure TLC CRM ludicrous. Or is this out of your age demo? No, this


would be like a dream to me. Really? Yeah. Dream, but is Lauryn Hill gonna show up? Because everyone always says that she never shows up to her.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We didn't know. We didn't know that. Really? I don't know.


That's like her stamp is like she either comes three hours late or she doesn't come at all. Why am I allowed to do that? I guess you're Lauryn Hill.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, I mean, this is an admirable trait, or is that annoying?


It's annoying. So I would be sad if I went to

Jaden Cymbaluk:

look at that flyer. It looks like the flyer from when I used to throw phone parties.

Stephen Edwards:

Okay. Look at look at this on the first day or whatever your rule is. How would you still a

Jaden Cymbaluk:

rule cancelled?

Stephen Edwards:

I thought he was cancelled. I mean, when I look at this, this is a hot lineup right here.


This was this is what I was talking about air. Sweat is gonna be there. It says Keith,

Stephen Edwards:

is that is that a hot one? I mean, you sweat isn't like what was his banger back? Look at the bottom of the list down there. Twins. Don't get into

Jaden Cymbaluk:

love. Yeah, right next to


who? Mike Jones.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

330800 Fo give my junk. Mike Jones about this. Oh, look.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know if this makes me feel incredibly old.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Search the song. Which one? I see. He's got one song. Or I'm reading. Kevin. Hold on. I'm also not Kevin Gates. Kevin. Ly. Tt Kevin L. Kevin little.

Stephen Edwards:

Play the song. Turn me on. I know this one. Doesn't Yeah, this is uh,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

this was like dance Cujo before dance. Cujo was even thought

Stephen Edwards:

Shawn calls so I mean, this does look better as I look at it like this. The bottle is what it's like, oh, do I want to go actually see a lot of this.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Okay, so this looks like a production nightmare to me. Because how all these people like perform.


This is the problem that I had with Dane Vegas because this is at the same place that day in Vegas was the past two years. And there's like, triangle a triangle effects. Stevie classic

Jaden Cymbaluk:

songs. Yeah, I've known Steve for a while. I've only in the bar days. This used to be like, Hey, play some of that like

Stephen Edwards:

fabulous. This was a fun strippers. Love this one. Oh, man, this is hot. I'm in now. Now I'm going my ticket. The Dream rockin that ship.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's what I'm saying. This is going to a certain demographic. That's why I was surprised when you said that. You weren't well, I

Stephen Edwards:

when I saw it was just I mean, I'm you saw

Jaden Cymbaluk:

me singing at the Christmas.


Did I have this video of you dancing?

Stephen Edwards:

I wasn't here for the last What did your boyfriend think of the Christmas party? What do you think?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, we didn't talk about they were on before we went to the Christmas party.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, I suppose? Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, yeah. What do you think of the Christmas party? Give us the reverse. Yeah, first,

Stephen Edwards:

first holiday party


amazing food. Amazing. The vibes were cool. Pretty fun. It was pretty fun. I liked that. Our little amp Welcome to amp was on in the club. The dealer fit hook up.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Deal. It was fun. Yeah, I liked your guys's Tiktok reel that you put together. That was though it was


fine. Yeah, it was good time.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, sold out all out. We can't even go. Now you'll


be able to go.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It says second show date. There's two.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, there's this one day. It's how the fuck could those be one day? No, it's two days before same lineup each day.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We can't go. It's kind of kind of got across the date. I mean,


that's a lot of people in one day though. So now they can

Stephen Edwards:

do this is because most of them don't have bands. You know if they were bands involved, there's no way that any of this could ever happen because the setup and teardown is just a nightmare.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You're heard of a thing called Woodstock.

Stephen Edwards:

Well sure. But that lasted multiple days. They're doing all of these artists in one day they still do like just backing track follow

Jaden Cymbaluk:

up boy Panic at the Disco all the instruments. They all play at festivals too.

Stephen Edwards:

We're just kidding. What instrument does Trey Songz have

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I know what instrument T pain has? Yeah, auto tune auto tune.


