Adventure & Activity Marketing Pros - The Podcast

A Sit Down With Greg And Tone From Tuscon Adventure Rentals - Episode 28

AAMP Agency Episode 28

Ever wondered what it takes to open up and run a successful Side By Side Rental Operation? Well we had an opportunity to sit down with Greg and Tone from Tuscon Adventure Rentals and learn how a guy from England and his Norwegian wife started and built the biggest Side By Side and Slingshot Rental and Tour operation.  This podcast is definitely one of my favorites, knowing where we started with Tuscon Adventure Rentals as a client, to where we are today.  Greg and Tone are some pretty great people and its been an absolute pleasure to work with them and help get them to the spot they are today. 

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Jaden Cymbaluk:

321 Welcome back to the podcast everybody. How's everybody doing? Happy Sunday Funday. We are here after the Christmas party weekend it

Stephen Edwards:

was it was weekend. It's finally Sunday. I still feel like I'm recovering.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It is Sunday recovering Christmas party. We survived. And we brought a couple people with us today.

Stephen Edwards:

It's like we dragged him in. I feel like they got drugged in from the Christmas party. But it was an elaborate plan. This was a big deal. We should introduce them first.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So, ladies and gentlemen introduced into the podcast, and also our clients from Tucson adventure rentals. We have tuna and Greg, how are you guys doing? Recovery? Were so our listeners know, like, I mean, we know a little bit and we that's exactly what we're going to talk about. We're going to talk about, you know who you guys are, how you guys got in the adventure rental space. But yeah, tell us where are you from? And tell us a little bit about Tucson.

Stephen Edwards:

We need some backstory,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

backstory. Introduce yourself.

Greg (Tucson):

Okay. I'm English. So my mother's American. That's the connection. We were living in Norway, decided to travel for a year with the kids. I was Merchant Marine. So didn't matter where I lived. As long as those an airport, I could always go to work. So came out here for a year. visit grandma and grandpa. They were getting a bit too old to travel. So we thought we'd come this way. Spend a year with them. spend good time show the kids America and everything. We had great plans of touring the whole of the states. We now realize how big the states actually are. We managed to do Southern California, some parts of Colorado, Utah. New Mexico, I think that's about as far as a trip up to Indiana, where my family's from. So that was our year. And we were due to go back in January. And we were sat in the pool in our apartment block that we rented. Looking out and thinking we're going to go back to Norway to the snow, the ice. And so we're still here.

Stephen Edwards:

How many years ago is that?

Greg (Tucson):

I think it's nine years ago now, isn't it? January? Yep. So nine years ago, so we just carried on as normal for the first four or five. And then we started looking for some opportunities things to do. That meant that I wouldn't have to go to sea anywhere as much as I was away six. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

What's a merchant marine for dummies?

Greg (Tucson):

My side of it is construction. offshore construction. Okay, we build oil fields. oil platforms. Gotcha. Um, stuff like that. That's what we specialize in. Or we also do some of the moving the drilling rigs around. So I'm

Jaden Cymbaluk:

super familiar with Okay, oilfield side of things so even in the in Norway, right isn't that big?

Greg (Tucson):

Yeah, it's huge, but I didn't work I worked bit up in the North Sea but not very much. I was

Jaden Cymbaluk:

down oil Istat oil. Yeah, that's a big country are the big enough big countries a big company though from Norway. Yeah, that's the national oil company. Yep. Yep. From we're from North Dakota and North Dakota oil and gas and so I know a lot about drilling and exporting and all the stuff like that. So tuna

Stephen Edwards:

tuna you're you're we've got so we got drinks. This is a happy hour podcast. Sunday and Sunday. Happy Hour middle of the day Power Hour here and you got a shot of fireball and you're still sweating this. Tuna we want to know it all.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Tuna you. You're from Norway.


I'm from Norway. Born and bred realists Crum kaka kaka

Jaden Cymbaluk:

is my favorite. That's my favorite dessert. And when my grandpa listens to this, he's gonna He's from Norway. He's a Norwegian from North Dakota. So they've gone so I didn't know that. Have

Stephen Edwards:

you ever gotten to them? You probably have never gone but were in in North Dakota where I live for the longest time. They had the annual host fest who's first?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Who's first? Yes, that's the name. Yeah. Yeah. Norwegian

Stephen Edwards:

all the Legions wanted to travel up to North Dakota. All of you


probably have had a pantser and

Jaden Cymbaluk:

so my grandma


likes to read

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that No, not that's Polynesian or like left. So

Stephen Edwards:

there you go. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We lived in Vegas too long. Well, that's a totally North Dakota thing. Yes. sugar, butter. laughs It's like

Stephen Edwards:

amazing best stuff ever. My mom makes it or maybe my mom never actually made it. But I think somehow we always had it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Get my grandma my great grandma's grandma, my Brevik she's Norway. She's Norwegian, and she's lived in Minneapolis. So

Stephen Edwards:

do you eat lutefisk? No,


no, no. It's I mean, anybody who will tell you anything different. They lie. This is like a society kind of

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, they do it in like the churches they do. It's a big annual thing we've been trash.


It's trash. The balls are good. Yeah. If you have enough bacon on the lewd effect, you might

Stephen Edwards:

be trapped. So do you guys swear off IKEA like the rest of us? Or do you guys go to IKEA and are like, Hey,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

this is a Swedish, your Sweden. Oh,

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, I'm sorry. Yes. Okay.

Greg (Tucson):

We don't have a daycare in Tucson.

Stephen Edwards:

Mix. Well, yeah, I was totally wrong. So it's sweeter. So Swedish joke is totally lost. So no worries.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

On the fact checker guy. Oh, yeah, please. I had somebody actually gave us a comment from our six seven listeners or whatever they're like, they call me a straight shooter. Jaden straight shooter, shooter. J. James always got like, say something and then I'll be like, No, I don't think

Stephen Edwards:

generally, generally wrong. It's all good. But so okay. So nine years, nine years ago, you decided to live in Tucson, Arizona, which is like Mexico, basically. And now you guys are deep into the ATV, UTV off road. Fun rental business. How did we get there?

Greg (Tucson):

Well, we had, we had no idea about the off road world at all. I mean, I'm English. She's Norwegian. There's definitely none of this in the UK. I've always driven motorbikes, but on the street. Got here. One of the first things I wanted to do was get a dirt bike, fell in love with the dirt biking. I had a couple of friends who were well into it. And they were well into the side by sides. They didn't have any. None of us had any side by sides, but always talking about them. So sat down one drunken Christmas and thought, Well, it'd be I mean, literally, nobody was renting them in to solder officially. I mean, there was lots of people's you could go to Craigslist and rent their own, but nobody was doing it as a legitimate business. And we came up with the idea. Well, let's give it a go. And first thing, obviously I said was, well the insurance will be ridiculous. Don't stop it. We actually found out that insurance expensive, yes, but not.

Stephen Edwards:

Not crippling. Not crippling, not prohibitive.

Greg (Tucson):

Once we crossed that border, we weren't. I mean, I knew nothing about razors at all. We had to go find some bought 20 14x p 1000. Which the wheel fell off the very first ride. Literally the wheel fellow. And then we also bought a 2012 XP 900 and just kept them in the garage. In the house in the house. We just did what everybody else was doing. Put them on Craigslist, you know, read them through that.

Stephen Edwards:

How nervous was there before you go forward? How nervous were you on your first rental?


Oh, I was home alone. I was home alone. I got a phone call about hey, I think you rent racers. I had to literally bullshit through the whole thing. Like yeah, totally. Where do we go? So I had to make up the story of where to go here. Let's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

let's let's Let's reenact this or whatever I'm calling in. Hey, did you guys rent razors? Yes, we do. Oh, can you tell what kind of what kind of razors Do you have? Um,


I x p 1900. a two seater and a four seater.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, okay. Well, I'm just thinking about bringing my family like where can we go?


There is a place Reddington pass.

Stephen Edwards:

customer call, you had to win your way through


Craigslist. So I literally bullshit. I took all the information. I took the credit card information and stuff. I had a credit card machine had no idea how to use it. And I call Greg or I send them an email. What the fuck do I do now? And he's like, I don't know. And that's awesome. But when I mean people had great fun. We've had a lot of people who started renting widows in our garage who are still coming back. So we must have done something right. I mean, they had to literally get in the neighborhood and pick up this razor. Go out on the street dry. It was, it was interesting.

Greg (Tucson):

I don't even mean up to run into at that point


I think we had

Greg (Tucson):

I bought them pretty much went back to see me nothing happened. So we thought, okay, well, maybe and then all of a sudden bang,


bang, bang 344 races. I went and bought one. And Greg was nice said we need more. But I mean, people are crazy. We need more. And looked up a couple and he said, Well, do you think it's going to be a good one? Sure. It's gonna be a good one. Three weeks, three weeks down after buying this 900 for state, which was awesome. We had to rebuild the whole end. Yeah. Yeah.


So that was her

Stephen Edwards:

learning curve, the learning curve is high. But the only way you figure it out is if you do it. Absolutely. You got to stick your toe in the water. You can't. You can only read so far before you actually got to like, yeah, experience the pain a little bit.

