Adventure & Activity Marketing Pros - The Podcast

TikTok Banter with the CEO Of Las Vegas - Episode 27

AAMP Agency Episode 27

We talked about everyones favorite social platform, TikTok.  If you havn't been sucked in yet to the addiction/magic that is TikTok you are are either missing out or have way more time than I do.  Like it or not, TikTok is taking the world by storm and has is month after month, the most downloaded app on the Apple and Google app store.  We sat down and talked about content creation and TikTok with Daniel aka the CEO of Las Vegas.  Daniel has been creating a TikTok every day about all the cool things and events happening around Las Vegas, with a few of these videos getting millions of views.  We discuss all things social media and what drove him to get here.  And why you should be using TikTok to help people learn about your business. You can go check out Daniels TikTok here.

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Jaden Cymbaluk:

321 Alright ladies and gentlemen what is going on? We are back with the amp podcast we are in studio today we got Steve and we also got a special guests we got the CEO of Las Vegas here, man what's going on brother? What's going on

Stephen Edwards:

man? How you doing? CEO of Las Vegas? That's a big. That's a big word CEO.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, man, I took it on, you know, I came out here on the mission of business wise. And with all the loops and hurdles I've gone through in the different startups I've tried to do since the age of 21. I'm on my sixth or seventh year now on my entrepreneur journey. And this is like, this is the one that I think has become the most successful for me. So

Stephen Edwards:

really, that's awesome.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, where are you from? what's your what's your name? What's your what's I did? What's your intro? Give us your intro. Give us the whole

Daniel -Tiktok:

scoop. Okay, so my actual name is Daniel Leal. Man. Well, we're in color. It's my full name.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh my gosh, that's like four names, like four names. Yeah,

Daniel -Tiktok:

there's like no other name like

Stephen Edwards:

nobody's stealing your identity is what you're saying. Exactly. That's good.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yes. So originally from Chicago 27. Basically came from a fam a hard working family. Father was a construction worker and aspiring entrepreneur used to be a stock broker as well back in the day before the for I guess the financial reconnection or collapse of was a way 89 or 90 or wherever, around that time, and then mother was a works in the furniture business. So business has been kind of around me my whole life. And I guess Yeah, I mean, I think and grow rich in my hands at the age of eight years old. So I just always kind of came up with a different mindset start No, just jumping into different startups trying to get different things going. I ran a clothing business. Before I moved to Las Vegas, actually the startup a cannabis lounge. That was originally my first adventure, I had a, I guess, a cannabis blog in hip hop blog out here, because we saw Vegas really had no culture per se, for that. No one was really doing that at the level, we wanted to do it. So coming from a culturally rich city like Chicago, I figured that, you know, let's go in, let's make an impact, and then start this lounge. And, you know, things happen that failed. And then after the pandemic, is when I really got into the whole tick tock thing. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So yeah, so I mean, me and Steve, we follow on tick tock a lot, we check things out. And one of the things that caught my attention about what you do is we follow us being in the marketing side of things. There's a lot of people out there that are just going around showcasing, you know, restaurants, things to do casinos. And I mean, yeah, you just started doing this, you it's not like you've been doing it for five, 610 years, and you already are getting millions of views on your videos. Yep, exactly.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, it's pretty amazing what the audience you've built, but you've definitely got that hustle life. You've you're, you're on the hustle, you're figuring it out. It's pretty exciting. What led you down the TIC tock path,

Daniel -Tiktok:

the opportunity for the growth more than anything else. When I was trying to start marketing agencies and trying to get my clothing brand restarted back up and just these different types of ventures I saw the Instagram and YouTube now that's an uphill battle to attack. There was so much organic reach and there's still so much organic reach and opportunity on Tik Tok, even after the six or eight months as it's changed, and there's been more ad dollars spent, but yeah, I mean, I just saw like Alisha, you know, I tried one bit I seen actually, the funny story is actually how I started. So a friend, a friend of my girlfriend did a just a random video on the guy like 8 million views. And I was like, if she can get 8 million views doing this, like I can easily do something with some value. So my first video was just walking through the wind just with my phone. I knew nothing about video editing or anything at the time or about tic toc. I barely knew how to make a video. I fucked up probably like seven times. It took me like two hours to do the edit and it sucked. But the first video got 250,000 views. And I was like, oh shit, I can do this. So that's kind of how it started. And I kind of just went from there.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, no, that no, that's that's so we always talk like with us, talking about ideas for like tour operators or things to do. We we've seen influencers, I guess like yourself, Where are you going up to these businesses? And being like, Hey, let me provide you a service. Let me show you the views or is it kind of like a reverse engineer like first you got to get the views and then after your brand is built up, then you're able to sell some of this?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yep, exactly. So I guess for me it's really I go kind of off the cuff so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna drop names but live influencers really only go to restaurants that either pay or whatever I think that for my brand I can't compromise myself like that so I do I go very authentic I keep it how I did it from the jump I'm a paying customer at the time where I go into a restaurant so yeah, so yeah, I mean sometimes I get the comps, you know, it kind of comes within if I'm finally post things I'm really interested in

Stephen Edwards:

the scene. That was my question is how are you picking these topics? Because you've posted a lot of stuff. I love it. It's funny, you're you're almost viral, where you're picking up like, the things to do or what's happening in Vegas? I'm, where are you finding this? Are you just a man about Vegas? You're just living that Vegas life?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Exactly. I'm just all about it. Like I'm just I've always been deep inside it. But I haven't been posting it. And now it's like I'm posting it. And this is what what it is it's kind of manifested into this. Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So it's all like almost, you're creating content about yourself kind of sense of what you're doing, which also makes sense for your own brand. Right? Like, I mean, you do a very good job of it and like, like, I'm looking at your page here and we're scrolling this and let's see, does this pop up like this? Let me say sure. No, but we could get it to share on the screen but it's it's kind of behind us and we can people can see from the screen but it's not like you're doing anything creative or like anything crazy for like, you know your captions or anything like that. This is all done with a mobile phone. Correct? Exactly.

Daniel -Tiktok:

All mobile phone and the Tick Tock app and in shot two that's a must. Let's see Yeah. In shot is a must download for any, any aspiring Tik Tok creators. The InShot app is a light is a game changer

Stephen Edwards:

in shot app. So I am the opposite of a tic tock creator. I am a tic tock consumer of content. Right? I feel like if you went looked at my like stats on how long I'm on Tik Tok a given day, it is far too long for a 41 year old man. But I can't get enough of it is the it is the most addicting platform because you just keep swiping you're like, that's funny. That's funny. That's funny. And I just keep going and going and going and I love it. It's awesome.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, there we go.