I would see T pain

Jaden Cymbaluk:

to the piano bangers that doesn't say that. Let's I'm interested

Stephen Edwards:

but now how do we go it's sold out about let's do the podcast live there. Oh, that would be so hold


on. Go around and interview people in the crowd.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm sure that's what they're in the crowd. Let's not being bombed. A little.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, oh, they're still at the strip club.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh. I used to dig this back in the day. I used to think she was like so hot. Oh, can you name Oh, Kim. Kim. Kim is scary.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Who is so hot? This is you you think was so hot.

Stephen Edwards:

I just wonder if I can even tell you the year. Dang Do you know what

Jaden Cymbaluk:

this is? I'm getting you know who is like was a banger? That's just sticking out to me right there. Cassie. And you that was a good,


long way to go. Also a great song by Cassie.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Sean Kingston. It is so funny that he's on there. And I honestly thought we should talk about this in the podcast. It's celebrities like where are they now? Oh, they


Oh, yeah. Oh, this

Stephen Edwards:

a strip club is right here.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Meaning this was 100 BPM mixes with every member Diddy I can name like 20 songs. See I see

Stephen Edwards:

Mason's on there. But no, did he? I mean, they. They had they're falling out, but I mean, what's mais gonna play without Diddy?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Can't see that's that's older than I don't know a lot of my songs.


I only know the one.

Stephen Edwards:

Isn't the one the only one that ever was like cool was more money. More problems?


Yes, that song feels good

Jaden Cymbaluk:

to a lot of people on it.


Yeah, feel good. That's a great song. That's a cliffhanger. club banger.

Stephen Edwards:

So okay, so have you gone to a dress? Yes. Is it awesome? Or is it sketch?


It's pretty fun. It's kind of tiny here. Not as big as marquee, but

Jaden Cymbaluk:

a lot of places are tiny. Like you don't realize how tiny they are until they turn the lights on.


It's pretty late. Yeah, yeah. Open up the outdoor you can go on like the pool area. Or you can go in the club. Kind of like how

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, yeah, they filmed a show. What show during COVID I saw

Stephen Edwards:

I love show there. Are they? What was that called? I don't know. But of course, I filmed a love show up.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's like where you like burn the person that you can i What is that show called? It was super popular.


I don't watch a lot of love shows.

Stephen Edwards:

Why are you not celebrating love?


They're not for me. Like it wasn't

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like the bachelor or the Bachelorette. But it was like a spin off of something that boosts cheesier.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know. They're terrible. I can't Yeah, it seems like they're all the same people. The only one I can actually pay. The only one I actually like is bachelorette bachelor. Paradise. Paradise. Yeah. I don't like the real one where they're giving out the roses. It's better when they're in paradise. And it's like they're already debaucherous

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, the bartenders there. Yeah. And they know when to throw the person in like, yeah, like Look who's coming down the stairs. That's

Stephen Edwards:

that's exactly the ones I like I like it when I know that there's some train wreck would you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

pay for an experience like that? To be matched up on an island? Like, like, you know, like when you're single times like, what? Tinder and stuff? They're like, Hey, Steve, for $2,500 We're gonna put you in a resort. And you're actually going to be like on a game show. But of course it's not going to be filmed. I guess that's it a game

Stephen Edwards:

show. Okay, so this is this. I don't have an opinion. On this, okay? Do you not think that if you were trapped on an island with somebody for two weeks, and all you had is just basically like, non filter time, you can spend two weeks and you're just sitting around with somebody for two weeks, just staring in each other's eyes whispering sweet nothings that you couldn't fall in love and come back and be like, Oh my god, this is the person for me.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You could 100% 100%

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. So it's I was I think that you know, I'm

Jaden Cymbaluk:

talking about 10 people. Sure. Strangers in paradise. What would you do? Would you pay for that? Would you pay for that as an experience? No, I

Stephen Edwards:

definitely would not. Because

Jaden Cymbaluk:

do you think they are? Do you think that it's on group? I think it's


I think it's for cloud. Really? Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