Greg (Tucson):

But that one, so we bought the XP for 902,010. So, so you have to 2012 Yeah, so we had to 2012 XP, nine hundreds, which are great machines there. And then we bought a 2010 800 800. Baby, little baby. So we had the four machines. And we they were running, you know, two or three rentals a week? Although it seemed like it made sense. Yeah. out of the out of so we went off actually came up this way when we we gone to Brian head ski. And we're on the slopes now said God if only we could, you know, we've been talking about if only we could find a way to sort of purchase new ones without, you know, crippling ourselves. You know the damage. We'd had a couple of damages up to this point. But nothing, you know, really crazy. Most of the people were very respectful was


the maintaining on them.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, it's like, it's like we always say to you'd rather have them wreck the whole damn thing than just barely break it. Yeah, you know, like, oh, that's the barely breaking. It's the part that's the annoyance. Yeah. You don't mean cuz you're back

Stephen Edwards:

on. It's rough, please. Yeah, like I don't want it back.

Greg (Tucson):

Yeah, yeah. So yeah, we were up at Brian head ski and we're on the ski lift. And we'd literally been talking, you know, some way of finding the buy them or whatever, so that we can put new ones out there because yeah, the maintenance was getting everything was needing to be replaced. There was just old and wear and tear. So we got a phone call from Polaris from Polaris.

Stephen Edwards:

They called you

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and they call us. Yeah, not a lot of people can say that. You know, hey, yep, they reached Hey, we found you guys on Craigslist. We know you're doing this on garage.

Greg (Tucson):

Buy that we did have our own website that I built that again was live and learn. For sure I did about website building. So they found this through that got a call on this ski lift. So we said, well, we're busy scheme. We'll have a chat later. I mean, I didn't. But she got all excited. I know they're gonna give us raises. I said no, no. Raises they looking

Jaden Cymbaluk:

at, you know, people like it's like, it's like that, uh, that show like, where it's like, Hey, we're gonna we're gonna bring you something we're just going to give you a whole bunch of razors for free. Like, this is like the American dream. Like we're just gonna give it to you. You can run a business and then we'll record you and let you know. I've been

Stephen Edwards:

waiting for Jeep to call. Call. Yep.

Greg (Tucson):

Well, yeah, so we got the call from Polaris started talking. I was very skeptical. I've been I've been in the oil industry for 20 odd years a big business. I do. I do not trust them on but you know. Yeah. To me. I


was super excited. Because I was like, Oh, no way. Oh, so somebody has found us they want us to promote us to promote their kind of Yeah, I'm sure yeah. But he was like, Yeah, I don't know about this.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And yeah, I mean, we are not the players adventures. I mean, they are relatively new type of venture in a sense players by no means isn't. But the players venture side of thing is new. And I mean, yeah, we're not we don't talk bad. I mean, it's, it's great for Yeah, like franchise. Yeah, that's where we found

Stephen Edwards:

writers on players adventures.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And then I think even the pluses and the cons on your guys. Like, I mean, you know, it's kind of like a business in the box. But then it is so new. It's like, you still need someone to drive traffic to your guys's website. You know what I mean? It's not like Polaris is just going to be like, Hey, we're gonna get you into this lease program and then send you a whole bunch of customers as well. Right. Like, tell us the struggle.

Stephen Edwards:

How long? Yeah, so how long was it before you You took the call. When did you get your first units? What was the? How does that go?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, tell us about that. It's an unboxing.


We got the call end of March. March of 2002. Yeah. 2019 Yeah. 1919.

Greg (Tucson):

We understand about it. I went through all the pros and cons, time and time again. We were expecting when we heard the the monthly lease on the vehicles, because at that stage, we were running our old fleet and our old prices are trying to work out how the hell are we got to make this work? So we ended up getting six vessels to start with, which we got in October. They arrived. We got the insurance completed on October the sets out it's the hard thing actually finding the fleet insurance.


Take about almost six months. Yeah, for somebody. Yes. Yeah. But

Greg (Tucson):

anyway, we found that we got the vehicles arrived on October, the six October the ninth. We had every one of them rented out, including our old fleet. So we had all 10 vehicles going out on a corporate do from that. They would do JW Marriott star password. Yes. They were a company from bakkies to. So we had like 30 guests going, there was a very, very first very, very first

Stephen Edwards:

date. You guys crushed it. Day one. You got the best day ever, though, because

Greg (Tucson):

that was also the very first wreck. Yes. The guy that told us he knew everything about lasers, and he driven them all over the app. Straight, put it straight over on its roof. They won. They won rent one. Yeah. So that's when we got the eye opener. This is this is real now.


And it's just literally, I mean, he didn't have enough it was like, Okay, we need more

Greg (Tucson):

more. We got more in


the beginning of

Greg (Tucson):

I think, yeah, we got an extra four came through in March. We were meant to swap swap them out. But instead of swapping them out, we just kept the old ones and added to them. And then so for and then of course COVID came and

Stephen Edwards:

perfectly timed. You know, barely a year after you start right. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

exactly. Well, exactly. Here 2020. March to 2019, march 2020. But

Greg (Tucson):

we've only started the rentals from on the Polaris adventure side

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and about to go into a good seasons for you guys. Like as in that February, March. Yeah,

Greg (Tucson):

that was. Yeah, we literally lost $40,000 worth of business overnight. Because people

Jaden Cymbaluk:

which is syllable true. Well, yeah, instantly because it was that weird. It was that weird. Like, okay, now everybody's got to stay home and then every week oh, we're cleaning everything to be safe, okay, or we're supposed to wear scarves on our face. Now. You know what I mean? Like, if ever every week it was something and then it's like, Okay, we're gonna be closed for a week to see what happens. And then now we're sitting with all these Razors a year later.


Well, it took two weeks and it was absolutely nothing. And we thought, okay, where it goes, typically. Here we go. But then 14 days later, people like cleaning con started out to do Yeah, so they're desperate.

Greg (Tucson):

So our clientele changed. It changed. We were virtually all snowbirds, very few locals renting. There's all people coming into town. So that all disappeared. But then it was it was replaced by

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and it turned into things to do near me. Right. Like things to do outside jet skis, adventure rentals. Hey, what does it take to, you know, let's go on a trail or something. And then people were even promoting them to like, Hey, get out and do something outside. Right? It says it's safe. Yeah, right. You can't. So then that's what it turned into for you guys. I mean, tell us a little bit about

Greg (Tucson):

that was it all you had the apocalypse. So our playground out there is the Catalinas Coronado National Forest and everything. So we just got going again, we were doing starting to get a lot of local customers Polaris were very helpful during that period as well they dropped the lease rates right down so they they gave a lot of financial help to people you know up and going. We were fortunate there was only two and I actually working at the business at that point. My son was doing some stuff as well. So we you know, we didn't have a lot to support which was lucky enough, but then we just got to go and we got people out there they were going up back up in red in turn. Everything was looking good. And then we had the big hole and fire.

Stephen Edwards:

So just saw this point. Are you still working the merchant? Marine Are you full time to Sun I'm

Greg (Tucson):

full time to sun at the moment. I will probably next summer I will probably start doing like this the odd trip, just to keep everything


getting out of the heat so everybody else can work in the heat and sweat and grin.

Stephen Edwards:

So you're saying you're happy about it? Yeah, exactly.


No, no, I mean, I was used to him go going away. It wasn't.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Is that how sometimes relationships almost succeed? A little bit like you gotta leave each other for a little bit to find out how much you miss each other.

Stephen Edwards:

You miss Greg. Yes, I


did. You did?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

A handsome looking. I mean, yeah, he's missing.


I don't think I would do very well. If, if he goes back now obviously, I'm gonna support it. And the money is really good.

Stephen Edwards:

Right? You're about a foot taller than I thought you were? I did not. I mean, I had nowhere near paid for six or whatever you are. I thought you were like five, eight. Normal English dude. Sudden your normal English normal English dude. 5859 all of a sudden, your 640

Greg (Tucson):

my sudden 6560 I mean, I look up to him. So there you go. But I'm small for my family. On the American side. We have people 690 My god. Yeah, there's Okay. Loads of them. So I'm one of the smallest but yeah. All right. So yeah. I may well just start going back. I need to keep my certificates in date, just in case.

Stephen Edwards:

A rainy day, rainy day and COVID. And in ending yet today,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

is it that civilian or that? What do they call it? Civilian contract military type stuffers?

Stephen Edwards:

I have no idea. I don't work for because it's a Merchant

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Marine. Yeah, so is a military? No. Oh, no. But

Stephen Edwards:

they're asking me like I fucking

Jaden Cymbaluk:

was waiting for you to be like, yeah, like, What are you talking? What are you talking about? A merchant? I mean, I thought it was some sort of

Greg (Tucson):

God. It's a service. It's not government. Yeah. Okay. It's about her in America. It's union. Wow. So it's very unionized in America. So a lot of the shipping companies will use unionized guard seafarers. So semen semen, so but then there's the oil side of it of the industry, which is a little bit more rough and ready. Yeah, shipping parts, the drill bits that I grew up out of the middle of nowhere that you needed specialized ships and all this, so it wasn't part of the regular, like you would call here, the Merchant Marine, what we call in the UK, the merchant navy.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And so I bet even then, even now, I mean, we're talking about normal economics and stuff. I mean, what did you think? Because you mean, you're in the oil and gas? What do you think when oil was negative? Dollars? Was that an interesting?

Greg (Tucson):

That was not for the bad for my side of the business? Yeah, there's a lot of people disappeared, a lot of irreplaceable experience went out the window.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Sure. Yeah. That was, that was a craziest day. Like, I remember seeing stuff. And I'm like, What is going on?