Stephen Edwards:

So you're like What are your favorite followers? I guess let's start there. Like what are you looking at on your tick tock? Are you that elusive guy that's not following anybody and you're just creating your own content?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, I really only follow a couple. I really only keep up with a couple people that truly like Las Vegas Phil's one of my favorites hooked LV both good friends of mine. Love those dudes. But I'm more of a I'm more of a consumer on YouTube than I am really on tick tock, to be completely honest with you

Stephen Edwards:

on YouTube, like so. What's your favorite YouTube follow? Because I like a lot of YouTube. So I'm very curious what you're following, man. Yeah,

Daniel -Tiktok:

it's you know what some Vegas stuff Jacob's life in Vegas is an excellent YouTuber for Vegas really a content but I'm more or less into last spiritual stuff to be completely honest with you. Everything that you see here is really that I post isn't always why I consume Fallout Twitter too. So I

Stephen Edwards:

love it. So yeah, I think Twitter is always the mess right? You know, for a long time all anybody consumed with Facebook and Instagram. And now I almost feel like Twitter's making a resurgence just because it is so like it's fast. I mean, the what's being posted as fast it's less thought through. And if you need information, it's a great great spot I've yet to figure out how you monetize the hell out of your Twitter and make a lot of money from it. But it's you know, if you're looking for things Twitter's great

Jaden Cymbaluk:

so yes, let's let's look at some of these tic TOCs right here because I was looking at them me and Steve are looking at them now we got it brought up here on the screen we can get a Yeah,

Stephen Edwards:

I was super excited when I looked at this because you know I've gone through your tick tock I think there was one night when I first discovered you and I was like well this is funny this guy's making funny relevant Vegas II type content which you know it's being Vegas guys and going out. We're kind of in the mix and I like to see like what you're putting out there. And I thought it was hilarious and then when I went look you have a couple videos that have like some real views like 7 million views.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, what does this one have right here? It's just broke seven. Yeah, that's crazy. And so what you're really doing is it's like we talked about it a little bit before he came in like we follow vital Vegas vital Vegas is a it's been on Twitter guy Twitter guy forever and they're old school in a sense and but they always had the releases of hey, this casino is being sold you know?

Stephen Edwards:

I think he knows things before people know things it's insane what he actually know

Daniel -Tiktok:

you know him you know I don't know him personally. I follow Yeah, I follow him. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I mean you got to pull the the content from them to a little bit right like he's pretty insane.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, yeah, he's like right there. Usually it's

Stephen Edwards:

insane how fast he gets content. I man But, you know, you're you're making content to a much different audience because, you know, let's face it not everybody's living that tick tock life and I love it. I think that tick tock stuff is way more fun. I saw your one the other day and I pulled it up because I liked it because it was about the here we go the ball, the baseball stadium, what do you think about that? That's exciting stuff.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, it's really exciting. I mean, this is the stuff I moved to Vegas to see, you know, and now the fact that I can cover it, and talk about it and plot my own perspective, because I have such excitement about my girl. My girl will tell you I mean, I'm talking your ear off about Vegas all the time. If you ever get enough of this. What is your what's your baseball team? Oh, I'm the I'm a Cubs fan or a

Stephen Edwards:

wild card? Well, there's he could have been a White Sox fan.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

No, you hate the White Sox

Daniel -Tiktok:

can't do it. Yeah. Okay,

Stephen Edwards:

so you were excited the other year a couple years ago you're you're excited about that? I mean, I'm whatever the Vegas team is gonna be that's my that's my team. I'm I'm excited I think it's great. It's gonna be Yeah, we're gonna be the biggest sports town in the nation with

Jaden Cymbaluk:

in honest about that. They also just I mean, I don't know if you saw this but that MLS. I saw a big soccer push. But yep. Don't they already technically have a soccer team? It's a minor. It's a minor minor.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I don't speak enough soccer. But I mean, I have no idea. Where would they do the games for that app?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Well, I feel like personally, that would be more of a Henderson or Summerlin thing. I don't think that's gonna be you think to build a new stadium for that too? I think they would have to Yeah. Oh, my God. Unless they put unless they put them in the Raider stadium. But

Jaden Cymbaluk:

no, I I could see soccer being combined with MLS with the baseball.

Stephen Edwards:

What if we, what if we end up just? I mean, that could be I guess I don't do they? Like, I'm sorry, I don't know shit about soccer. But do they play at the exact same time? Or how would that work on the fields?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, now that I think about it, I might be wrong on that. But football and baseball can be played in the same stadium in the same field because the Oakland A's and the Raiders used to play on the same field study on San Diego something used to play on a baseball field because used to always see them run across. I'm trying

Daniel -Tiktok:

to think of it. I'm trying to think I don't know. But I know I know Chicago

Stephen Edwards:

so that's why we don't run a

Jaden Cymbaluk:

sports show. Yeah, might have been the Raiders might have on the Raiders but yeah, there's baseball of court baseball and football have shared stadiums before soccer I'm trying to think because Colorado Springs has a soccer and they put it up and as much as you think it's like that big it's not as big as you would expect it to be if you

Stephen Edwards:

ever played soccer. I feel like all they do is run and run and run and run I just

Jaden Cymbaluk:

My brother's a soccer player.

Stephen Edwards:

My lungs would explode

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I played I was a little kid so that was about that was about it but not in high school.

Stephen Edwards:

That was the last time I want a trophy for any sort of sport for my for my excellent soccer play like when I think I was like six or

Jaden Cymbaluk:

so Okay, so you mentioned the Summerlin Henderson thing and which is also something we have to tell our listeners is like people don't understand Summerlin is Vegas.

Stephen Edwards:

Nope. It's not Summerlin is an entirely different entity of bougie people that what is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it tell us what it is is Summerlin, you

Daniel -Tiktok:

know what? It's got the 702 area code I can't get because you know what? When I first moved here, everyone's like oh, Summerlin is Vegas. Now all of a sudden they see all these people quote unquote, everyone thinks it's all California is moving there even though it's not. They still you know,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but when you address when you address a postcard, your address is Las Vegas, Nevada. I mean, Henderson is Henderson Sun City. Summerlin is like so how does how does it place like summer like because like I was even Susan

Stephen Edwards:

cross streets or

Jaden Cymbaluk:

there's there's resin in the minister Colorado there's Aurora but that's all like your your mailing still goes to that. Right? Yeah. So it's like Summerlin is like

Stephen Edwards:

it's the best branded, mini mini community or subdivision subdivision? Yeah. I mean, I can't even you know, I've been kind of looking, I'm gonna be without a child at my house. And we're looking at houses. And at this point, I could almost live anywhere. Yeah. And I mean, there's a lot of neat stuff open. Where do you live in Summerlin?