I think a lot of these guys aren't getting paid anything. I think they're doing it for social media.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What was what was the show the matchmaker so that they can go play a Gatsby's up. Remember the matchmaker show where the person like was super rich but had a hard time?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, it wasn't Vegas, Dave one of them. Vegas. Dave was with one of them with I like the one with a Steve guy. Him and his mom are matchmakers but remember the man called matchmaker. Yeah, remember what her name was? She was kind of mean. But a lady that hosted it. Yeah. Are the like was the matchmaker but Vegas Dave was on it. That was like before social media like she had a really, she had a big hustle going thing. Could you could you go on a game show? Yeah, Patti. There you go. Could you go on a game show and compete for guys love?


No, not for guys love. I would compete for money. Okay, never.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I've always like, what is your favorite? Like real? Like, real world challenge. I used to love the No, I like the real world was the challenge. Did you see that? That they're bringing it back? The other people another 100? Man? Yeah, no, there's all the Shanaya Twain. Yeah, they're all 75 Could you go so can you go? Real world homecoming. So it's one

Stephen Edwards:

thing to go and like where everybody is just hot and single and your match and you're put on an island and you're going to just find love? Could you compete with 10 other guys for one girl?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So we talked about me and Susan talk about this. Okay. I hate watching the guys compete over the one girl. Okay, like I'm okay with the girls competing over the one


I'm playing Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I just can't watch it. I just can't. I just don't like it. And I would never be able to be that person. So now,

Stephen Edwards:

do you I'm gonna throw out a name and I don't know the full one. But his name is like John Paul. Something off and he's just a clown Vaughn

Jaden Cymbaluk:

batter. Yes. Alex is the bachelor. God damn it person.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm not bringing everybody to talk about

Jaden Cymbaluk:

them. No, it's not John Paul. It is. Um, I know what you're talking about. Now. It's a it's like the most common person he kinda was Mexican, wasn't he?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, this guy. John Paul Jones. Oh, this guy was such a clown.


What's his deal?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What's the deal?

Stephen Edwards:

I don't I was watching this and I was like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the person I was talking about but there is somebody that everybody talked about to on The Bachelor he was like a Rico Suave a guy.

Stephen Edwards:

And I mean Now mind you, he matched up like with patient patient was very cute. Well, in this she was the Bachelorette. Oh, yeah. Then she was the Bachelorette. Hey,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

keep it on side notes on this. This is actually a Tiktok fine, and we'll kind of wrap it up with this. Did you see the they said she was the hot she's 44 years old. And she's classified as the hottest mom on the internet who searches. oddest mom on the internet? It's like 44 years old. Yeah, type of


stuff. Tick tock.

Stephen Edwards:

That's a bold statement cotton.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I know it just in on the internet. There's in 2020 100 Well, that's Yeah. Jolene Diaz Yeah. This is the hottest mom. Yep. And this was this is an old article I just thought but typing Jolene DS now that we know her name,

Stephen Edwards:

Jolene, Jolene, she's got like

Jaden Cymbaluk:

800 I mean, I guess people I didn't realize people have been talking about it this long. But yeah. Okay, we're going to our Instagram now. She's got 687,000 followers. This is I'm 44 years old.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, she's cute. I'm not gonna


discredit it for a while now.

Stephen Edwards:

But what makes her the cutest?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I see. I didn't really think that like, I don't either, buddy. Use the word milk. You know what I mean? But

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, milk was a great. See people were

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, they've been talking about a long time. So I guess I'm a little bit behind I'm mistaken for a daughter and revealing secrets but her daughters and 21 hour 22 so,

Stephen Edwards:

so good. That'd be weird. If you if you and your mom were both

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like good looking.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, if you and your mom were on the same level of like hot like you and your mom went out and like people like doppelganger Geo for being each other.


No, no, no, I've seen doppelganger kind of but my mom actually looks really young people think she's my sister all the time. So this is like, so

Stephen Edwards:

you're already so you're already living. Yeah, basically, you're going on is basically you get fed.