Greg (Tucson):

Now? Now we're about to prices go up through the roof. So yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

so that sort of pulled us back a little on the tourism side? You know, you guys have been with us for a minute. And as we've kind of started, you know, you guys started with six side by sides. And now we're not now we're at 22. And I'm talking to you guys every day about Why are you only at 22. And it's growing, and it's growing, and it's growing, and we're adding to different locations? And is this anywhere near where you thought that this was going to be?


No, no. 22 is mind blowing. To me anyway, that's like, oh, my gosh, one in the garage. Not.

Greg (Tucson):

I remember. I think just before we all, as we started with Polaris, we were looking at the box, and we couldn't believe it, we'd grossed 100,000. Or it looked as though we were going to grow so 100,000. And I remember tuna says, Well, we said if we did that in a year, that would be absolutely amazing. I said absolutely. Yes. You know, but now, the reality is 100,000 was nothing. Plus Yeah. Yeah. You know, we we really were expecting is a retirement plan. That's all it was. It was going to allow me to stay off from C. So we were looking make me you know, working between us ready to work together working between us if we made 50,000 That would have been great at that. You know, part time at sea, we would have been fine. Yeah. But the reality I mean, it's

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's nice having money. Yeah. You could do fun in Vegas. Yeah. Have a good little business. A little go maybe go skiing now. And

Greg (Tucson):

we've always Yeah, I mean, the merchant marine certainly paid and it was, you know, it wasn't huge amounts of money, but it we had a relatively good lifestyle. So we were just lucky To find something to just replace a little bit, and I had no intention of this at all.

Stephen Edwards:

There's a, there's a funny tick tock that goes around that says, I turned down working eight hours a day to be self employed and work 24 hours a day.

Greg (Tucson):

Yeah. Well, that's what we found as well. But one of the biggest things that's holding us back is finding employees. Sure. 100%. You know, it's very, very difficult. The guys we have got are absolutely superb, but they're not. Us not enough. There's not that many of them. And it's a very specialized industry as well.


You either love it or hate it, you either, you know, this is what you love, or you don't.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, and when you guys are in the customer service business, you can't hire just because they're skilled enough to tear apart a razor, they also still have to be able to like, occasionally talk to a customer and be a human. And that becomes like its own separate problem of like, hey, I can find a guy that will take a paycheck that I can put in a shop to earn 20 bucks an hour tearing apart these units. But if he can't actually ever talk to a human being because he's psycho, doesn't work either.

Greg (Tucson):

Yeah, so that's our one of our biggest problems. But as you said, we are looking to branch out we've got the new location coming up with the with the quads, and the trail versions of the raises the smaller nine hundreds. So that's going to be interesting. But as you know, we haven't launched the website yet. We haven't got the people. One of our guys is actually leaving, one of our main guys is joining the Forest Service, training up some people behind but in January, we'll take the take the leap.

Stephen Edwards:

So So I always know like, you're busy. A lot of times I talked to Tina, probably more than I talk to you. But I know she's like I give her shit like you're 22. Let's go. Let's add, let's go call Polara and get 10. More on the way. If if I had to ask you today, where do you see yourself in five years?


On a beach drink with everybody running the show?

Greg (Tucson):

That would be nice. Yes. Well, I'm going with plan. Five, five years, we've talked about, you know, with you about some of the things we've seen some of the stuff you do, which I think is absolutely great. And I we're going to incorporate that, we're definitely going to try and make something, as we talked about the other night, my next sort of plan to diversify, from what we're doing the daily rentals now, we're going to be forming a company called Arizona exotic adventures. And this is going to be sort of more four or five days, one of the plans is Mexico to Utah, off road, then there's loops around I mean, Arizona is just full of trails all over the place, half the roads in Arizona, a dirt road. So you know, incorporating the jeeps, the razors, the quad tools are going to become I mean, there's so many places that, you know, people from the East Coast come down there like we were in Europe, nobody knows what a side by side is or they can't go in, they got a dirt bike, they've got to try and find somewhere they're actually allowed to ride it. It's whereas here it's or in Arizona, it's it's so much more open and available. So we're going to as we're learning, we're looking to incorporate all that stuff. So I think we'll hopefully at two to three sides of the business by five years time and hopefully, you know, that will allow us to employ people who can

Stephen Edwards:

even more people who don't want to come to work

Jaden Cymbaluk:


Stephen Edwards:

Hopefully a couple that want to Yeah,

Greg (Tucson):

I mean all I guys, I have to be honest, they're superb, but we've gone through I don't know how crack



Greg (Tucson):

the yogurt. You know, I do say in the interview to the guys, I said it's a young person's job. It doesn't have to be a young man at all. I mean, we had one of the smallest, tiny little girls working for a cinch by the end. She was shifting razor tie.


More balls.

Greg (Tucson):

She was great. Yeah, it's that she wanted to work.

Stephen Edwards:

So I you know, so the part I love about this is first off, now you're kind of going down the road to the portions of it you love right? Yeah. So talking about doing these multi day tours, some of that. I mean, obviously you're very aware of that. That is not an easy task. There's a lot of moving parts and it's not just like you're gonna sell six tickets, and all of a sudden, here we go. Now we got a tour. I mean, somebody's got to put on that tour. And that it's probably you for a while. That's probably you for a couple days.

Greg (Tucson):

Yeah. And that's the idea. I'm going to do that because I'm not letting anybody or I'm not paying anybody else to have that much fun. That's gonna be me.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So That's what that's kind of was my question because I wanted to ask your, your favorite thing that you discovered of now from going because a lot of the times we talked to people and, you know, the issue is they're good at running their business, right? Like they're good at their they enjoy razors, you know, I mean, you talked about your motorcycle experience, but then they're not good digital marketers are, but you guys have, you know, you still got to know how to run a business. I mean, that's kind of always the end end all goal, which is always fun, the entrepreneurship, the the business running, but what's your favorite thing about what you do every single day? You know what I mean? So like, tell us your most exciting thing that you

Greg (Tucson):

if we're going to talk what we do every single day. The favorite thing is seeing the smiles on people's faces when they come Charcot. Yes, yes, it is absolutely unique, where we ride, I'm not saying it's better or more beautiful than anywhere else. It's very rugged. It's very different terrain, people. I've never seen anything like it. And they come back in they, I stay well away from the customers whenever I can. That's one reason why I was in the oil industry and not the passenger line business, because I can do it, but it's not my favorite. And I listen to them talking to Turner afterwards or to Bri or some of the other guys. I mean, that is the that is the best day to day thing. I think we all again, the conversations you hear tonight, booking them on the tours and telling them and what's going to happen and how excited people again. You know, it's great. It's,

Stephen Edwards:

and we talked about that yesterday. I mean, we talked about that, you know, the biggest miss I think is you get jaded when you've done this for a minute, and you forget you're in the fun business. You know, nobody needs to rent a razor when they're in Tucson or rent a Jeep when they're in Vegas or rent jet skis when they're in Destin, Florida. But we're in the business of providing fun and that at the end of the day, that's really the piece that matters is is that customer happy? Are they having a good time? And how does that reflect? So it's great. I love that that's a great answer.


My favorite thing is actually the customer who calls and say, Okay, this is what I want. We are so you know if they're celebrating if there's something special. And I love to give that extra thing and set it up. Like it could be as little as a balloon or if it's an anniversary in a day. Yeah, I will put together you know, some strawberries or some whatever snakes. And it's just that little more that kind of creates the whole adventure. That's my favorite part.

Greg (Tucson):

Bolden said, I mean, I've my desk just down the corner from tonight, so I can hear. And quite often my head will just hit my desk as I've listed on going oh my God, how could Why is she?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I love it, then it turns into the experience. Oh, yeah. And now you're like, I got damn, I thought this was a six hour rental. And that's got a six hour rental and a red balloon. Next thing, I got to jump out in a suit at the corner of this trail.

Greg (Tucson):

And that's, that's not too far from the truth. Two guys, two guys have called up wanting to do. I mean, they have no idea what they're doing young kids who wanted to get in, get a girl to marry them and everything. And she just goes off. We've got to go buy canapes. We've got to go get this. We've got to go get that, you know,


but it turned out I said, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Greg (Tucson):

We got the stories and everything. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, this he said, I'm gonna do this. No, don't don't do that. Do this. Do this. Do this. You know, don't do that. Because that will, you know, cause it. I love advice from tuna cheese.

Stephen Edwards:

But honestly, that's why people come back. That's the stickiness that's what makes people love doing business with you guys. Yeah, I think it's amazing. That's so cool. Yeah. Um, so

Jaden Cymbaluk:

what is the love advice from tuna? That's what I want. But let's do because that was an interesting thing. So tune is love advice right here. Welcome to the show. Tuna. Tell us what's your what's your marriage about how long you guys been together?


20 years next year. Really? What I think how do you guys

Jaden Cymbaluk:

find each other? what's your what's your what's your first date?

Stephen Edwards:

Denmark, or


No? No. Was the bar in Norway? Norway. Beverly bar. And did Greg

Stephen Edwards:

have game back then?


I actually spilled all over him. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, he spilled his beer. I spilled his beer. And he's like He ended up here gonna give me a new one. And


he said don't worry about it and about my Is himself and my me bear Ed was. My advice is you have to doesn't matter how long you've been together or the kids that everyday life can suck the life out of you know this what we are doing. For us this weekend is the most important take time to be boyfriends and girlfriends. take time today to take time to do something special in the chaotic every day.