Daniel -Tiktok:

No, I live actually in the east. So he said

Jaden Cymbaluk:

real Vegas Real? Real Vegas. Real real Mexican food Vegas. Like that's where we go for the good Mexican food. Our Town baby. Yeah, it's a Yeah, so you're a foodie too because you pull up some pull up some of the food ones on? Yeah, because

Stephen Edwards:

what's your favorite place before we do that? What's your if you got a buddy coming into Vegas, and you want to take them to off strip, where are you taking them?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Off? Strip?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Off strip? Man, that's tough. What are we eating? Tell me where are we eating? You're telling me you're taking me down for whatever. Okay, so So for steak. I mean, I You gotta go golden CRNA even though it's technically kind of on the

Stephen Edwards:

stress. I'll give you a tough it's. It's good enough goals. Let's

Daniel -Tiktok:

go into your for tacos. There's a couple of really good taco trucks on the north side. One of our Northtown one of them doesn't even have a name to it. And I just love it so much for their beer in there. The not to torts as the soap base.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So we had various tacos in California San Diego at one spot and it was good and they

Stephen Edwards:

anything would have been good after we drove around for eight hours.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Food. They do that barrier ramen too. Yeah, a lot of people do that ramen is. So Food plays

Stephen Edwards:

my favorite. I mean, I've got this I feel like I've really thought about this already. I am taking you to fuku burger. fuku burgers most amazing.

Daniel -Tiktok:

It is. It is.

Stephen Edwards:

He's a food kind. Amazing. It is delicious. I'm also taking you to Taco taco because I like Taco taco. You do? Yeah. And I'm a huge like, I love Chinatown. There's some solid options in Chinatown.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yes. Osaka sunset. I like LV fo two. Oh, yeah. So I'm not a huge guy. Now he's four guys. Fo are they are I consider a photo

Stephen Edwards:

because that's the only way they can have funny names to restaurants like fuck him and Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we wouldn't be a funny new restaurant name if it wasn't pronounced for real. That's funny.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, no, but they have a sandwich their their bond I bond bond Mize or something? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, their sandwiches. Fuxi I went to the what is the

Jaden Cymbaluk:

in Vegas here? What is Lee's sandwiches? Of course people go. That place is always poppin

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, I don't it's not that good.

Daniel -Tiktok:

I'm not a huge fan of booze. I actually went there the first time I came to Vegas that was like one of the thoughts I hit

Jaden Cymbaluk:

like I know people go like it's like I don't know they go to it like it's like their everyday fast casual place like if they cheap

Stephen Edwards:

This is why I love Vegas right because no other city is doing crazy shit like this. Completely turn the ballpark into it. God damn like, winter wonderland. Yeah. Have you been up there yet? Amazing.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yes. It's amazing.

Stephen Edwards:

Is it cool? I suppose you were there. The other night I was up in that neck of the woods and I drove around it I could not believe how damn busy it was.

Daniel -Tiktok:

It was packed. I know it doesn't even feel like Vegas anymore. Sometimes like for like, this hasn't been going on like all the years ago. You wouldn't even

Jaden Cymbaluk:

say in Vegas. Summerlin people. This is what I saw in the summer.

Stephen Edwards:

Like I refuse to accept that

Daniel -Tiktok:

that California snow in Las Vegas and snow in Summerlin, Chicago. Jos is a great place to go to by the way that that's my favorite.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Where's that other Vegas? Chicago

Stephen Edwards:

Joseph that one downtown that looks like it's about 500 square feet.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. Next to next to this fire though.

Daniel -Tiktok:

It's fire. Yeah, I asked him it's 1100 square feet. I actually I actually asked him,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Steve it said it's fire. I remember when we started this podcast about three years ago. He's like Jadon. Thank you. You're allowed to say it's fire now, Steve. Two years later, he's like, hey, it's fire. It's fire. It's fire. Well, you go to EDC and check that you're into it. I am. Okay. That's

Stephen Edwards:

your go to EDC. No, I

Daniel -Tiktok:

didn't. Is that your standard? Well, EDC. You know what? I've been to raves, but not anymore.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Um, okay, we were talking about food. So a lot of people are doing these food boils. Yeah, like that is or like this. This is knowing this one's snowing crab or something like that. Yes, Stormy. Stormy, stormy crab.

Stephen Edwards:

Stephanie. I don't even know where this one's out. Have you been any of those Vikings ones? What's uh, what's the Vikings seafood? Yeah. Have you done those?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, that one's really good.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Is that Yeah, everything's good. And

Stephen Edwards:

they're all Yeah, it's not like they're serving up shit. You know? Yeah.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So okay, so what is this cost you like? What is your what's your daily expenses to do this just to eat out?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, just eat out. I mean, yeah, if it's not lice, if it's not a competent Yeah, just go out.

Stephen Edwards:

Just like your girlfriend. You take her out on a lot of places. You just go alone, and you just take it all and

Daniel -Tiktok:

she does her own videos, too. So really? Who's your girlfriend? Or names? It's Velious 17. So

Stephen Edwards:

do you guys like compete? Are you guys like have like, who can get more followers contest?

Daniel -Tiktok:

So the thing at first, it was actually her name to come up with the whole CEO of Las Vegas thing. Okay. I was like, because I was saying I was like, damn, I gotta be the CEO of some because everyone claims that calm on tick tock. It's like the niche thing check on should be CEO of Las Vegas. And I was like, that's perfect. But But yeah, so she she always calls herself the manager of the CEO. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So okay, so so she have a like, it's like, it's like you're like I'm going in for a podcast recording and she's probably got more followers and stuff than you do probably maybe she do the foodie influencer stuff like the page just started just started to like with tick tock because like we know and like we follow like, you know, Drew Drew's got unlocked you know unlocked so has been around for a while. Yeah, and all those other people what's like tasting Vegas and there's a lot Vegas you said hooked LV is one of the people that you know,

Daniel -Tiktok:

yeah, hooked LV is great. Yeah, he's in terms of the food. If you want to pull them up, you could definitely pull him he is

Stephen Edwards:

we're not trying to give him any clouds. So please, yeah, no, he's great. We're here with you. But we're, we're talking Well, I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

think this is still I think it's still cool like of how because because some some mark around longer than me. Some markets aren't doing this. And I totally think that it's not too late to do it. You know what I mean? And if you have Tourism type of business people are looking at this

Stephen Edwards:

I saw this this is just absurd Yeah, I need this in my life

Daniel -Tiktok:

I know I've never had the chance to go I'm like over feels like

Stephen Edwards:

I'm dying as I watch us a little bit plug in to me

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and see this video that video right there like they're coming with their professional like stuff and like I've seen him do it before because the lighting and they have it all out and it's plated. It's not like they're eating at a table. Are you doing that? Like where you're eating more at a table and it's authentic or you kind of pull in stuff?