Yeah, it's mom first literally all the time. She's She's pretty.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. So your mom's messing up her game?


No, I'm my game school. I'm paused on the game right now.

Stephen Edwards:

All right. All right. Your boyfriend seemed nice. Yeah, he was cool.


He's like that he can be

Jaden Cymbaluk:

on the other side of the table was busy. Yeah, he talked. He talked enough. And then at dinner, like he

Stephen Edwards:

was busy fist pumping.


He was too busy getting drinks shaken around.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, yeah, little fireball. A lot of fire. Wait for that guy. Oh, my $800


that one thing when he pulled Steve off to the side, and he did? Oh, out

Jaden Cymbaluk:

super Freako.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. Oh, I thought you might when I when they pulled me off to the side to pay for everything. Not them. Not them. Different times.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Did they do fingerprint?

Stephen Edwards:

No, no, but I signed like 43 different places. Plus, you took a copy of my ID.


Dang, it's legit in there. Well, yeah, because I've always done that.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, they're gonna they're concerned. You're gonna.


Yeah, that's crazy.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, this was supposed to be a conversation about tourism.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We talked, talked a lot about experiences and you're like, hey, let's try to stay on trail. We're super

Stephen Edwards:

on track today.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

On Robin. That was a good episode though. It was

Stephen Edwards:

probably our last episode before the end of the year.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. Happy New Year. I guess everybody New Year cheers.


Cheers. Party. Where's your party up? Yeah, where's your party? It's gonna be

Jaden Cymbaluk:

coming up. Yeah,


I'm actually DJing the party. Wow. Yeah. It's gonna be kind of like off strip with a Strip view.

Stephen Edwards:

Some of these house huge


luxury apartment you know, like the Jordan. What do they call the apartment?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, like the like the clubhouse skyscraper kind of deal clubhouse of the community. Yeah, that's cool.

Stephen Edwards:

Do you got your son now I'm going to access Oh, yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, we're going Chainsmokers I'm going to

Stephen Edwards:

Chainsmokers Do you got your setlist workout? um some of it? Yeah. Is your is your set mostly? Hip hop or where? What direction is your setlist go?


Gonna be like some 80s 80s? Okay,

Stephen Edwards:

can we find you on SoundCloud?



Stephen Edwards:

Do you really? Yeah, we were talking. Yeah, we were talking earlier. No, I didn't even know you had a professional sound. Should have

Jaden Cymbaluk:

SoundCloud just got some mixes in the life over here, it's nice. I told her I said, you know, I'm coming out of retirement.


To Jaden Smith, so he sent me a mix. I listened to his pretty fire. Did you talk shit? No, it's good. It was how you can talk to me. No, it's good. I would like to. Like I was like being gone.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think I think I honestly, I'm I'm pretty good on the one to stone. I'm pretty quick.


Yeah, I'll send you links.

Stephen Edwards:

I want Josh

Jaden Cymbaluk:

is DJing battle you know, how do you battle nowadays like with that?

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, now what you do is you joined together because now I'm amazed because now you use for turntables and you fuckin

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, now she's a girl.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, now you guys could have a hell of a like combo and you guys probably get like,


back to back to make a mix. Sounds good. You

Stephen Edwards:

end up like doing B stage like etc. And then if it crushes and you do another well, there's like 37 Well, that's exciting. Yeah, I think you're at sushi Samba.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, I'm down on the strip at the plot. So yeah, that's where it is. Yeah, sushi Samba.


Okay, that's pretty cool.

Stephen Edwards:

You guys doing fuckin fun side gigs. It's fun. EDM.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's it's a it's honestly one of those things. Where I'm like, dang, like, what time do I have to get down there? Now before this trip close,

Stephen Edwards:

they're gonna freaking me out a little bit. They're making it sound like you gotta be at the strip. I like to get ready for this. You

Jaden Cymbaluk:

got to take a nap.