Stephen Edwards:

God I love you guys. That's a great answer. Like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I go out to a nightclub and have some bottle service together to have some confetti come down and then all of a sudden we're Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, yeah, I mean, so for a little recap. We had our Christmas party this weekend. And it was beginning to look a lot. It was pretty epic. Well, I'm not I'm not singing along with you, but I love that you want to sing if you want to.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I'm always like Covino and rich. I'm gonna start doing the they're gonna start voices and stuff like that. But um, no, it was fun. I mean, we went to super Freako Yep. Which was awesome restaurant you can check it out on tick tock and Oh, you guys missed it. Let's tell you about it.

Stephen Edwards:

They can go recap we go recap well give them the short dinner was awesome dinner is like super free CO is like a Italian dinner slash show Cirque

Jaden Cymbaluk:

show kind of the Cirque show people employees work there. Yeah, I was playing a saxophone in his underwear. Couple what? His underwear?

Greg (Tucson):

Those are the things that tutor offers these people you know, to help

Stephen Edwards:

engage Greg house

Jaden Cymbaluk:

to does taking her notes down she says Oh, that's a good idea. I'm gonna come across the corner.

Stephen Edwards:

So So tune has been planning out this week with me for a little bit. Oh, you can we've been. We became like, texting best friends. Yes. Okay, and tell me more. I knew she wanted to do something cool for Greg's birthday. And I knew we were going to be going to the club. I knew that you had no idea that they would ever go to a club without Yeah, without some coaxing, right. We were gonna go to the club. So I'm like, why don't you guys come join us? And tell us about the last time you went to a club? How long ago was it when you guys were at a club?

Greg (Tucson):

I honestly think the last one has to be in Nigeria


that was the answer from the head. You call it Maverick club. Oh, okay. In Tucson. And

Jaden Cymbaluk:

that was no no. No. Local.


I think actually wasn't Africa with a proper nightclub.

Greg (Tucson):

nightclub similar. I mean, it was nothing. No, well, we were the other night but what I was cocky. I was good time. But it was it was a Nigerian equivalent or where we were called hardcore. Cool.

Stephen Edwards:

So I have to say I was very surprising because obviously my parents came out to Yeah, and I had no clue my parents were gonna make it into the ER good want to go to the nightclub? They went out Yeah, it was in the corner. They were like, I don't know what the fuck we're here. They keep

Jaden Cymbaluk:

the classic Vicky moment that I had at the at the party or whatever. She had her glasses and you know, on the backside of the table, and of course, you know, waitresses come around. They want to pour more drinks. Like, they want to get rid of the bottles, right? Yep. But no, Vicki had two glasses there and cocktail. He just tried to grab one. And Vicky was like, I swear she grabbed her almost it was like, I'm not done with that. Or I'm gonna use that class again. The back and it would just be so funny. And so yeah, I thought that was fun. Jim Jim sat down probably after dinner he probably shouldn't have and then it was hard for him to get back up out of the

Stephen Edwards:

blue. I was I was concerned they were passing out the fireball. And I'm like, I know where this goes. Right? I know how this party goes. And I mean, um, first off, it's loud. It's loud, and they can

Jaden Cymbaluk:

understand what I'm saying. I'm trying to tell you something was produced like yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

it's loud. And it is like a sensory overload with the lights and everything else and yeah, I just saw her keep passing out those fireball shots and I'm like, three in this back in a little bit. We got to get my dad home.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Oh, your mom was passing on the firewall? No, no,

Stephen Edwards:

I just got this fireball shots. And I saw my dad passed that shit away. Get out of here with that. So that was good. But it was so much fun. I'm super happy guys came out that was

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I went to Marquis that this is the best part about it. I was talking about the bottle service in the you have the the security guard there. Oh, that was my best part. He was in the restroom. He's like, I got you. I was like, Oh yeah, I get escorted to the restroom. It's like you're on the dance floor. But then you have you have your own space. Yes, right. Yes. I paid for that's been spoiled.

Stephen Edwards:

I hope you hoping to and from the bathroom. My visa reflects it today. So in case you were wondering, Shane was


It was amazing. It was kind of what I couldn't do this once or twice a month. No, this is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

why we don't do it once or twice a month. But now maybe we will meet. We're talking about BSD we're talking about we're like, yeah, it would be nice to have a couple more.

Stephen Edwards:

I'm planning on my new year's I don't. Lately, I have been doing it far more frequently.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I've been out a lot but the tables. Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, not full bottle service. Not necessarily. But yeah, we've like when we do encore nights when we do full botters bottle surface. That's amazing. Good time.

Greg (Tucson):

It was different. Absolutely. It was. It was phenomenal. Yeah, if your night club,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I would just look at what times you guys get back to the room. Isn't it crazy to think you go up in the elevator, right? And then it's like when you leave? You're like, Yeah, how did I get up here the first time? You know what I mean? How did you guys get out?

Stephen Edwards:

I remember they left with us. 230. Yes.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And that's and that's a normal time to leave. You don't feel? I think it's funny when the lights turn on. And everybody leaves all at once and you're like, they get everybody out. And it's like cattle. You know what I mean? It's like, where are we going? Who's gonna fall down the stairs? That girl was sleeping just an hour ago. And now you're trying to walk back down. So


that was actually early. That was first night we?

Greg (Tucson):

This was Friday night we went? Yeah, there's no

Jaden Cymbaluk:

time in Vegas, right? It's like you never know what time it


is. Wednesday night we were home at.

Stephen Edwards:

So this isn't the end of the adventure, though. So you know, last night you guys went and saw journey journey journey. Yeah, stop. Don't stop. What's your favorite song

Jaden Cymbaluk:

from journey? That's it.

Stephen Edwards:

Was it I'm sure that's like, was that the end song? Right in the middle? No, they


kind of did it in the middle. How does it go?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

A little bit. Just a small town.


I really were terrible. It was songs.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Give us your best impression of it, though. If you can, like for name that lyrics for $100. How would I do it? Well,

Stephen Edwards:

so so that was awesome.

Greg (Tucson):

It was it was for me. It was a real eye opener, because I'd heard of Journey growing up as a kid we heard from i, but that's the thing. This was pre internet. This was the 80s we do unless they were on the radio. Sure you didn't did what about

Jaden Cymbaluk:

a little little about a little known group known as The Beatles.

Greg (Tucson):

We've heard of those are those were outside of the pond. So we did. We did hear of journey. I was never a big huge music fan. But I mean, the radio was always on you. It's what we did as kids, you listen to the music. We had. I had friends who were very much into music and they knew everything about everything. I would get some tapes. The older cassette tapes from my cousin was literally a week younger than me. She would send me stuff so I got tapes with journey REO Speedwagon, foreigner. We never heard it, especially wherever I mean, I grew up in a small town or it was small then York, up in the North Yorkshire malls. And I played sports music. I listened to the radio on a Sunday we would have the top 40 So if it wasn't in the top 40 I didn't know anything about it

Jaden Cymbaluk:

or faithfully. He did that song you guys dance. But then I wonder why.

Greg (Tucson):

Last night a lot of a lot of the songs that were played I remembered. I didn't know it was Germany that

Stephen Edwards:

so because obviously we know the Beatles came out of UK. What is the biggest out of Norway? Is it Abba?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's you and IKEA

Stephen Edwards:

another Norwegian band.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Ah, it's a big one. Yeah, that was Aha. Oh, aha. Yes. Pay. Me $100 Great.

Stephen Edwards:

I have to ask is like Eurovision a big thing in

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Eurovision? Yes. What is your vision? Tell me your ambitions. I

Stephen Edwards:

have not seen that stupid show with Will Ferrell. So for anybody needing any homework and a stupid show to watch on a Sunday night? Yeah. Watch Eurovision with Will Ferrell. I'm bringing it up. No, it's not.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Not that. not that cool.

Stephen Edwards:

It's a long story. It's like it's probably only funny if like your telescopes,


but it's a big big thing. We would make a girls night out of it like literally Oh no. Yeah, we will be gathering and they will be to all the countries in Europe have their performance you know first they compete in the country, and then the best get picked out to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest. And then they yeah there you go

Jaden Cymbaluk:

got to share your screen though if you did on that Oh, and then just kept kicking me that

Stephen Edwards:

I got for her so I got this one here


and it's yes big

Jaden Cymbaluk:

two left there down to the bottom


and it's always in May

Stephen Edwards:

too many windows


How do you know about that Steve?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah good you know I celebrate my entire like Norwegian heritage Vega not true sound at all

Jaden Cymbaluk:

yeah you will

Stephen Edwards:

NACA though I like that

Jaden Cymbaluk:

run that sinuses you know we just we practice this the other day but but it doesn't work all that well. I can't get your settings over there Jimmy. How do you log in you got your your mute or your mic in your?

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know. Anyways, okay, so irrelevant killed up because we got echo but yeah Eurovision I mean, so it's a stupid show where Will Ferrell is like a failed singer. And he's trying to win Eurovision or he's trying to win the show. And somehow him and his co star make it to like the end of year of Eurovision and they win.


I haven't seen that one. It's not a movie. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

He said. Let's talk about that. That's

Greg (Tucson):

his. I do not like his movies.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, my God. He's hilarious.