Daniel -Tiktok:

No, so I have my own light too and all that so I do kitchen content as well. Probably not as much as what he does, but it's just you know, just different audience

Stephen Edwards:

so I so I got influenced the other day I was influenced and I went and ate at this place right here.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

bought by me influenced by me well wasn't by you. I've

Stephen Edwards:

seen all the videos now to it too because I never bought Yeah, because everybody in their brothers like share this already. is fucking good. This one this blue kitchen.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Oh, that oh, that one right there.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That kinked Oh, no, the blue garlic or whatever. Something?

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, blue garlic. I mean, it was not where I thought it would be but it was god damn amazing. What else is needed? I mean, so you've got all these people you're influencing? I'm sure your messages blow up with like people asking you questions. Yeah. Are you in any of like the Facebook visit Vegas groups? No, I'm not. You're smart. You shouldn't be because they're an absolute trap. Yeah, but I mean, do you get blown up like hey, where should I go? Where should I eat? What's

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, all the time? Where are you telling

Stephen Edwards:

people to stay? Tuned go to place to stay your recommend.

Daniel -Tiktok:

So it depends on where you're coming here to do so. I'm a big off district guy. So I try to recommend people to get the local experience to go to South Point.

Stephen Edwards:

I thought you were going to send them like fiesta. No, I'm

Daniel -Tiktok:

not gonna send the Fiesta I'll send the south point though. South Point definitely if you want that local experience. Downtown obviously circa I mean circus fuckin people do

Stephen Edwards:

circa is great. I mean, I feel like it costs as much to go to circa though as a cost to go to like, the Wynn or Cosmo circus seems expensive now, but what does that crazy bougie restaurant at Southpoint that it's like full maitre d service and you know what I'm talking about. I'm familiar, but he's at the steakhouse at Southpoint that everybody raves about is like supposed to be just he will say it's good,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but it's not like it's like no Michelin star like title. Yeah, not like that. But it's it's good. They they've always been known for their Chinese food. Yeah, I think as well. Steakhouse. No. Southpointe Oh Southpointe South points. Chinese food has always been like known as like the really good.

Daniel -Tiktok:

And then minutes to six or not midnight to six the what's it called? I did a video on it the steak and eggs. Oh,

Stephen Edwards:

really? Yeah. Bring his bring it. It's like old or five minute amen.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Let's take a look at some of these.

Stephen Edwards:

I have to say I've only been to South Pointe like walked in the door. Yeah, twice.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah. It's so crazy. When you start seeing like my earlier videos, you'll see the difference in the content. So you just saw like, the last video was a little bit more aesthetic. But if you go on, it's like a far farther down video.

Stephen Edwards:

You got a lot of videos like how often do you try to push out a new video

Daniel -Tiktok:

every day? I post one really? App six is along. Yep. Yep. At least one a day. Usually. Sometimes I skip a day, but it's very rare. Sometimes two a day. Oh my god. Yeah. So it's it's a different hustle. Like with YouTube. You know, it's like you're usually putting out like one video this ice cream. Yeah, that was

Jaden Cymbaluk:

it's almost different to see since we're bringing it up on the web than your phone. You know, like, it's hard to find some of the descriptions as fast right? Like, what where's this? Yeah, exactly.

Stephen Edwards:

Where's this?

Daniel -Tiktok:

This is all right off the strip. That's the star lounge.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh my gosh. How good does that look? Cotton goes. Oh, yeah. Oh, sorry. I was looking at this one. What happened? Oh, oh, yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

remember those cheese bowls?

Stephen Edwards:

That was a great idea. I still think it's an excellent so how do you I mean, this must be i sushi.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What's What's your best sushi place? A lot of people talk about sushi stuff.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Sushi. Sushi, Nikko or Jenga? Those are my two favorite. I've heard Jenga is pretty good. Yeah, yeah. Especially with the sushi burgers. At least you have an option.

Stephen Edwards:

So you go to all these places. I'm scared to go. I've never been paid to Taco that bass

Daniel -Tiktok:

tacos. You okay, so

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you did mention something when we were talking about like you said something like the strip club line. Okay. And you said all that was kind of clickbait. You are pulling some pretty known touristy places right as

Stephen Edwards:

well, because I disagree with you on your strip club choices.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. What is it ranked at? What did you rang?

Stephen Edwards:

I mean, he had palominos to Palomino is certainly not I mean, what's your on what's Well, I think Palomino should be one for the most fun. Palomino was a fun strip club.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

What do we have him ranked here people? I gotta go back to one Do you remember it too?

Stephen Edwards:

What is your favorite was one writer.

Daniel -Tiktok:

One lost treasures for me just because on the inside,

Stephen Edwards:

treasures has a steakhouse to have you ever had steak there.

Daniel -Tiktok:

I have not had the steak there. We went to try for the fact they have a steak houses and crab. So, but I kind of went with more of like a local hitless more than anything else. So so like you see number three was number three and that was hustler club Palomino.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah cuz we're not talking about like spear murmur I got fired and bring somebody in sapphires too. Even when we went through the ATM it was like

Stephen Edwards:

20% of your withdrawal. Yeah, I mean, right. No, but I know that hazy, but the places Oh, yeah, this place is always packed. I think for the most fun wise. Palomino is the most fun. But I know that like, obviously, if you're coming in, you're going to you know, you're from out of town. You're here for business. You're going to a strip club. You're going to end up at sapphires. Or, you know, screaming spearmint. Let's see. What's a horse horseshoe down by the Raider stadium.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

That's crazy horse. Crazy Horse crazy guys. Forget about Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse. I like their billboard placement. It's always right next to hustler club. Yeah, that's always what they've done. I always told people I've been to a bachelor party. hustler club is pretty it reminds me of like a big house party. In a sense.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, hustler. hustler club is fun, because I think they always have those deals where like, if you get there between like six and 10, I think you drink for free or something.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

The problem is, is I haven't been to a strip club because mean you even talked about the sense the like the pandemic because a lot of people were like, they weren't open right now. And I told and I was like, think they are open because they are I've seen people go but literally nobody knew the rules. Oh, they're open. No, I know. They're fully open now. They've been open.