Stephen Edwards:

Like, I definitely need some wine. I'm

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that's crazy. Matlock. Well, yeah, it's not a normal night. It's not like you're gonna go down there at 10

Stephen Edwards:

I guess not. Yeah.


Might as well get a room or something.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I would love to you know, how much room is that? Like the winner?


I bet. Yeah, I

Stephen Edwards:

mean, trying to stay at the win was like, laughable. It's like Elon Musk is driving me.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Crazy. That's another thing to think about the the rates for like Uber and Lyft and stuff like that are gonna be


gonna be crazy. traffic's gonna be crazy.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

How do you even get on a wait,

Stephen Edwards:

is this a good idea?


It's probably gonna be a great idea.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I don't know you've changed normally. It's not a good idea. That's probably not how you're like, Hey, I'm going to


I mean, I want to go see Chainsmokers have somebody drop you off as close as you possibly can.

Stephen Edwards:

No, I'll drive down there. I'll drive down there. I'm not as concerned about getting home. I mean, if I got an Uber home, so I get on the waitlist. So I think I think the challenge is, is I'm not going to be able to, you know, most people are going to be leaving the strip at, let's say one. Yeah. I'm probably not going to be able to leave until I don't You don't think so. Things go all night. Yes.


I think they'll leave at like, 1230 I'd be out at 1230 Right after the DJ, I end up 11 So I can really do DJs HTD Oh, I have another guy who's who's DJing too,

Stephen Edwards:

but so you're the opening act?


I am. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

And then are you staying at the party to like, yeah, probably ticket or is your boyfriend coming?


He's probably gonna be there. Yeah, that's exciting. Yeah, so are not leaving. I've never seen the fireworks like up close.

Stephen Edwards:

Not that I'm like not trying to get this done with but have you anybody ever been to that club over on desert and you don't want to know Hispanic one isn't like the Mecca. It's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

called intrigue.


I know. I know what you're talking about.

Stephen Edwards:

Right off like Valley View and desert in?


I think I know you're talking about seems huge. It probably I found the right place. Oh. Yeah. I don't know. Um,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

a couple of those places they were doing, you know, people would rent them out. You can rent out the whole nightclub private stuff. But um, yeah. No, not entry. samadhan trigged.

Stephen Edwards:

It's called the nightclub on desert. On desert and embassy. Yes. There you go. Embassy nightclub never


been there. Man seen it?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No. Yeah. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, it's just cool. To be

Jaden Cymbaluk:

whatever you want it to be. A man can be Latin night one night it can be.

Stephen Edwards:

I just don't know anybody. I've never had anybody tell me they've gone. I mean, I'd go now.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I was gonna say it's the B team. So it's like, you can't go and you can't get into excess in the wind. You can get into embassy

Stephen Edwards:

book my table. I don't even know what I'm booking my to.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's in Spanish, but that's October.


That's last year, this year. I mean,

Stephen Edwards:

so you're saying that I'll keep this up?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Ah, 404


I think close. All right. That's funny. On that note,

Stephen Edwards:

nobody's going to embassy nightclub

Jaden Cymbaluk:

on that note. This a podcast episode brought to you by Embassy Club.

Stephen Edwards:

We really need them to like, look, they got a great phone number though.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's wild. 609-666-6609. Why does that prefix sound familiar?

Stephen Edwards:

Oh. Anyways, alright.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Thanks, everybody for listening to the podcast. It has been another follow up. It's been a day. It's been a day. Thanks for joining us coming jazz. Thank you guys. Happy New Year. Cheers, brother. Happy

Stephen Edwards:

New Year. Yeah, I think we'll do this again next year. Yeah, we

Jaden Cymbaluk:

will. So we'll keep on going. Make sure you guys like, subscribe. Check us out. Share it out on all the different platforms. We're on Spotify, too. I didn't come up with your rap.

Stephen Edwards:

But yeah, I loved it. I didn't need to listen.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Apple podcast, Spotify. Yeah, check it out. We're an agency.

Stephen Edwards:

And thanks. We also do some tourism things once in a while. Tourism Thanks. See you later.