So no, although I

Greg (Tucson):

admit I'm probably in the minority, but


European countries who come together, they pick the best singer have all these different countries that come together. They perform their song, and then each country gets to vote. Go through that whole thing. And then whoever wins wins, and that's where they're going to have the next Eurovision. Like if Denmark wins, they're going to have the next

Stephen Edwards:

the next ones out. And yeah, so this is like American Idol, pre American Idol.


It used to be I think it used to be


a lot better than it is a lot better than

Greg (Tucson):

it is now. Yeah. I mean, I bet I recall.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, that is that's the story is I came from Europe.

Greg (Tucson):

And there are a few groups that came from it back. You know, I think it's a much more serious contest back then.


It was more real because you had to sing in your own native language to perform. Now everybody can do it in English. Sound like that kind of defeats the whole thing about the Eurovision Song Contest?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

We we always think me it's because like Steve had turned in here. Europeans sometimes are different than Americans. That's That's what he's that's what he's saying, you know, for


more Americans, or Americans are different than Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

I just think it's, I mean, obviously, you guys both speak English. Yeah, we all speaking. I mean, do you speak Norwegian fluently?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, of course. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

Do you speak any other languages? No.

Greg (Tucson):

I used to be able to speak Swahili to you. And then tablets and Farsi. So they used to be so what happens? Well, we left Africa so I forgot it'll turn

Stephen Edwards:

us where are you in on our weekend? Yeah. When you're mad Do you speak with Norwegian? Or when do you speak Norwegian? Never

Greg (Tucson):

most Norwegian swear in English. Yes. English words are far more descriptive matter.


Does love language is better in English? Like a skin? That doesn't know exactly. I love you.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh. I love your kids. Or your kids. Bilingual


the two oldest ones.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

How many kids you got? Three Three.

Stephen Edwards:

And they both speak Norwegian? Was that like by like,


they sound like foreigners? No. When they go to Norway and speak Norwegian with their friends. I'm like, Oh, dear God, this is you know, so.

Stephen Edwards:

Where were they? Where are they? Any of them born stateside? No, they're all Norwegian expensive


to have kids here. $10,000 just to give birth I'm not paying anybody to give birth that's painful thing they should pay me.

Stephen Edwards:

James got three. Jason's a sucker. Three of them he's got three how many years a partner all yours like one year two year apart.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Six. Foreign two. Yeah, that's why that's why I was standing on the stage dancing last night drinking tequila cause like it's time for me. Yeah, now we've gone through that it's now at 11. Well, nowadays everybody gets to choose what they want to do with their boys right now. I mean they came out as a boy right it says on the birth certificate but now everybody's here. Shopping change I guess but yeah, so you know chopping and changing under my

Stephen Edwards:

three boys gotta go rocking out when I can jam you need to have a girl

Jaden Cymbaluk:

huh? Yep,


that will do your head and when they turn yeah when hormone starts well this whole

Jaden Cymbaluk:

goal now is steer and he can do that.

Stephen Edwards:

So you guys have a girl though right?




I don't have any girls I only have two boys that we're experiencing that delight.

Stephen Edwards:

I feel like boys are easier.


Yeah. I always say when they were young up until the hormone hits her I said you know the hormone collided I want boys are only one boys. They kick and scream a little bit and then they move on with life right? Yes. Oh boy boy boy when she turned 16 I was like nevermind no first that we wanted only girls now it was not I'm like you know, I wish it was

Greg (Tucson):

1314 she was so easy. Wonderful, wonderful human

Stephen Edwards:

and then all of a sudden she was a Terrorist.


Terrorist is wild.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Isn't this crazy? This shit people say about their kid like I feel the same way cuz I'm 100% It's crazy.

Stephen Edwards:

I've got an 18 year old at home that I think is a god damn like I feel like I'm being held hostage Yeah,


we've got one of those as well. Yeah, I've

Stephen Edwards:

got I mean you know and mine ships off like we're on Countdown days right like 16 days and that boys in the Navy that how soon it is now yep January 3.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

See like I kind of forget that too but it is 16 days we're in the countdown

Stephen Edwards:

January January 3 that kids off to be in the Navy so I mean I think it's gonna be great for him but

Jaden Cymbaluk:

what do we say salute See you later brother I'm no I'm glad we're good we oh yeah cuz Preston I mean Preston personnel in the air force that was cool thing when Preston came out

Greg (Tucson):

all sudden may well end up having to go to the Norwegian army. So he's he was national service and their national service.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. How do you feel about that? It blows your chops and

Greg (Tucson):

changes between whether he wants to be a bodyguard or whether he wants to be international travel writer if he's going to be an international travel, right. He doesn't see why he asked to join the army if he's going to be a bodyguard he wants to join now. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

James Bond over there


in the Norwegian he's 18. So

Stephen Edwards:

so just, you know, excuse my ignorance, but in light if he has to go join the Air Force or whatever, the Norwegian Army for four years, I'm guessing. So I'm like,


Oh, they do 19 months? Oh, 19 months.

Stephen Edwards:



It's, I have a brother over there. Yes.


I mean, it's a great thing, I think

Stephen Edwards:

for a kid. But isn't it doesn't that seem weird for? I would imagine it feels weird for a kid that's primary primarily raised here, where he spent the last nine years here to all of a sudden have to go join the Norwegian Army

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and they wanted to come. I guess the Steve's okay. Oh, well, he's an American citizen. But now, the Norwegian government wants to come back and let in all the secrets. That's what he's saying. That's what he's wondering.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, no, I just think I mean, if I was a kid, I'd be like, I'm American. Fuck, no, I'm busy. I mean, but you know, all these kids are like, but I get why you want to I just didn't he

Greg (Tucson):

has no idea what he wants to do. And I think he needs to be kind of one sided and says that would be cool. And the other side says he, you know, is typical it I refuse to do anything anybody tells me so? Yeah, that's that's another thing too. But in Norway, they use it as a grown up tool. I think more than anything, they don't get much service out of these guys. They might stand on a checkpoint somewhere with Russia occasionally. But nothing's really going on. But the kids get out. It used to be the guys now it's both male and female. So you can't swap out everybody. So yeah, you're screwed either way.

Stephen Edwards:

So everybody just does everybody just


do all that goes. A brother did though.

Stephen Edwards:

So it's just like a coming of age thing at this point. Everybody does it. 19 months. Oh,

Greg (Tucson):

you go to Australia. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

then a lot of people do that, though. So that's like, you're out. That's like you're out tickets. Oh,

Greg (Tucson):

you joined the merchant navy. But again, not that same navy or them? Okay, you got to do five years in the merchant navy or something. To replace your service in the

Stephen Edwards:

middle. I mean, let's be real, though. I mean, it's not like it's probably joining the army. There is like the worst possible thing ever. It's not like probably engaged in huge wars that we're

Greg (Tucson):

now joined in the Norwegian Army or any form of the Norwegian. So doing anything in Norway is not

Jaden Cymbaluk:

different than being American. Yeah, Norway

Stephen Edwards:

isn't exactly volunteering. We got You guys, were no it's.


Yeah, it's that's

Stephen Edwards:

I, that's cool. While I'm asking the questions, I am 1,000% Agree. Brock was dragged through the, you know, Brock has spent my kid my youngest has spent the last two years in COVID High School basically. And you know, he graduated high school this last May. And I just refuse to let him sit around and work part work part time be a bomb and live off dad's paycheck. So it's like either A, you got to go to school, or you got to get an adult job or you got to do something. And Navy was the something, I guess. So do I think that four or five years is gonna be I think it'll be great. I think, you know, these kids need a dose of reality and like growing up and going to the military is like getting an adult job while still having somebody keep you accountable for getting up in the morning.

Greg (Tucson):

That was I went straight from school into the army term, and I had no idea what I wanted to do. But it taught me a heck of a lot. My brother did the same thing in the American army, and we had very, very different military experiences. So he, he, so he left the UK when he was 17 or 18. Came over here. join the military. Here joined the 82nd airborne, spent three years in Bamberg in southern Germany, and he managed to snag the job of the chaplains assistant.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh my god, really?

Greg (Tucson):

He had an absolutely wonderful, wonderful.

Stephen Edwards:

I don't know I don't know if that sounds fun or not. I don't know. Chaplains assistant either.

Greg (Tucson):

He went to a Wednesday to Sunday. That was it.

Stephen Edwards:

I suppose that's pretty easy. pretty easily.

Greg (Tucson):

He drove the Padre round times. Whenever they went on exercise, the Padre had his own camper van. So he did he ever lived in a hole like that. So and of course he got the GI bill out of it, which was his whole reason for going.

Stephen Edwards:

I think that's a lot of kids now. I mean, they get paid for college which forbids me paying for it. So what am I gonna complain? Yeah, I

Greg (Tucson):

mean, my parents he went to Washington State that did a really good degree there in our current some weirdo stuff, but sure when he's used it. Weird. Yeah. So it was all technical. He was very technical. So yeah, benefited but yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

so we've we've covered the gamut we've gone full circle we get you guys we so we're gonna come talk about your guys's stuff here a little bit, but I guess I want to like a thought here. We have a lot of like new operators just getting started. Going through the struggle. Word of advice. Like if you were to give any piece of advice, some guy looking to open up shop. What would you do different? What would you tell them to do? How something give us a nugget of something

Greg (Tucson):

the thing I've learned is I would not have been so conservative. Although having said that we never ever thought that this was what it was going to be this one everybody does. Yeah, it was yeah, this was not our plan to have a full time because we actually enjoyed our life before Okay, hours away but when I came home the six weeks at home were always holidays and you know, it was easy.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. How's vacationing now? more challenging, more challenging?