Stephen Edwards:

So I didn't dive in. Then I didn't catch the Coronavirus last time. Did

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you have to wear a mask? I did not. You have to wear panties on your

Stephen Edwards:

masks? They don't. They don't awesome. I mean, you know, yeah, that was a lot of fun. Yeah. Vegas type fun. That's good. So what do you hate?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Vegas. Barbecue is a pretty Vegas II thing. Not a lot of people have good Korean barbecue. Vegas is known for its Korean barbecue. That'd be a statement. You'd think. I'd

Daniel -Tiktok:

say it's up there. I don't think it's the top.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So I mean, it's up. You're

Stephen Edwards:

throwing li people will tell you the fuck off on that steer. I feel like that's I feel like Korean barbecue is like an LA thing that migrated here.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Let me just have a discussion here. Not not that was not a statement. It was a discussion. But you're from Chicago. Right. Chicago is a pretty foodie. Play horse. Yeah. I mean, a lot of people said that I haven't been to Chicago. I don't think Steve you've been to Chicago.

Stephen Edwards:

I've been to Chicago but I'm not. I'm not fluent Chicago guy by any means. But does this Chicago

Jaden Cymbaluk:

have as many varieties of food like how Vegas is a pretty like a melting pot of you know,

Daniel -Tiktok:

you know what, it's it's a different type of scene. So I think you get more value here in the foodie scene in Vegas. Yes, a more variety in a shorter amount of time. Like in the half hour, you can go and do so many different types of foods. But in like Chicago, you have to navigate around the city and do all that or Uber drive and pay for parking and over and over again.

Stephen Edwards:

So moving here from Chicago. I mean, I pulled up your video of like what you hate about Vegas. If you're picking Do you love Vegas, are you like over it? No, I

Daniel -Tiktok:

love Vegas. I would never I don't think I'd ever move, sir. And I'm thinking like I'm thinking already 20 years down the road. I don't think I'd ever move.

Stephen Edwards:

I gotcha what is so you post it off? Obviously we don't we can't play the sound how we want what is your favorite? What do you hate about Vegas?

Daniel -Tiktok:

The drivers more than anything else? I think the driving here is terrible. And I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that there's some something weird here with a driver's ed. Some people were trying to correct me but I guess in high school you don't. It's not mandatory to take Driver's Ed. We had to do that.

Stephen Edwards:

Brock, Brock.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. I mean, I understand what you're saying.

Stephen Edwards:

I think Brock had to I think, yeah, my kid had to take.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It's not like everybody's from here. took their driving test here. Oh, right hodgepodge.

Stephen Edwards:

Because the driver's ed is bullshit, because you've got to just so how they do their driver's ed as you take an online course. Okay, and then they have to log X amount of hours. Well,

Daniel -Tiktok:

I mean, to be honest,

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, well, they have like a book you're supposed to fill it out. And once you fill out enough hours and they say you've driven enough then they take it in and you go do your job.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

I think that's why though people are bad drivers or

Stephen Edwards:

No, I think they're bad drivers because most of the time they're on their phone or their heads up their house. It's true.

Daniel -Tiktok:

But that could be anywhere in the country. You know, I can sure like yeah, I don't think my driving habits have changed in Chicago, you know, from Chicago to here, but Chicago drivers are so much better. I mean, I think just people cuz I think there's weather it's because of the weather.

Stephen Edwards:

I think that people are better drivers when there's weather because they have to be here we have no weather so everybody's like LA driver, palm trees like oh, look at that bright shiny sign it beautiful.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

It is crazy that how there is always an accident like on the 215 15 like hack interchange right there like to go to like and you're always like, every single day it's either just an accident somebody rear ended somebody but it's just constantly,

Stephen Edwards:

my biggest complaint about Vegas is that we are normalizing $18 Drink prices.

Daniel -Tiktok:

It's yeah, it's terrible. I,

Stephen Edwards:

that is my biggest complaint if I was, it won't change, because now they're getting $18. So how do you go back lining up? And yeah, why would why would all of a sudden they start charging? It was a lot when I was 10. And yeah, the other night was out and like a drinks were like 18 to 21 I'm playing Jesus, who's paying $21? Yeah, somebody is right, I was I, that person was me, I paid $21. And I hated every second of it.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

And I get the strip pricing. And you know, they've been talked about this in some of the the tourism groups or the CV, the svha stuff. And, you know, they're, they're saying like, you know, hotel rates and how it affects the smaller the cheaper hotels, right? Like it. There's just all sorts of things that are just crazy in the weekend rates compared to the weekday rates and the conference rates. But I don't think they're doing dynamic pricing on drinks and food. That's our thing. No, I

Stephen Edwards:

think prices are just what the price is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

just a tie. Yeah, you know what I mean? It's so it's not like, you know, you go and get a drink on the weekends. And it's expensive, because you're on the Strip. It's Tuesday, and it's a $25

Stephen Edwards:

cocktail. Well, and I see it because I am in a few of those like Facebook groups where people bitch and they're like, no, like, what do you love hate? You know, people want to come to Vegas, but some of it I feel like they're being priced out a little bit. I wonder if this is like making up for being closed or strike when the iron is hot. We can see in our like, in our rental business, that that you know that 2020 stimulus money is spent and gone. Yeah. So you kind of wonder how that is transitioning over to the strip is, you know, are these places still as busy getting these huge dollars that they are? I mean, it feels like it feels like stuff has moved up faster? You know, they talk about inflation, it feels like inflation has definitely hit Vegas. Yeah, let's know.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So speaking of that, because let's talk about this. And this makes a lot of sense. Because you said you were building this for kind of a personal brand thing, right? Because what you're trying to do, or the idea that I'm kind of getting and I've seen other people do this and do this successfully, is you are trying to get some credibility, because eventually you could probably sell tours, right? Or, you know, be a guided tour guide. Like when people come to Vegas, they could book a trip with you or book, you know, what's your recommendation, or vice versa? We see this like, finger licking foodie tours, they do a good job. You know, and he's been doing that for a while. But people are also paying, I guess what would you call yourself like a concierge?