Greg (Tucson):

So but the thing though slow to start at the start I was very concerned of course all we had no investors we we've done this


I think we should have done the bigger jump yeah earlier a

Greg (Tucson):

lot less conservative, a lot less conservative, a lot less worried about the money. Because I was worked out when when the conversations you and I had in the Start sure that there's you know, you're asking me to pay this it's how am I going to justify it. And that was my whole thing. And that was a mistake. I

Stephen Edwards:

we get it though that part. I mean, I you know, I am not going to give you a hard time about that because I understand the upside of that on how it took you to get there and how it was a you know, we get a lot of operators it's a scary number like any of it's a scary number when you haven't done any of it you're doing it all internal. So I'm not gonna give you part of a time about that.

Greg (Tucson):

Plus, we also tried another marketing company who sold you know, a market is gonna sell or know that they okay was


marketing snowmobiles in Arizona, it was

Stephen Edwards:

your guys's snowmobile rentals haven't been crushing it? Is that what you're telling us?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You guys had a great marketing agency that was doing. Yeah. So that's even another question because sometimes people don't even realize like, I mean, we sell and I mean, we called you guys and introduced ourselves and we're like, hey, we kind of know what we're doing. Right? But you say you get those calls a lot or people kind of times a day. Yeah. And it's but honestly, there isn't anybody that really is an operator as well. Like we understand that. You know what I mean side of it. Oh, that


was the I think that was saddle point. Well, that's

Greg (Tucson):

what you kept telling me. So they do this. I said, Well, that doesn't mean anything. We you know,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Greg, right. Yeah. Greg was like, Well, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna take my business away from me? But I remember talking to him. Yeah, yeah. And it's just like, well, Jason's kind of, he's kind of nice. He's got he's

Stephen Edwards:

gotten the shit test from you guys a couple times. They're calling. They're saying our rankings are dropping?


Yeah, we get though. Yes,


I get emails daily, daily by three, four or five people. You know, it's shit. You know, you're not you have this website. Yeah, they compliment me on the webpage like this. How can you have such a good webpage and your ranking like bottom? And I'm like, delete.

Stephen Edwards:

I love it. I love it. But I mean, obviously, it's taken us a little bit of time, we wanted to earn your guys's trust. And, you know, like, everybody, we started as just an agency for you guys. So it was like, Yeah, I mean, it's taken a minute to get here, you did

Greg (Tucson):

have a hurdle to climb with us, because of what we got dealt with before. Sure thing that sold it to me, was when both you and Jaden said, it'll be us you're talking to, you're not just gonna sell you and hand you off. Because every other thing that we've done, whether it's our phone lines,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

well, in digital marketing, they they send you back reports, they send you back, you know what I mean? Stuff like that, like, Oh, you got this many impressions or something like that. It's like, we want conversions. And we want sales. And we also want to like, understand,

Stephen Edwards:

I set up a report for him. I think that they logged into ones. Exactly. They


do. I do but

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but nobody looks like crap. So it's about talking shop. And

Greg (Tucson):

you know, I say to Steve now explain it to me. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

And you guys got myself on


the call rail. Quite often now. Yeah. That's kind of helping me. This sounds very negative. But to Okay, was the phone calls? Yes. Answered. Yes. Good. Something Come on. Wow. Okay. I have like the other day, I had three missed calls. And they were supposed to go to Okay, I'm off. So they're supposed to go to why were they not answered? Get back to them and things like that. Missed Opportunities. Yes, exactly. So they like it, though, that you know, everything is tracked? Yeah, I'm watching over their shoulders kind of

Stephen Edwards:

thing. That's such a good takeaway, because I mean, great. We use call tracking for every client. I preached it to you, you guys fought me on it? You did a little bit. You're like, I don't want this call tracking.

Greg (Tucson):

We had such a bad experience. Before we wondered why for a month we got you know, so few calls. And so I started calling the number. Or we also have customers coming, you know, come down to the shop and say, I've been calling you guys today. So I decided to turn up I'm kind of at the end of my tether. Are you a real company or what? It's a well, and then we saw no phone number that was doing the foot was descending in the dead. Yeah, that's crazy. Nothing. So we God knows how much business so that but new said we got it. I said, Whoa, I got

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it. No people said they're like, oh, like, I understand what you're saying call tracking from Google My Business. And we're like, Yeah, we're gonna track we're gonna track everything right. And it is still it's still a phone system. Like a you got to make sure your phone works at the end of the day, or somebody is picking it up. But we're tracking everything to understand. Hey, where did you come from before you decided to call me?

Stephen Edwards:

You know what? I do love that you're looking at it? No. I mean, because you know, while we can only draw, you know, our job is to get people to call your phone. If they're not answering. That's its own separate challenge, right.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think the proof is in the pudding with that the guys have a beautiful website. You know, everybody always preaches Hey, book, online book online, people still want to pick up the phone and call right

Stephen Edwards:

in the Remo space, I think especially person,


I know how important it is with me. When I'm booking something, or if there's something I want more information. And that's how we build our business. We like to tailor every single ride to every single person because we are all different. We have anything from the first time ever being in a razor to people who've been raising razors like today I have a client coming back. He reached out on text a lot of these are on text message hey, I'm back. It's his 10th Right or something used to raise them. But I've tailored it to him I've tailored to so many that I wouldn't have the relationship and I want that click

Stephen Edwards:

and I think when we look at your guyses stuff it's it's a 5050 Max half book online half book over the phone. It's that way across the board we've tried to increase those numbers to like more online but it is rental rental stuff people want to call people want to pick up the phone

Jaden Cymbaluk:

rentals and experiences too Right? I think I think if if you're booking a product you know what I mean? Like a tour like you understand it's online. You don't really need to talk anybody Hey, I'm going to go take this food tour, right? Don't need you're going to get the details right I'm taking the French food tour four hours book it But hey, um, what kind of got multiple vehicles, different options, trails, stuff like that, pick up the phone call, kind of figure it out what

Stephen Edwards:

is your word of advice

Jaden Cymbaluk:

is not be less or not as conservative. Yeah, a little more i

Greg (Tucson):

are aggressive way to conserve, but and so I would make sure you've got, you know, a backup plan and money. You don't need huge amounts. We were just using my daily my monthly paycheck. And that did hold us back. And of course it made me when you start thinking, Well, I can't pay the mortgage to copy this. If I do all that. And then of course, you get you on the phone say give me all this.


So hire more people earlier. Yeah, finding looking for good people. Yeah. Earlier, because I mean, it's only a year ago, just before Thanksgiving, I'm not sure if it was the night before Thanksgiving, or some sometime, Greg and I were still by yourself for running the business. And I think we were dealing with the I can't remember the what he called. Yeah, we were building. That's what it was. We were and we were not home until 2am. And then it was like four hours sleep. And we had to go back of course, we had the whole fleet and we need we needed to do the repairs. We needed to do the maintenance, we needed to get it right. But I remember that, yeah, we should have gone after good workers earlier and just found my money somewhere. And

Greg (Tucson):

that was me taking. I can't pay somebody but that's

Stephen Edwards:

I, I get both sides of it. Right. It's, it's scary because you're, you know, you're starting off and you're like, are they gonna come? Even if like, at that point, even if we're handling your marketing and like it's it's always that fear factor of like, Yeah, we were busy last week, but as our phone gonna ring next week, next week. And I think it's been more challenging coming into the Coronavirus or experiencing what that felt like, because it felt like, Okay, well, that was very quickly stopped. Like, all of a sudden, everything stopped. And yeah, everybody, like most of our clients that are in the outdoor space had epic 2020s 2020 ones. But it makes you trigger shy and makes you trigger shy even though you know, things are good, and things are rolling, and you can see like, light at the end of the tunnel. You're like


she can't change that fast that fast. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, that's what that will be my that I feel that if we have somebody like Irwin, earlier on, we will probably be less stressful to think and we wouldn't have gone through the last year of like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

we went through that's what the agency side of always wanting, you know, sales like seems a little bigger than sales. And then we kind of went bought into the model or pushed them a little more on we need more development. You know what I mean? More people to more employees on that side. And it's been some working, it was a leap, it was a leaps and bounds of what it does. Because then the rest kind of come just like in your guys's case, like, you have the employees to take care of the customers, the customers will come like build it and they will come mentality kind of thing.

Greg (Tucson):

Yeah, I mean, we're still a very, very young company. This is our third. So yeah, you know, so, um, we're also learning the pains of growth. So that was a long, a lot of big stuff we've got to purchase. And that that makes it also gets all

Stephen Edwards:

the other stuff that you never even thought of. Now you're buying trailers and equipment and shop equipment and lifts and bullshit, and

Jaden Cymbaluk:

there's never that magic wand of gear. Nobody wants to put in the time. You know what I mean? They want to get rich, quick kind of thing. Like, hey, if I if I run if I run some razors this season, how much money am I gonna bring home in my pocket? Right, like,

Stephen Edwards:

but I guarantee you guys did the exact same. So like when you guys first started and you're getting a rental or a reservation, you're like, oh, that reservation was $400. So you start quantifying things by reservations. It's only gonna cost us 10 reservations.


I told Greg

Stephen Edwards:

it's not a big deal. It's only gonna be like six reservations.

Greg (Tucson):

So that is definitely yeah. I'm very much more looking at the bottom line and


that he looks at the numbers every single day.

Greg (Tucson):

That can be that can be a mistake, I think.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Greg, that was actually and honestly, that's a great point right there because he can't look at the numbers every day. He does,


you know, yeah, I could see. And that's I think that would be the biggest

Jaden Cymbaluk:

in the weeds there because


tonight you don't see the numbers. And I will ever be okay. It's going to pick up. And I think every time I say because we don't have any rentals next week, we don't have this. It's all empty is all of this. And so it will pick up because people have just finished Thanksgiving. They are not planning, where are they going? Where are they celebrating Christmas? And it will be like last month, we got to do something with a family. And it's gonna work out.

Greg (Tucson):

Yeah. But at the same time, I'm spending $40,000 on a truck and a trailer. Yeah. When we've got two weeks of no rentals. Yeah, do just happily going on is fine. I love Vegas, we got to do this. And we're going to do that

Stephen Edwards:

when we first started. And I would see so when when I started the G panel said, Yeah, and so I started with I got rid of a Dodge pickup, I traded in the Dodge pickup on my first jeep. And, you know, there was nobody else it was just me. So it was like I was winging it as I would go. I didn't have we were at our old office, I couldn't even park the Jeep at the office overnight to rent it. I was like driving at home, and then I'd have a rental. And I'd have to like, have my kid pick me up or something like go rent this Jeep? And it was I mean, my phone would ring at like, 7am Or I'd see an online booking for like, 830. You know, I was like, Yes, right? Because it was such a proof of concept of is this gonna work? Are we going to be able to rent these gyms? And I mean, to say that the like, things have changed a little bit. It definitely has because, you know, I'm way removed from the weeds. Now I'm not seeing every rental like that I'm not, you know, I don't see the phone calls where if the phone doesn't, you know, when they

come in at 6:

30am. But back then when those first rentals came, I was like, four bucks. Closer. Yeah.

Greg (Tucson):

That's also what I don't see, because I'm very much removed. I mean, it's two very, you know, they're just about people. And then we have McLeod doing it now as well. So, and I'm so removed from that. She keeps coming and say, Oh, no, we'll be fine. Let's go. And of course, I haven't heard all the stories. And yes, it does turn out fine.


But now we have all these big corporates as well, that is, you know, that we are now known the destination of Tucson, in the big destination planner.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And that's so that's another thing that you're also doing as a company, you're acquiring customers that, you know, I mean, might rent from you again, as well, right? And people are kind of like scared of that side of things like I have a DJ business and 90% of my customer new referrals are come from referrals. Oh, we're at this party, you're ready. We're at this, you know what I mean? So you kind of have to pay to acquire some of those customers and those business a little bit because then that x is it, it multiplies it right. So hey, I paid for three that returned to me to get nine. Right, like so that's, that's also a game that people are doing with their marketing and advertising, too.

Greg (Tucson):

And that's something i i have seen we you know, we started off very, very slowly. But yes, we've got now one corporate customer who's coming back. They were here in 20. Oh, yeah. Well, we you have cat that are all the time always renting with us numerous vehicles, but we have have Centennial leasing coming back. And that's again, you know, it was two years ago, it was one of our first corporate bookings. That's one of our first corporate bookings. And yes, that is now turned into they're already said, we want to be coming back. We've got another 20 vehicles. So you're right, that first book ID, they've had other people come from it, but that also booking has turned them from a six vehicle rental, to now it's a 20 Rent 20 vehicles, you know, they've paid$10,000 worth of business.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And I think those are like real books. Yes. And honestly, even to the point of like, I don't want to say this is me, like a sales pitch. But you know, when you have those first contacts with owner operators, like you guys, right? A lot of the things what they say, Oh, we run a really good business, you know what I mean? And a lot of my, they're always like, my business comes from referrals, we get a lot of referrals, so we get a lot of referrals, right? I bet you do. But imagine kind of like what you guys did by taking that and excellent 10 axing it right a little bit more, because not all your customers are gonna come from referrals from just people you know, or walk up traffic and stuff like that, like, that's still gonna be part of your business. You almost need to get a customer that you were never expecting to come or a company right then that turns into it's like it's another revenue flow or another stream. So I think

Stephen Edwards:

the other side of it is like, it just takes time. Correct. You have a magic wand. Yeah, everybody wants us to just be like knock it out of the park, but like where you guys started with six. That was what you guys could handle at the time. And 22 is what you can handle today. But when you look at how this is growing and where you guys are growing, I mean, in another two years, you guys are probably double the size. I mean, and I'm not even trying to like blow you up. But I think in another two years, you guys are double the size that you currently are scary. It is scary, but it's amazing.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Just like, just like us, we're optimizing. You know what I mean? Like Google ads and conversions and stuff, you guys are gonna optimize your business over time to that takes time as well, right? To you know, cut out a little bit of fat, you know, the fact that I'm saying

Greg (Tucson):

exactly the thing about this returning customer, it took two years for them to come back. But if you can, you know, if we're here for six years, and they do that, a couple days, three or four times, and we've got another bunch of people, it's taking care of one of your headaches. You know,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's like a utility. Now your marketing is almost looked at as a utility like an internet, we need it still, right? You need your POS system, you need stuff like that, you need to spend more on marketing, because you are going to get a little bit more return or you're going to optimize it make it better, right? Because think about the first year into it right? How much did you spend and waste and didn't know what it was? You know what I mean? And now you're like, Okay, now if I can get this better? take it another step forward. That's yeah. takes time.

Greg (Tucson):

And that is something I mean, we've talked a lot about what we've done. But definitely, yeah, there's definitely that side of it.

Stephen Edwards:

Do you guys want to sit down and talk about spending more money? Should we should we end the podcast now? Or no, no, no, not today.

Greg (Tucson):

Today, very much looking at what the market is doing. I don't look at it so much. I mean, she does the marketing, she is a marketing point made messing around with her

Stephen Edwards:

one. At this point, I think we have a system in place that's working really well. I'm just very happy to see how, you know, we're not reinventing the wheel for you guys. We're trying to just operate as good partners. For you guys through this. I just like to see where this is going. Because I think it's very interesting, you know, from where our first calls were to what today looks like. And I love you know, I love on tuna calls and she's scared to death or we have like these, like frantic calls and like the other day and and I just it sticks out to me so so vividly because I was talking to her and she's 22 cars, and I'm like, probably need 30 She's like Oh, fuck. And, I mean, I think this business gets bigger. Is there a point where it's like, as big as it's gonna get? And you're probably not gonna need it anymore? Sure, yeah, there's a point

Jaden Cymbaluk:

on the break, or not a breakage point. But there's but where


is that point? How do you find that out? By taking on? I gotta take another 20. And they'll see if you sink or swim. But what if we think I don't want to sing?

Stephen Edwards:

You ain't gonna sing. But yeah, I'm probably not gonna take, you're probably not gonna take on 20, you're probably gonna take 10 more. And you're gonna take baby steps until you get there. Because as we've talked about some of your competitors up in Utah that are doing similar stuff, have hundreds? Yeah, that's just you know, they're sitting on 100 side by sides. So could you get there? Maybe, you know, some of it is building that reputation. And you guys are doing such a great job of it. So I love it.


I'm actually impressed. Like I come from Norway, and all my life. I've heard like, first of all, you're going to travel and you're going to live away from your family as in when I was younger, like you couldn't live away from your mom or your dad or things like that. No, you're not going to survive. And I am and I see a lot of my friends in Norway, they they are married with a boy that went in, you know, same class, even. They live in a house to house down from where they grew up. And I'm like, you know, is like,

Stephen Edwards:

there's got to be more to it than that. Right? There's got to be more to life than that. Yeah. You know, the part? I don't know. I think it's super interesting as this just continues to go. And I am I would like to see. I would I think you guys are just a huge business in 10 years. I think that this is just astronomically big.

Greg (Tucson):

I'm hoping so. Yes. hoping so. And I mean, definitely. There's the opportunity for that. And again, so one, one thing you were asking about, you know, what is the word of advice we've mentioned, don't be, you know, be more positive. But also one of the biggest things that we learned the difference we saw from my website, to your website, and the understand I don't know how to get our business out there. Try I know you can go on Google. I know you can do this, but we know what else you guys do. And I think that is something that we haven't really mentioned Take,


take more risk and just lead well a big Believe do we know,

Greg (Tucson):

but do use professionals to do what you need. Yes, I can run the business, I am a very good organizer, admin, operations person, but and tune as a great marketing person, but neither of us are digitally inclined,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

well then goes with telling your story, having people to help tell your story from an outside side of things, right? I always use example, everybody can be you could remodel a bathroom, right? I mean, you could probably remodel a bathroom, or you can pay a professional contractor that has the tools, the knowledge and the experience to do the job for you. And also in a timely third time. And so you can focus on other things to make it better like installing a tushy on your bathroom or something like that. You know what I mean? That's the biggest thing, because then you can use the tissue in your bathroom in a nice, beautifully remodeled one. Right.