Stephen Edwards:

Well, yeah, you're you want to build on a tour? What's your tour gonna be? Yeah,

Daniel -Tiktok:

it's gonna be a mix. So I think just this like an extension of what you see on my tick tock. It's like more just a personal experience either with me or with someone else or my team, but it would be more or less just hey, doing it the way I do it. You know, like Vegas like the CEO.

Stephen Edwards:

I know. Talking you had mentioned about doing like, those cannabis tours or cannabis like smoking tours, or if you want to consumption rooms.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Okay, yet. Yes. So I originally came here to open a consumption lounge that was the front door I had him. But that's subsided. As for right now. I mean, in the future I could. Another thing with the personal brand too, is I really want to use it to really make an impact in the city because I love the city so much. Not just the take people on tours and stuff, but actually leverage and make change and do things that I want to do in the city. Open up experiences I want to see and you know, one of my biggest things was filling the gap of three reasons why I moved to Vegas because I seen the strip so big downtown building up and I'm like, damn, get filled that gap. I just seen the gap in the skyline. I'm like, I want to be the one that fills that

Jaden Cymbaluk:

gap. Well, and there's I mean, there's a truth to it, too. I mean, how old are you? What's your age? 2727

Daniel -Tiktok:


Jaden Cymbaluk:

so you're 27 I was just talking to Susan Sister, you know, they're 25 or 24 They came to Vegas, and we were talking about certain things and there's just some things that this is how people get information before they make a buying decision. Yeah, right. And so how I make what well, you can influence a lot of different ways now I'm totally influenced and you see the trend so think about it like where this is how people are deciding where to go for the come to Vegas, right? It's there's not this putting a pamphlet in the Legion airplane. You know what I mean? There's not the taxi cab ads, right? Like this is a new version of deciding what you want to do before you come to Vegas. And I think this could be also in other markets like Vegas is very good at this because we are a top five destination in the US. But people are doing this when they're visiting. You know, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, right or destin beach or something like

Daniel -Tiktok:

that. So I use it when I travel. Yeah, like go to Chicago or go to LA I'm like when I'm looking for Well, bad homered la I'm looking for different spots. I'm like, yeah, look it up or Portland.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So you're using a social media as a search engine, correct? Yes.

Stephen Edwards:

So I want to go the other way is like, obviously, it's taking you a bit to get some traction and you found like a niche that's working. What have been the biggest challenges in getting your tick tock to the spot, it's out and finding viewers.

Daniel -Tiktok:

You know what, it's, it's taken off so quickly. It's kind of hard to really say, I think one thing that's kind of discouraging sometimes is when you have the big boosts, where I'll have like, I just gained like, 40 40,000 followers in one day, and I'm like, Oh, it's great. You know, and it goes for a week and they'll say no, now you're like gaining like 300 or 400 in a day, which is like, you know, those numbers sound crazy. That's for Tik Tok. It's sure what it is. So it's just it's the it's the highs and lows. It's the roller coaster, you're posting every single day. I mean, as much as I love the city on posting every single day. So you know, it becomes work after a while.

Stephen Edwards:

So do you have like a I mean, I'm assuming if you're posting every day, you must have a list of ideas or topics that you're like, Hey, I'm gonna try to crush this as we can cover this and this and this, or is it all seat of the pants?

Daniel -Tiktok:

It's a mix, you know, I think every about every month, I don't really have a set schedule with it. Every month, I have a hitless like, Hey, I'd like to hit something like this this month, or I have these ideas, or I don't always do them because I kind of go off the cuff, you know, like, you know, it's kind of as I go, I think the more I keep it authentic, and to me, and I don't plan it, the better it's going to be, especially because I do news and all that too. So

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Gotcha. So I do have a there's actually some questions that we kind of had for me. So I have a couple questions. And so a couple people like in the tour space because they're saying ham, I've had influencers approached me before for my tour rental business. Right? Right. What is that worth? Right, like as a money thing, like if somebody was coming up and they said, Hey, this guy wants to take out my pontoon boat, right and do something and he's got a couple million views on Tik Tok or something like that. What is that worth? So in like your opinion coming in from an influencer? side or the person that's trying to sell this somebody? What do you think that's worth to the business?

Daniel -Tiktok:

I think it's worth a lot. I think it really depends on the influencer, you're talking to Okay, I think it's not only about the numbers, but also the engagement, you're gonna get off that video. I mean, I've had some videos, where I've done for restaurants I do very, you know that Do you know they do decent, you know, they get a little Russian, but I've had somewhere it's actually changed the whole gravitational of their business. I went from like, there was one spot they actually did where they were just one spot. And now they're franchising. And that's, like, just off of one or two videos for me. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

you see that in the food space with a lot of low end, you know, starting and getting viral. Yeah, for that type of thing. I'm just okay, we did talk about trading stuff out and stuff like that. Because I mean, that's, that's where sometimes it gets kind of the the sticky situation or not trying to like, throw, but it's like, if you're providing this as a service, right, you should be compensated for it. Okay. And you don't want to just trade out and be like, Oh, this is great. I got to take a boat out for a day. You know, maybe you did, but eventually, is there a way to monetize this? Or do you plan on monetizing it?

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yep, I think well, what the big thing is to xx and be paying out more in the future, like we were talking about earlier,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

so kinda like YouTube, like so it's like once you hit a threshold, like once you hit a threshold, you have so many impressions you're gonna get a kickback from tick tock you would think as well. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

As a creator funded you're part of the Creator fun. Yeah. So yeah,

Daniel -Tiktok:

it does. It does, like I said, doesn't pay as much as like a YouTuber and Instagram. But early days YouTube didn't pay out really either. No, Instagram didn't either. And all the attention right now is on tick tock in a short amount of time. It's like, what's a good way to put that? Yep. Yeah, there was a there was a study done I'm whatever it was, but you have the most attention right now is on tick tock over any other app. Yeah, of course, more than Instagram and everything. So

Stephen Edwards:

yeah, cylinder number one. Yeah. It's like the number one downloaded app for like months on stranger

Jaden Cymbaluk:

and also added users. That's, that's a big thing that they look at is added users, which is a huge,

Daniel -Tiktok:

and they're banned in India. So I mean, take that. Yeah, that

Stephen Edwards:

what's what's the other one? The one in India? Is that a llama? Tough? Yeah. It's a same type of concept, but it's called woma tough and Indian, or it's not bait. It's actually based in the US but it's a tick tock competitor that is allowed in India who

Jaden Cymbaluk:

so I this is funny, because when I was actually looking up Tik Tok influencers in different countries, do you know the guys from the he's got a restaurant in Dubai. And he's a pretty good he's a big influencer, but he's a he always was smiling. And His thing was, he made big portions of food. I think, yeah, I

Stephen Edwards:

saw where he made those huge. Yes, I

Jaden Cymbaluk:

know. Do you know his name? It's not sticking with me. Okay. That guy's the person. That's the guy that the person that I found and he is like, killing it. You know what I mean? And he's in a different country. And so he's looked as like a Hop influencer like we're so I mean I'm so tunnel vision where I think this stuff's only going on in the US think about it, it's a world thing

Stephen Edwards:

and you can really dig in on tick tock and you find like that content that's coming from everywhere. I mean, you know, when I'm just scrolling the for you page or whatever, and you're seeing like, stuff relevant to you, I think tick tock has the best algorithm engine of all of them because you really see content that's relevant to you. Which, you know, there's obviously some people that are not into what I'm into, and they're not seeing the same stuff. And vice versa, like your Vegas stuff. If you have no intention to come to Vegas, nobody's gonna see your stuff.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah. Or should they? Exactly. Yeah. And you know what, like, we're talking about Instagram and YouTube, like, they, they're trying to copy what tic TOCs doing or model it to them and it's just not working. This is solely a tick tock thing. And I don't personally, personally think that Instagram and YouTube with reels and shorts can really grasp it the same way Tik Tok is gonna do it. That's gonna be the that's going to be what's going to bring Tik Tok to the next level even more for monetization?

Stephen Edwards:

Are you sharing your content or the content? You post a tick tock to reels and YouTube shorts? Yes, I have been but just nowhere even near the same type of traction. Oh, yeah, gotcha. You

Daniel -Tiktok:

know, I have different content that does better on Instagram. I noticed with tick tock, my voiceovers do very well. But on Instagram, my short videos that are food related that are like, seven to eight seconds long, that don't have anything are just more stories than they are anything else.

Stephen Edwards:

I know, YouTube put out a huge amount of money to start going after that YouTube shorts or that, you know, tick tock audience. Yeah. And you know, I don't hear anybody talk about it. It's never like, man, let me go check out your YouTube shorts. I'm, I'm curious how that. But you know, like, I get how you can watch them in Instagram, because it's so accessible. But Is anybody just sitting around looking at like YouTube shorts for hours? No, I can't. I don't know. I had to actually ask you. I don't know how you view them. I mean,

Daniel -Tiktok:

it's kind of confusing to like, I've I don't think I've never scrolled it personally. Yeah, I see. And I click one, you know, if it's more or less when I search something up, and I see a shore about that, like, if it's like something sports related, and it's like, oh, yeah, you know, I click that, you know, that short real quick, but it's not like I'm actually scrolling YouTube shorts.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. What do you another question that we had is like, well, it was the sharing the content. That's what it was on different platforms.

Stephen Edwards:

That's the one thing I'll say that I think Instagram has, I don't say it's an advantage. But what is makes it make sense is that there's still a fair amount of people that are going in, like, checking out their Instagram, because that was their first platform, you know, that was the platform that they first put energy into, right? And how there are Instagram posts or Instagram stories that convert into reels, you know, where you could, you know, that's how it starts as like, hey, check out my Instagram short, or my Instagram post that if you want to watch the rest of it, it becomes a real, right. But again, if you're, you know, if there's no upside, or if it's only going to get so far, why would you put all that and it's like,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

yeah, like the social says sizzlers the cuts? Yeah, and that's what gets you to the IG TV.

Stephen Edwards:

Um, it's like, do you want to watch for me like, I guess I want to watch more.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah. What about uh, so that's actually a good version? Click on because we're showing the same video. I'll bring this up. Because I'm excited about bagels. Yeah, we got a lot of bagels there. Hashtags on on tick tock, when you're when you're doing this. Yeah. Important. Not important. Tell me a little bit about that. Because like, the other thing is, is I kind of want to debunk this or maybe you have some insight is like, you have hashtag FYP the for you page, right? And people are doing that. You don't have to hashtag that to get on the for you page. Do you

Daniel -Tiktok:

know, but you know what it does? I find for me to boost the video in some way. Um, there's different hashtag strategies you should use and you should switch them off.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Give us a little insight on the hashtag.

Stephen Edwards:

You don't need to give away the top secret here, but we you know, yeah, for the new insert for the new Tik Tok or if I'm going to go viral tonight with my tic tock pool dancing with my shuffle.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, so yeah, never one thing I'll say is never ever create your own hashtag on.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yep. And that's what we said. Yeah, like stuff that's not relevant, right? Like if you if you hashtag like, you're gonna click on one real quick, you gotta like if you got a nickname for yourself, like Oh, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or something like that. Like that's not relevant. Yeah, nobody's searching that. Exactly. Hashtag Las Vegas. I see. Hashtag Las Vegas. Local. Right. Hashtag crackhead there's crackhead up there. You know what I mean? Like that one makes sense. Here if Where's crackhead? Right. All right, Master. Oh, Master.

Stephen Edwards:

Oh, hashtag crackhead. That's good. But let's well this already has 2.7 million views. Hashtag crackhead is probably a firewall in Vegas.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yes. See, they kept it simple. It seems fine. 2.7 million

Jaden Cymbaluk:

likes. Yeah.

Stephen Edwards:

She seems fine.

Daniel -Tiktok:

The thing is

Jaden Cymbaluk:

every 15 that gets a lot of traction. Yes, it does. It's crazy. Um, so what are people hashtagging on that then like, you know, meow Wolf. I mean, I guess is the

Daniel -Tiktok:

like, click on the

Stephen Edwards:

crackhead. Oh, Racket. Oh, come on. There we go.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Vegas, Las Vegas Vegas vacation. Meow wolf Omega Mart interactive. I'll tell you what I wouldn't do with those hashtags. She would have actually gotten more views. And she did. She did an amazing she Yeah, she's

Stephen Edwards:

crushing it. 2.3 She can't scoff about killing.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You know, Vegas. No at all.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, I know where? Yeah, good. Heather's awesome. But I would have actually taken out interactive art. And area 15 and Omega Mart and meow Wolf. Okay. And Vegas vacation. Oh, I would have put Vegas Las Vegas. Vegas Strip FYP. And then probably another trending one that's relevant. So you would have put the FYP I would have put the FYP Yeah, you should. One of the things I like you have FYP with a smiley face as yet. Yes. That yeah, that's the one is that the trending? Yeah, that's the one Yeah, it automatically fills it. So do I feel old

Jaden Cymbaluk:

but you get you get views for people clicking on the hashtag doesn't mean it's guaranteed to be on somebody for you page, or it's gonna be on some people's for you page. It'll be

Daniel -Tiktok:

it'll be on some what they do is they categorize the video. So it really depends on how that video is gonna do in the first like, hour or two. And if you're getting like the watch time, if you're getting the shares, the analytics is the most important thing. But the hashtags does make a difference. And but at the least it categorizes your video.