Stephen Edwards:

And we never brought you on for like, you know, obviously, you have referred us plenty of clients. And we more than appreciate you for that. And that's certainly not a pat us on the back. But we appreciate the business. You guys have been great clients. And we see this continuing down the road. And I think, you know, our relationship with you guys is only getting better. So I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, glad to have on and tell your story and stuff like that. That was I think it's

Stephen Edwards:

great. I mean, you know, you guys, if you would have ever asked me if like our clients, we're going to be an English and a Norwegian, running an ATV business in the middle of our UTV business in the middle of Arizona. You guys weren't our target market? I'll be honest, you guys are not. You guys did not hit our


Can I ask you a question? Yeah, please. Why did you reach out to us? Because you were the one and it took me and this is a Jaden question. It took a while because I was like, yeah, not today. Oh, maybe not a day, you know, you guys are full of garbage, like everybody else marketing, they just went on money. Why did you keep coming back and we're dead on like, we want this, we want you guys so

Jaden Cymbaluk:

well, I've always had, I've always kind of had I mean, besides selling is what I do. Like I'm the you know, sales, that's my job or to lead our sales team. Realistically, you kind of have to have an overall end goal. And it everybody kind of does their part. So Steve side of things or my side of things, I always wanted to get more customers. So I can have a better job opportunity. But we can also grow, right? For us to grow, we need more customers in exactly what we're trying to do. Right. So that's why we always talk about the proof like and Steve, you know, we use our own marketing strategies on our own business, right. But we are never going to get more customers like you guys, if we don't reach out to him. But also kind of, we got to work with them, right? Like, it's just got to kind of come together. And that's, that's my side of things. Like I always want more customers to grow. So we can hire more people, right? Because that's the other thing, we're not gonna be able to hire more people and give more people jobs, we don't have more customers. So

Stephen Edwards:

our strategy is a little reverse engineering. So like, when we play the whole TripAdvisor game, like every other agency in the world that does us and we're looking for guys that are doing, you know, we don't want the best because the best is, oh, you know, the best is a hard sell to right? We want a guy that's, you know, up and coming. You know, maybe they're 30 or 50 on the list on TripAdvisor, where there's an opportunity for him to be a better business, or in your guys's case where you could see that you guys were still young. Right? There was this opportunity for upside. And when we started working with some players, adventure partners, you know, we're scraping the internet, we're finding every single players adventure partner and you guys were a player's venture partner. And I don't like you know, the website gets posted up on our slack. And we're like looking at it. And it's like, those ports? No, no, it becomes like, though, keep calling. Yeah, keep dialing.


You could easily have moved on. We did move on. But we kept calling. Yeah. But you could have moved on to the competitor. Up north. Sure. But, but you kept coming back to me. And that's what I was afraid of, well, if I'm going to use this money, I don't want you to promote if you are this good. I don't want you to do

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you know, we we've always in the back. I mean, that's like you can't do everybody because but that's why our strategies almost work. We're not just selling you ads, right? Like we're not the ones that are putting your ads on there. We're telling your story on how you should promote your business, how you should track your phone calls that are coming in, and then how we want to create content to talk about your business. You know, everybody can run all the car dealers run ads on the radio station, right? And there's no you'll hear one for Chevrolet and Ford and then you'll hear another company that's selling Chevrolet's to. They don't care how many customers that's not what we do, right. We want to work with you and we want to dominate the Tucson market

Stephen Edwards:

well until the other until like personal side of that is like, you can't shit where you eat. Yeah, right. I'm not going to like, as much as we've ran your stuff, let's be real. Could you guys go hire another website agency or another company to run your Google AdWords and stuff? 100% half of what you guys have bought is a relationship. And yes, you know, my phone rings? You know, I'll answer it. And I'll call you back. You know, that if there's an issue, we're taking care of it. And and that, I think is why we have the customer retention that we do. I don't, I don't think that there's a single client that does not have my cell phone, that if there's a thought question or concern, doesn't reach out immediately. Yeah. And that's what I want. I mean, yes, even to my fault, where it's like, on a Saturday night, I'm taking phone calls of like, Steve, something's wonky. Can you fix this? We had that one, like the one day with your guyses phone forwarding where it was like, it felt like it was a panic situation, or I was driving. Where was I driving to? I


think I can remember I was in Florida. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I was in Florida. And we were driving down the interstate. And I was like, Hold on a sec says, but that's why you're paying me is because my phones will get answered. It's the


same that we live with our customers. You know that? Yeah. Yeah. You want to create good one from Steve, their relationship?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's the easiest part about the business. Right? So now, so now we're running an easy business where we have nothing really to worry about, like, Hey, why did this get charged? Or, you know, I'm not saying but but it's, we're, but honestly, Steve mentioned, the point of you can hire anybody else. I think we are doing a very good job of niching down this vertical, and we want to win that vertical as well. So when somebody is so good at what they're doing, other people are just gonna either try to follow or copy us. Right. So I don't think that there's anybody else that has the skills knowledge that our team does serve the adventure activity, rental

Stephen Edwards:

space? Yeah. And I mean, you've dealt with a lot of members of our team at this point. And I think hands down, we have the most amount of all of you guys. Yeah, we the crew that has been put together here is just amazing. And they knock it out of the park. You know, and you're getting that. And I just, that's the part I always convey, you know, are we going to be wrong at times? Is there going to be mistakes?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Not a magic one? And then that's what I think. Talking about business. Yeah. You know, looking at the numbers every day, and you know, stuff like that. Just like in our sense. I mean, there's strategies and stuff that we do ourselves that don't return shirt and like, you know, like, when tic tac toe? Are you gonna post ads on Tik Tok for us, and we're like, we will, we'll try, it might not convert, and it might cost you more to produce, you know what I mean? That month to do it, then it led into sales. But that's where the magic one's not always there. Like, you still got to keep trying and keep going. But then maybe if you did it for eight months, and it didn't work, you'd probably say, hey, this probably isn't a good idea. Right? Well, but part

Stephen Edwards:

where I think we always have this open dialogue is like, you know, you guys walked around the shop, I've got Jeeps Outback, I've got slingshots, Outback, this isn't a foolproof, like, every day, we're knocking it out of the park, and it's a real business, we have the same real business problems that you guys have. Have, where are the customers out? How are we getting them? How do we get more of them? And, you know, I guess the part we always like to convey is like, we're going through the same shit you guys are. We just happen to have a better marketing strategy to get there. So

Greg (Tucson):

and that's what sold me on it was you and you Jaden, you know, saying it's gonna be us talking, you know? And I said, How are you different from everybody else? What is a new kit, you gave the thing, we don't do ads, we tell your story. You had a much, much more believable and impressive presentation, then we can do this with you know, we'll just put you at number one. That's what everybody else says. We're gonna make you number one. Over when there's only two of you in the town. It's not 102 Exactly. So, you know. Yeah, it was it was the personal touch. It was the Yeah, we do this.


We felt the relationship straightaway go with as

Greg (Tucson):

much as I tried to find it. I was not looking to spend more money at that time. I was very against the market team. I'd seen it go


he was grumpy. He was telling you

Stephen Edwards:

you know when you guys sign he was fake. You know, there's there's always those clients like when you sign in, you're always kind of like, this might work. Maybe if the client will stay on for a little bit. Well, he's his.


I would not swap with not swap at all. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I appreciate that. Even to like we actually we actually had a really good q4 With just the seeds that have been planted to people because a lot of it's been like, Hey, I remember you called six eight months ago, right? And I kind of understand what you're saying now or I see you guys are still around like they're still worried young company, right? There's in the same sense of it. So, in the end of the day, we want the most customers, you know what I mean in the space and we're going to try to grow with it. So

Stephen Edwards:

we've been realized that like tuna was going to be our like, second best salesman, she's who's our who's our new client that comes aboard next week. What is their name out of Go? Go adventures go adventure rentals or go Drew and

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Drew, Drew and Angelica


we've met them and so I'm

Jaden Cymbaluk:

actually from Colorado Springs. And so we're, we're live so we're wasn't parkus so like, I played baseball up there. And I even told her I was like, and so that was the other thing I think same thing she had been on the list for like a long time and a lot of calls. And then I'm like, oh, yeah, I played baseball. You guys got to astro turf field and you know what I mean? I just said stuff like it's like, I'm real like the person Yeah. And and yeah, they've they they're trying to grow their business as well. And they know you guys and so yeah, awesome.

Stephen Edwards:

We're gonna start sending all our referrals are all of our questionable clients over to you. So we're gonna just book time on your schedule, so you can do


I only take a temporary 10 15% That's it.

Stephen Edwards:

That's pretty Yeah, that's pretty good.


I'm not asking much

Jaden Cymbaluk:

cheaper than TripAdvisor. That's a go. So well. Awesome, guys. Thanks for coming onto the podcast today and the Christmas party. Merry Christmas, everybody. Happy New Year. If we don't hear from you till till then next week, it's Christmas. You know, I mean, it's crazy. We might

Stephen Edwards:

even knock one more out we got a we're still worried there's gonna be a Slack last week. I pretty much plan on like, I'm going to look at tick tock for probably black ass 40 hours next week.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Everybody be safe. Thank you guys for coming. If you guys haven't already, make sure you check out Tucson rentals, and Arizona. And so Tucson adventure rentals. All of my screen went black there and I couldn't pull it up. I was gonna read your whole spiel, your whole h1 made tag, you know what I mean? Get it all check the reviews. So thanks again for listening to the podcast, y'all. It was fun hanging out with you guys on Christmas. The door has been ringing so something's renting out there. So something we're doing good, everybody be safe. We'll see you guys next time.