Stephen Edwards:

So have you ever removed a video because or pulled the video down because it didn't perform right away how you wanted

Daniel -Tiktok:

to know, I never delete a video no matter what. Okay, go.

Stephen Edwards:

I know that. I mean, I think that that's a common female thing to do. Is it not like if they're making like their dance videos and they don't get instantaneous traction? They Yeah. So rehash them. Yeah,

Jaden Cymbaluk:

yeah, strategy. Yeah, strategy that I heard too, as well. You're trying to get a viral page. Right. So you'll throw up 10 different videos of like, maybe you doing the same dance for the same song or something or the same version of it. And just switch it just a little bit. They're almost like a be testing it. And then the one that goes more viral, delete the rest.

Daniel -Tiktok:

You don't delete videos on tic tac, no matter what. You never do it because it hurts the algorithm, the algorithm, because the algorithm is an AI if you're and they want. The thing is with tick tock. They want to promote the app as much as possible. So reposting videos you notice I do that I'll repost a video that does well, you can repost up to three times I always do that

Stephen Edwards:

I have seen work guys do. Where they talk about getting shadow banned. Is that a thing? What does that mean? Talk to talk to me like

Daniel -Tiktok:

a lot of that excuses. A lot of people think their shadow banned and they're really not the only way you can really get shadow banned is if you delete your videos or you do something the algorithm doesn't like and community guidelines violations. That's the most important.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah, can give me a shadow ban for dummies.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Shadow ban for Dummies would be like zero views.

Stephen Edwards:

You post something, nobody sees it. Nobody sees hashtags. Yes, zero

Jaden Cymbaluk:

views and enorm. And it's like in your in your recent average is always like 100,000 views or something like that.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Right. Exactly. That's interesting. Yeah. And you'll always have at least one view because it's from you. That's a good way to tell if your shadow band is if you post something and you view it and that that one video show up like with another account or something? No with your own account, like your view will at least once at least once.

Stephen Edwards:

Have you ever been shadow banned? Okay. I was always curious. You always see these posts where they're like, Oh, my God, my last post was shadow banned. I'm not that interesting.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

But yeah, bullshit on that part. More or less clickbait than anything else. It's and that's also a thing with I mean, social media nowadays. I mean, people I mean, from YouTubers to everything. I mean, God people, even with podcasts, titles and stuff. It's stuff, like, yeah, they

Daniel -Tiktok:

don't want this to get out or whatever it

Stephen Edwards:

is. So this is super cool. I mean, I'm not looking at yours right now. But it is yeah, it is amazing the amount of content that is out there, and how rapidly it's changed as far as using it for a destination, you know? Yeah, there's almost no reason why if you want to know what to do when you come to Vegas, it's it's out there.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, exactly. And I mean, as we, as Tik Tok grows more and becomes more monetizable what happens is, the money's gonna come to the app and the organic engage the, the organic reach is going to die down. So you're not going to begin all these creators getting views like this. So that's why I jumped on and more anything else is like, Hey, I built a good infrastructure of followers here. And as it grows, I mean, it's in this tick. That becomes I guess, we say more searchable is what they're saying. Sure. So where it's all about the search more than they actually scroll in the for you page. Then that's when the that's when the money from The app is really going to roll In for a laugh creators. Like it's not even not even nowhere near touching the surface right now where it's going to be.

Stephen Edwards:

I always joke with the girls out. That work for us is that I have completely screwed up my tic tock algorithm because I'm that guy that follows like, I think right now, I bet you I follow like, 5800 people. Just follow everybody. I think it's great. So pretty cool stuff. I follow

Jaden Cymbaluk:

what he's got why,

Stephen Edwards:

but now my tic tock like I get served. Everything. There's no logic behind my 40 page. It's just everything.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

So do you have is this your page personal page and also your page? Like? That's because I see you're only following 250 people? Yeah. So do you have other burner accounts or something else? You don't mean that you're on?

Stephen Edwards:

That's probably enough. 250 you're probably seeing what you need to see. I follow 5000 Because I'm a psycho.

Daniel -Tiktok:

Yeah, I don't even go through my following really? Like that's more or less people that. Yeah, there's people I like, you know, so that's good.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

You did you did you did a good job, man. I mean, you did a good job. Yeah, this is super cool. So yeah, we Yeah, I mean, we like, did we like what we we've always talked about tick tock on the show. So it's a cool way to kind of get an insider of somebody doing this.

Stephen Edwards:

Did you reserve your adult tickets? No. I did not.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, vaccine mandate on that. I saw that too. You're You're pretty good on Yeah. Keeping vaccine

Stephen Edwards:

mandate and a test. Yeah, that's wild. Huh?

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, because I got it. I've seen can still get COVID If you got the vaccine, right.

Stephen Edwards:

Well, now they're going to be safe. funked.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Well, cool, brother. Well, thanks for coming on the show man. Anything? Yeah. Well, I mean, people could follow you. It's yeah, you should check them out. Daniel dot Leo. Yep. It's Daniel dot Leo co Vegas. That's what you got to just search for the account as CEO of Las Vegas.

Stephen Edwards:

I'll share the link in our Yeah, we'll post it up. We'll

Jaden Cymbaluk:

talk a little bit more with you. And yeah, I think I think you're doing a very good job and got our attention. And I think it's good for Vegas, like you said, so like what you're doing is super cool. Thank you, man. Appreciate it.

Stephen Edwards:

Yeah. Thanks for having you on.

Jaden Cymbaluk:

Yeah, thanks, brother for coming out. And we'll post all the links below. Make sure you guys follow like, share it or podcast share it out with others. Check it out. I'll post some more YouTube videos. Apple Spotify, follow it. Tell your friends. We'll see you guys next time. Thanks for coming out. And podcast. My name is Jayden got Steve over there. See you next time.